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Sexual Abuse In Our Society


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Sexual abuse in our society


Sexual abuse is a latent problem that affects our society, in greater proportion to women, and especially, in these times due to the situation we are living, affecting all kinds of social stratum. Currently, these cases are evident in greater proportion, to what society is shown with an attitude of indifference to this type of abuse that can affect adolescents and women, violating our rights to a safe life, normalizing house once more in our society. This type of abuse does not distinguish age, social class, race, religion or culture;causing devastating effects for those who have suffered it, triggering negative attitudes in the people who have suffered and people in their environment.

These acts of sexual abuse are present at all times, before quarantine, they presented themselves anywhere with simple acts of going down the street, being in a means of transport, with morbid and malicious words with which many people simplify itcalling them "compliments". Likewise, WHO tells us that "it covers acts ranging from verbal harassment to forced penetration and a variety of types of coercion, from social pressure and intimidation to physical force". It is known that many victims have reacted negatively to this type of abuse, showing anger, frustration, resentment, antisocial problems, stress, problems of thought, anxiety, depression and these crises can reach more serious problems such as suicide.


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Once the subject is raised, we ask the following question: What are the attitude changes in adolescents victims of sexual abuse, in quarantine times?

Therefore, the present essay aims to determine what are the changes in adolescent attitude that have been victims of some sexual abuse, in quarantine times;These studies will address the following topics: sexual abuse, causes of sexual abuse, consequences of sexual abuse, changes in attitude after sexual abuse, modification of psychological behavior and social behaviors. In summary, the theme indicated on the subject in this essay is to know the causes that can be evidenced before a fact and the consequences that originate in the individual, also the necessary support to face this fact. In this sense, sexual abuse not only affects the abused or violated person, but also their family environment, social context in the face of interpersonal activities.


According to Fernández, some important concepts give us some scopes on the differences, such as, for example: sexual abuse, it is without generating violence or intimidation and without influencing consent;Sexual aggression, or known as sexual violence, which is unseeled sexual contact, with violence and intimidation;And sexual harassment, which are insinuations through verbal or nonverbal language to have sex. According to Viviano, he expresses that sexual abuse is given at the time of interactions and contacts between an adult with a teenager, in order to please and obtain sexual act, sexual abuse can be committed by a minor who mediates aSituation of abuse of power due to age, sex, social class, threats, among others.

Similarly, Berlinerblau, considers that sexual abuse implies all sexual interaction with or without consent, regardless of whether the adolescent understands the fact of such sexual activity or not present rejection, including: Rubbits, grooves, sexual kisses, exhibitionism, lascivious commentaryo Uploads for the minor, pornography (disguised as sexual education), voyage, urge adolescents to have sex, contact adolescents via the Internet, interfemoral interfemore, attempt or sexual penetration (vaginal, anal or oral). It is necessary to highlight that all expressions of violence in human relationships, both harassment and sexual abuse constitute a complex phenomenon, whose occurrence is due to a series of aspects that interact with each other and correspond to the various levels of human development, doingthat there are multiple ways and modalities to commit this type of abuse to people, even taking advantage of their vulnerability.

Some of the most frequent modalities in which sexual harassment or abuse occur, according to Chejter, details: intrafamily child sexual abuse (where the abuser is a relative of the victim);Extrafamily sexual abuse (the abuser is unknown or people within their social environment);commercial sexual exploitation;systematic sexual abuse (exploitation that has an economic venefic);Pornography and Grooming (virtual sexual harassment). Thus, Ramos, mentions that sexual abuse at all levels, constitutes a public health problem and human rights, becoming a problem of incalculable proportions, generating devastating emotional and psychological consequences for those who suffer and with a short and consequence of the short andlong term that affects the mental health of victims.

Therefore, abuse of minors seriously disrupts the lives of children and adolescents, producing feelings of guilt, depression, anxiety alteration of sleep, food, suicides, school problems, drug addiction and alter psychosexual development. Otherwise, Baita and Moreno, mentions that in ancient Greece it was usual and allowed for parents or caregivers to sexually abuse children, abandoned or mistreat them, this gave rise to “ruthless treatment, the practice of infanticide, abandonment,The negligence, the rigors of the wrapping with a girdle, the multiple torture, the deliberate starvation, the powers and the vicinity enclosures ”, to which in our society this type of abuse has ended formerly lawful;Since Soriano recognizes four types of abuse as important acts of commission or omission by tutors which are: physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, negligence and sexual abuse;But in recent years, the sanctions have hardened and the penitentiary benefits for these types of crimes have been eliminated, however, it seems not to have been convincing, since the number of cases of sexual abuse is increasing.

Zamudio and Valencia in their project, wanted to publicof sexual harassment or abuse generated during the social isolation forced by the worldwide pandemic of Coronavirus;Since during the 92 days since the quarantine had begun, 342 cases on sexual abuse were recorded, it should be noted that these children who were victims of sexual abuse, just told their parents after many years (in adolescence),since they felt more confident since their parents are more at home;For that reason, Vázquez, coordinator of the Women’s Emergency Centers in an interview in RPP, mentioned that: "… have just told their parents of violence past violence because they have felt protected by them". In this regard, the results shown by the MIMP (Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations) must be taken into account, which from March 16 to July 15, at least has served 900 cases of sexual rape in the country, 71% have been minors: 600 girls and adolescent women, and 40 boys and adolescent men, reaching 5 abuses every day in the last 4 months..

