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Services quality control insurance


Quality management is an important issue in all types of company that offers different products or services, ISO 9001 2015, is one of the most used both for quality control because it standardizes the product that goes tomarket. The term quality comes long earlier, the main precursors are Philip Crosby which contributed with the 14 steps for quality improvement, other precursors that provided was Shigeo Shingo who was a Japanese who worked in the control system of controlToyota production, in addition this precursor contributed zero quality control, since it applied statistical controls on quality. This is why the quality control has advanced, because national and international organizations handle these types of standards, whose use began decades ago, the different principles and parameters that exist on the subject have helped make every year takein account other new parameters that must be in organizations.


Quality is defined as a process that allows consumers’ needs to be satisfied through a product or service, as did some of the precursors throughout history, used the term quality to determine that a product is accepted by customers sinceThey created several methods such as statistics, mainly taking into account the quality of the product and leading to a balance between the cost and quality it has, because in the market you get profits not for selling at a higher cost, but for sellingmore specimens, then the price and quality of the product must be adapted so as not to raise the price in the market.

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In addition, to determine the quality of a product or service, it must be taken into account that there are currently standards which allow normalizing and standardizing the product or service to obtain good quality, in addition the ISO standards are widely used in different parts of the world dueTo its recognition and the elements that compose it, these types of norms have evolved as time passes since they first appeared in the year of 1987, then some guidelines were reformed and therefore they were evaluated and determined improvements, for thisVersion arranged in 2008 and finally the current version that is ISO 9001 2015 this standard uses until today due to the changes that have been given since the first reform of ISO standards.

According to Tomás Gonzales and Sonia Cruz Authors of the Book Quality Management concepts, approaches, models and systems, quality is one of the most discussed issues in the business field since many years ago, as well as is used in the academic field becauseThe term quality is in the media that are those who disseminate information and plans that have been given by different organizations which aim to be informed of the modifications and new rules that have been implemented in other organizations and have also been useful, they have alsoUsed the media to disseminate the creation of groups or teams which become the associations that work together for the improvement of the quality of companies, which are known and more confident companies.

There are principles to bring quality control such as client approach that is undoubted That it will be accepted by consumers, for this a team must It is also essential for an organization since it is very important for someone to take the reins of an organization to work as a team and especially put order to the team, and it goes hand in hand with the participation of the personnel that is when the members of An organization gives everything of whether in the emotional, work and professional part for the company to improve and be the best every day, also the approach based on Processes helps to determine an effective path that leads to the execution of programs related to quality, which are related to quality control, the focus based on facts for decision -making determines different means whether statistical due to that by making data and product quality information this will determine light decisions or can also be drastic decisions for the company and finally there is relations management which allows to have and form a good relationship between companies to manage or develop Some product is also focused on suppliers which must be companies of enough work experience and that mainly offer a product or service that the other company needs.

In a company that develops some type of product and that this final product depends on a supplier, it must be quite critical and strict, because the final product that the company goes to the market will depend a part of the suppliers for whichIt should be carefully looking.

Continuous improvement is essential in organizations because as we know many of the companies either in the local area are aimed at being better than others, this is called competition which is useful for consumers who will be benefited mainly withProducts one better than another, this refers to the continuous improvement of a product or service within a company is essential since it consists of fundamental parameters such as statistical data to take both in product output and in what the customer asks forWith a simple purpose, which is the satisfaction of the same, in addition the continuous improvement is important in each organization because it allows more reliability by consumers.

Leadership within the company is essential because it is necessary as every side of having a person who must be able to put order, and must also have many characteristics and strengths such as the ease of organizing, ability to speak fluently in front of a public, having a strict character so that the objectives set by the organization can Part of the staff so that the company is on the right track, here you have to take into account something, a thought of a great exponent of the business and social part which said that in a company it is not the most important thing to possess professionals with great titles, Doctorates, masterful among others, says that what a company needs most is people who fulfill their work and that they are passionate about what And they do to excel among others, and this is true because in the world there are many people who are passionate about what they do, have all the capacities and knowledge that those who have titles but the problem is that to have a title which which In my opinion I do not say what a person is but that the activities they do tell us what kind of person you are really, and what ability you have to excel in a team, because there are many people around us than with the titles What they have are not able to work as a team and that hinders business organization.

In a company the resources they manage is essential as in every business, it is decisive to have a capital which serves to execute a business focused on a certain process, which is why the company must have an administration department for the economic part sinceDepending on the size of the organization, it is able to distribute the money well, mainly without affecting the profits that the company has, they must be verified monthly if the product had a good impact on the market but to change product or hold meetings with supplierswhich must be focused on the raw material that provide our company because part of the products they develop is the responsibility of suppliers.

