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Question 1
Real Data Type – some Examples include: GPA, frequency, Price, Percentage, bill usageInteger Data Type – some Examples include temperature, repetitions, rankings, Page Numbers, Quantity (Hentzen, 2007).Date Data Type – some examples include: Due date, Expiration date, Airline flight date, Appointment date, Creation date. Text Data Type – some examples are: Zip Code, Security Number, username, Phone Number, Item NumberMemo Data Type –examples: Comment Card, internal note checks memo note, directions, Measurement specifications (Hentzen, 2007).Logical Data Type – examples: On/Off, Up/Down, True/False, Yes/No field, Color Black/WhiteBLOB – examples: Diagrams, Blueprint, MP3 tracks, photos, Multimedia objects,
Question 2
Table 1 Department table
1 FIST Arban2 FASS Diaspora
3 SOBE Procurement
EmployeeIDLastNameFirstName Status DepartmentID1 Robert Ike C 2
2 Williams Emily S 3
3 Miles Monroe S Table 2: Employee table
EmployeeIDLastNameFirstName Bank name salary
1 Robert Ike Equity $20000
2 Williams Emily KCB $3000
3 Miles Monroe Barclays $1000
Table 3: Bank details
Step 1: Create 1NF:
Rearrange the data in a table consisting of rows and columns. List the field attributes and titles in the tables. For instance, the tables 1-3 are divided into rows and columns. The first row contains the field titles while the columns give a list of data fields.
Step 2: Define relationships
List down the relationship of the various table attributes.

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The relationship could be one-to-one, or one-to-many or many-to-many relationship. For example, table 1 and 2 have a similar data field called department ID, and table 2 and 3 have identical fields of employee id, first name, and last name.
Step 3: Make a second normal form (2NF)
Construct a normal form listing all the attributes without repetition. For example. Table 2 and three can be combined into a single table with attributes of employee id, first name, last name, status, department ID, bank name and salary.
Step 4: create a third normal form (3NF)
Create a table that incorporates all the attributes using foreign keys and primary key to enable accessing and interaction of different tables. For example, the department ID will be the foreign key in the combined table created in the above step. The primary key will be the user id that identifies a single user in the table uniquely.
Question 3
Books table
AuthorsNameTitle book number
J.J persons Second chance 5
Francine Rivers Lineage of Grace 3
John KiriamitiMy Life in crime 11
Shakespeare The generation 15
SELECT author’s name
FROM books
HAVING COUNT (book number) = 5
The SQL query will execute the name J.J Persons and the number of books the author has written. The table name books and the field attribute are the title.
The SELECT command leads to a selection of authors name listed in the table called books. The FROM command allows the section of authors name as a field attribute. Here all the authors in the table called book will be selected. The GROUP command allows for the grouping of the authors by the Tile field. HAVING COUNT command specifies the number of books the author has written which is 5. Therefore, the author of the five books is J.J Persons and will be listed together with the books he has written.
Question 4
Encryption is a technique that coverts letters and numbers or any form of data into a language form that only a machine can understand. The data is converted into characters that a human being cannot understand (Arunkumar, & Anbuselvi, 2017). According to Arunkumar and Anbuselvi (2017), when data is saved in the database, it is encrypted so that any unauthorized persons cannot access or understand it. Data encryption is used in the database to secure delicate user information like passwords, credit card information, and PINS. Exposure to this type of data can lead to fraud and theft and other privacy threats to the owner.
User privileges include rights like “read-only.” The read-only right given to the users when accessing a database enables the user only to read the data but not edit or delete any information from the database that might compromise or affect other users of the same database (Arunkumar, & Anbuselvi, 2017). According to the authors, removing data from a table in a database can cause malfunction of the whole database. Therefore, the user is only privileged to read data from the database without making any adjustments to avoid such types of malfunctioning
Audits are performed to keep a track and records of all the users of a particular database. According to Arunkumar and Anbuselvi (2017), the audit enables the database administrator to keep a record of all the adjustments that a user made on a specific document. Audits show who edited when they edited or what was deleted in a database.

Hentzen, W. (2007). MySQL Client-Server Applications with Visual FoxPro. Hentzenwerke.

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