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Sexual Abuse In Children And Adolescents


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Sexual abuse in children and adolescents

To understand the issue of sexual abuse, it is first necessaryunderstood from protection, health, education and the right to life, among others. According to ICBF, it is characterized from acts such as incest, rape, touching or ledge handling, as well as physical contact acts, among them is verbal seduction, the indecent request, performing sexual acts against children, masturbation, masturbation,Pornography, genital exhibition or sexual excitation through espionage to the child when it bathes or dresses. You can also present acts of sexual exploitation, these mainly understood by activities such as prostitution, pedophilia and children’s trafficking. As a result of any type of sexual abuse, whether they are sexual contact and not, they emphasize that the child can present psychological problems regarding their behavior. Among the most common risk factors are mostly female, be between 11 and 15 yearsgrown ups.

After understanding this, it is important to know that 50% of the cases presented as soon as they refer to child exploitation, we find that only 15% of these cases are denounced before the authorities, of which only 5% becomeprocessed judicially. This is because in the criteria to prosecute possible sexual abuse are the asymmetry of age (age difference) and coercion. (Aggressor behaviors to submit)

Within the cases of sexual abuse we can find that the corresponding abuse between two blood relatives is called incest, in these cases, there can be variety of reasons why a victim does not denounce his aggressor, among them we find the fact of receiving giftsOn the part of the abuser, to have advantages over some other family member, the fact of being afraid to damage the family relationship and that perhaps the child’s version about the facts is not credible to justice, in the latter, many of the factors thatThey are contributed when demonstrating that a minor has been abused, we can find physical indicators such as presenting pain, present bruises, burns, wounds in the genitals or in the anal part.

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Within the factors of behavior we can find the loss of appetite, expression of crying to possible emotional or erotic relationships, in the case of girls, present fear to be alone with a boia adult, or behaviors such as sucking your finger or urinatingIn bed and self-injury or suicide attempts. Finally, within the factors of sexual behavior we find the rejection of caresses and the exaggerated interest in sexuality in adults.

Of all this, negative psychological consequences occur, among which we have physical, behavioral, emotional, sexual and social changes.

  • In physical changes in the child abused there are problems with sleep and loss of sphincter control.
  • In behavioral changes there can be an incidence of drug use, hyperactivity, home flights, self-injurious or suicidal behaviors.
  • In the emotional part, the feeling of guilt and shame, depression, anxiety, low self – esteem, rejection of your own body, posttraumatic stress disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder.
  • In the sexual field, compulsive masturbation occurs. Exhibitionist behaviors and problems with sexual identity.
  • And finally in the social field there are problems regarding social skills, social withdrawal and antisocial behaviors.


As for the aggressors, it should be noted that in the types of aggressors in the sexual field we find pedophiles and aggressors, where pedophiles have sexual preference for children, while, aggressors for adults. Among the most commonly used methods we find seduction (use of gifts and compliments to approach the child and sexually abuse it), introversion (approach to people or entities with young children to commit sexual abuse), and sadism (satisfaction ofsexual trends through pain). Given this, if the case of being caught by the authorities or an adult in charge, it is normal for their defense, they resort to the use of methods such as denying (declare that the child lies regarding the accusation), minimize (imply that it is not such a serious act), justify (saying that the child is the one who seduced him and not the opposite), elaborating (justification and minimization are used to confuse), simulating having a diseasemental or show empathy, aggression or confusion, in the latter the aggressor seeks to generate shock regarding feelings of loneliness or bad economic stability.

Among the previously appointed types of aggressors, we can also find:

  • The circumstantial rapist: these are those that take advantage of situations such as family events or nightclubs, but that has no planning as soon as the execution of their actions.
  • The explosive rapist: he has knowledge about his victim, which allows him to submit his victim under his domain.
  • The furious rapist: this type of rapist commits his act mainly in representatives of some group or movement, with the idea that he has harmed him (real or unreally)
  • The sadistic rapist: this type of aggressor usually presents a link between excitation and aggressiveness, generating aggressive impulses towards his victim when he is in a state of excitement.
  • The rapist in search of trust or compensation: the objective of this type of aggressor is to approach his victim with the idea of generating pleasure and establishing a romantic relationship, since he has a distorted perception of the relationship between aggressor and attacked.


Subsequently, the child reveals to having suffered from sexual abuse, this must receive support from a professional in which an evaluation will be executed where the severity of the situation will be measured, the evaluation must be carried out before 72 hours maintaining theThe victim’s privacy informing of his consent regarding the evaluation, in this, data such as the name and description of the aggressor mustaccompanied by an adult if you want.

In many cases, an abuse of the detection of the sexually transmitted disease (STDs) follows the procedures taking the samples of the sites where the abuse or in the body of the victim occurred, depending on which part of the body the abuse was performed,Whether anal, vaginal or oral, the study is carried out taking into account two circumstances.

  • The existence of a first group of victims without a history of sexual abuse
  • Sieve to detect ETS
  • You can also suspect an STD after abuse, you can


  • Sores or bumps in the genitals or around them
  • Strange secretion of the vagina or penis
  • Hemorrhage or outdoor flow


The risk of contracting an STD due to sexual abuse is low. Blenorrhagia (gonorrhea) and chlamydia are more commonly diagnosed ETS after abuse, if these sexually transmitted diseases are diagnosed in time have a cure. On the contrary, contract the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in sexual abuse is too low. If the victim was infected by the abuser with a sexually transmitted disease, the aggressor’s penalty is aggravated.