The competition wants or is not decisive as support of a company because it creates an area of ​​rival Because international organizations are killed between them to be able to bring new technologies to the market, in this field there has And creating many technologies throughout the last century, which today is currently used by many people around the world between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates was decisive for the creation of computers that was important for the field of computer science, it was important, The first computer that was created was the Macintosh, which is a great example of the competition that existed between these two greats of the information ca as is the realization of operating systems one more effective than another that over time has evolved.

That is why the competition is quite important since it can affordThere is current computational or computer technology since it is quite important for all kinds of activities, whether academic, business and other computer activities.

A clear example of the importance of quality is when we conduct an interview with a medium or large company and we could determine all organizations regardless of the size seek that the quality of their product they offer is the best and knew how to expose us that subject suppliersPrima are an important part for the determination of the final product since if they do not sell a good raw material the final product would have many failures and lose many customers, as well as the companies that were visited demonstrate that if they have ISO standards such as the production of the production ofFootwear in Quisapincha and the Cepeda body located in Ambato, quality are important in raw material such as metals, fabrics among other sectors that generate great production in the province is Jean’s production in Pelileo.

Communication within an organization determines the correct planning of the company, which is why in all companies communication determines the objectives that must be met, such as the improvement of a product which must be communicated to the staff and agreeFor the execution of a certain business project, the product must be consistent with customer demands.

In addition, it is important through communication to reach the staff in a clear and precise way that is why companies periodically train as in this case on the quality of the product which becomes quite theoretical, to determine the parameters that are presentIn a product and which should be improved, it is for what is decisive to comply with several training.

Documented information must be continuously and compared periodically in administrative personnel meetings who are responsible for determining the acceptance of the product which must be exposed to the public, to bring economic and administrative accounts it is necessary that everything be documented, and avoid problemsIn the short and long term, this determines that the company has a support in the administrative part in the event of physical information losses since all types of information must be administered and accounts to be able to carry out the company’s information in the best way.

Quality audit is mainly used to evaluate as its name says it is the effectiveA quality management system is also important because it allows an organization to change or modify some requirements that are needed for quality control according to these Nomas.

The audits are also important for a company to obtain some type of certificate, as long as it complies with the quality management characteristics for which an important certifying company enters an audit process which can benefit an organization that complies with itthat quality is requested by the quality.

The internal audit is focused on the collection of information, using evidence made between organizations to other organizations, these are the most used because they allow to determine the best suppliers that are providing their services either in raw material, there are also audits by thePersonnel to the company to be able to finish the skills of the company, an audit type is the process which allows to determine if the process is effective for the determination of objectives.

An audit criterion becomes compliance because it determines whether any process or requirement of quality management is also being met, in addition to compliance with what is the staff, customers and suppliers since they are also part of theQuality Management Finally, another criterion to take into account is the performance of the organization’s personnel part as well as other suppliers, without forgetting the performance that can be found between the administrative system and the organization.

The quality audit aims to determine or identify problems within the organization to prevent them from affecting the structure and other department of the company, it should be stressed that many organizations have problems whether organizational or legal problems with employees either due to lackof attention in the compliance of the staff this is identified in the short or long term, due to the complaints and many people, as well as there can be problems with customers when for example a product does not meet the expectations you offer, the customer comesTo reject this product and the company can lose some money due to lack of customer service.

Avoid risks is another characteristics offered by quality audit because it helps not to have loss risks in the economic part of the organization, for this it is important to determine the risks that the company can have previously and create prevention systemsIn the case of material losses it is importantYou can end in bankruptcy becausethat receive as remuneration and not due to passion this is very serious when identifying a risk in the organization.

Within the market there are opportunities for improvement which are being periodically reviewed to be able.

That is why the quality audit to help many ways for an organization to meet the requirements of quality management in order to determine that its internal organization is based on processes and the opportunities for improvement are exploited by the organization, inThe administrative part as in the work personnel part.


Quality management allows a company standardizing a product using standards such as ISO 9001 2015

The principles of quality are important because it determines the factors to take into account as the focus to the client that becomes the most important for their interest to what the client needs in his daily life.

Continuous improvement is one of the main characteristics for a product to be improved frequently and prevent competition from winning the market, for this it is important to have good suppliers in the market.

In quality audit compliance with quality management requirements with important for the determination of an international certification.

The quality audit allows to determine a process to avoid problems and risks within a company, as well as improvements within the organization in order to improve the product or service can be identified.

It is necessary to comply with the specifications of the quality audit for the organization to function in the best way either correcting some failure that generates a problem with the company’s staff among others.

The competition is very useful in quality management because the customer will obtain products which can be chosen being the one that costs less and has an acceptable quality

Quality will continue to be used as an important term in all types of organization because without quality customers will not take interest and seek other sources.

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