Next, a clinical case taken from DSM-5 on pedophilia disorder will be presented:

Raymond Boggs

At 58, Raymond Boggs did not have the type of convict. His orange prisoner suit was a bit on his pear -shaped body;In contrast to the warers of the younger prisoners, he dragged his feet, with his head down, by the corridor, while heading to the interview room.Raymond had begun to be interested in sex when he was very young. One of her first memoirs was a sexual game with a teenage girl who was taking care of him and her younger sister. Being an adult, the view of the bodies of young girls generated particular fascination. He remembered having observed his sister as he bathed when he was seven or eight years old, and staying there until his mother had to get him out of the bathroom. When they were teenagers, he looked out the window of their sister’s room at night, trying to take a look while undressing to get into bed. When she arrived at puberty they finished her night vigils. "It was for body hair. He looked so thick and unpleasant. It was then that I discovered that I really just liked girls while they were, well, hairless ”. 

Despite these tastes, about 25 years Raymond married the daughter of the printing workshop in which she worked. During the first years of marriage the couple maintained an active sex life. He used to try to fantasize that he was having relationships with a little girl. Once he persuaded his wife to shave the pubic hair, but she complained that he produced pruritus when he grew again and refused to do so again. They had three children, all men, which in retrospect looked like a small miracle: young children did not cause any temptation. 

Going out of the years, Raymond acquired a small series of pornographic magazines that showed girls. He kept them hidden under a stack of rags in his tool shed.When his sexual tension increased too much, he masturbated as he imagined to play with the naked girls that appeared in those images.Shortly after 50 years, Raymond’s life had a negative turn. His children had left home and a series of pelvic surgeries made his wife reject their sexual insinuations, sometimes for several months. To occupy these periods he began to devote himself to photography. Especially during the long summer months I found models available among the girls in the colony of those who were friends. 

He was able to persuade some of the little girls to pose for him in part or completely naked. He preferred those who were five or six years old, but sometimes he took photographs of girls from even eight years (older boys were more independent and more difficult to convince). Those sessions took place in a closed space located behind their tool shed. He used sweets and coins as a hook, and then remembered each of the girls that his parents should not tell them. "I don’t feel proud of it," he said while trying to loosen the spring of his orange orange. "It was something that could not resist. The feeling he had when he went down his panties – was anxiety and ecstasy, and butterflies in the stomach. A little like what you feel when the lottery is won. But I never played any;All she did was see. And I never thought that could damage them in some way ”. 

Raymond had been watching and taking photographs for almost 10 years when he was discovered by a 12 -year -old boy who had gotten behind the shed to collect native plant specimens for a science exhibition. The boy told his father, who called the girl’s mother, who called the police. The trial – which encouraged the fury of the media for three weeks – including the confirmatory testimony of no less than seven girls in the colony, now at different stages of adolescence, which at some point had been victims of Raymond Boggs. With a sentence between 5 and 10 years in prison, Raymond still faced civil lawsuits for millions of dollars. The day he was arrested, his wife demanded divorce and entered therapy. One of his children broke his contact with him;The other left the state.

Raymond Boggs evaluation

When the facts are clear in one case, there is little to discuss the diagnosis of pedophilia disorder. A person with substance poisoning could caress a child on occasion, but in those cases it is usually evident that it is not a frequent sexual alternative. As a sample of a deficient judgment, patients with intellectual disabilities or schizophrenia can sometimes incur this variant of sexual liberation. The parents (among those who highlight some celebrities) are sometimes accused of having sexual approaches to a child as part of a complicated divorce;Frequently the facts do not confirm these allegations. In the case of Raymond Boggs, the legal facts were indisputable. Voluntarily accepted his interests of long evolution and his behavior (criteria A and b). He insisted that the act had never been tactile, but visual, which is typical in a large number of people of this type. Those who study with exhibitionism disorder can be shown before children, but do not approach their victims to have additional sexual activity. Some pedophiles can also study with sexual sadism disorder;In this situation, the two diagnoses must be established. It is requested to choose several specifiers to detail the description of the patient’s disease. Raymond only felt attraction for women, and only when they were small. Your EEAG rating would be 55. While the criteria for pedophilia disorder do not influence the specifier.

Bibliographic references

  • Acuña Navas, M. (2014). Sexual abuse at minors: generalities, consequences and prevention [ebook] (31st ed., p. Scielo). San Jose, Costa Rica: Legal Medicine of Costa Rica. Retrieved from https: // www.Scielo.SA.Cr/Scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s1409-00152014000100006
  • Berlinerblau, v. (2016). Sexual abuse against children and adolescents [ebook] (P. UNICEF). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Maria Lucila Argüello, Sabrina Viola.
  • Lake Barney, G., & Céspedes Londoño, J. Child sexual abuse [ebook] (P. Academic google). Bogota d.C, Colombia: Colombian Society of Pediatria. Retrieved from https: // s3.Amazonaws.com/Academia.Edu.DOCUMENTS/38519089/ABUSE_INFANTIL.PDF?AWSACCESSKEYID = akiaiwowygz2y53ul3a & expires = 1557633587 & signature = jbii4frarnb0rxbknih2nmsqupk%3d & responsive-concentrate-disposition = inline%3b%20filename%3dabuso_infantil.PDF
  • James Morrison. (2014). GUIDE FOR CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS. Bogota, Colombia: Modern Manual.
  • Echeburúa, e., And Corral, P. of. (2006). Emotional sequelae in victims of sexual abuse in childhood. Forensic Medicine Notebooks, (43-44), 75-82. Retrieved on May 12, 2019, from http: // scielo.ISCIII.It is/scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s1135-76062006000100006 & lng = es & tlng = is.
  • New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. (2008). For people who have been sexually assaulted [infographics]. Trenton, New Jersey.Ament of Health and Senior Services

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