Therefore, a victim of sexual abuse can suppress feelings of anger, anger and disgust to his aggressor, becoming a resentment kept by such an act of abuse and violence suffered by the victim. Regarding this, during the first 8 weeks of the beginning of confinement, 226 violations were recorded, of which 132 are to minors;And in turn, Tolentino, executive director of Aura, in an interview, regretted that this problem has not stopped since the quarantine began. In these cases denounced, children who should be safe in their homes were violated by people related to their family or who are part of their family, such as uncles, brothers, neighbors even the same father. One of these cases was the rape of an 11 -year -old girl who was raped by her stepfather and her brother, while her mother went shopping, the same victim denounced the fact to the authorities, it should be noted that the mother did not knowthe fact. On other occasions the mother or a relative has knowledge about these facts, but they do not wantOn this occasion the mother knew what was happening, but she refused to denounce.

That is why, due to the social confinement of quarantine by COVID-19, it forces families to maintain the same space for longer periods of time;With this, the UN warned on April 8, 2020 about the increase in sexual violence and abuse against minors during covid-19 confinement, the most common places being psychiatric and social assistance institutions, orphanages, refugee camps, centers ofImmigrants and other closed facilities, as well as cyber-saving in minors with Internet access, without ruling out the abuse that occurs inside the child of the child of the child. According to the Argentine Ministry of Health and Development, it tells us that the consequences of sexual abuse in minors are very varied. In certain cases they act as traumatic facts, causing considerable damage;In others there are traces as scars that may have their consequences in the relationship and personality of the victim;other times you live as a negative experience, but without major consequences. For Álvarez, the consequences depend largely on the type of abuse and their circumstances;A high percentage of victims of violence or sexual abuse present sequelae, within those that are: distrust, fear, hostility towards the sex of those who assaulted or towards the family if it feels that it was not protected, the shame is also found, anxiety, guilt, school failure and drug ingestion, high incidence of dissatisfaction and sexual dysfunctions, depression, anguish, greater incidence of unwanted pregnancies and pregnancies at an early age, early start of sexual intercourse and sexually transmitted infections. Consequently, adolescent’s behavior is affected by these abuses, in some cases they are asymptomatic and in others they present symptoms such as: constant nightmares or problems to sleep, lack of concentration, excessive anguish, anxiety, depression, rejection of being alone with onePerson in particular, early knowledge of sexuality that is reflected in behavior and language.

Sexual abuse can also affect the perception of themselves of victims in relations with others;also common interpersonal problems of victims that include difficulties in initiating, maintaining and developing interpersonal relationships, as well as difficulties to trust others. According to the psychiatrist Villafane, of the San Gabriel Alto Mental Health Center that belongs to the Ministry of Health, he mentions in primary level children from 6 to 12 years of age can be affected his academic performance, as well as they can also be isolated from their friends or They speak little; In the case of adolescents, they have the full awareness that they have been a victim of sexual abuse, but they shut up for shame, rejection or fear of punishment, since according to the psychiatrist many of those cases occur in situations of drug use or substances Addictive and that is why teenagers shut up so as not to respond on these issues, they also usually show sudden behavior changes with more rebellious attitudes or looking for loneliness, even indicators could not be easily evidenced, unless there is a great bond of trust with Parents, since they hide what are going through fear and fear, since parents as teachers must be alert to the different behaviors of the adolescent, to provide necessary help.

For Casafarca, he says that most of the traumas caused by sexual rape in minors, are of a psychological nature because, initially at least, most victims react with passivity to abuse. The reasons that would explain this non -resistance to abuse can be the fear of the use of physical force by the aggressor, ignorance, threats of the abuser towards his family, feelings of helplessness, fear that their mothers or fathers will not believe them, or becauseThe abuser is in economic authority and dependence. However, a proportion of children, adolescents and young people suffer from physical traumas such as injuries, vaginal infections, pain, pruritus, injuries or wounds, irritation in the genital area, bleeding or inter-menstrual dripping. Other behavioral or psychological symptoms can be anxiety, migraines, irritability, sleep disturbances, change in eating habits, nightmares, fatigue, diffuse somatic complaints.

Darriulat, states that the experience of a stressful experience, such as sexual abuse, coincides with a period of high configuration and neuronal plasticity, being able to trigger serious physical consequences. An increase in blood pressure, frequency and heart rate and even inhibition of the reproductive system and growth can be observed;That is why the consequences that manifest in the physical area are: nightmares and sleep problems, changes in eating habits and loss of sphincter control;also that both the short -term and long -term consequences have effects. In emotional impacts, the feeling of generalized fear, hostility and aggressiveness, isolation, anxiety, depression, rejection of the body itself, distrust and resentment towards adults and post -traumatic stress syndrome;What refers to the consequences in the sexual area manifests early and inappropriate sexual knowledge for their age, compulsive masturbation and sexual identity problems;And in the social effects there is the deficit in social skills, social withdrawal and antisocial behaviors.


The experiences of sexual abuse in adolescents occur in a framework of pressures, blackmail, violent impositions and it is necessary for adolescents to denounce and sanction with some radicality to the aggressor. However, despite the severity and the negative effects that it produces on the victims, it usually silences and on which little is known, becoming acting in the family as in the other areas of society.

Sexual abuse can be given at the physical or psychological level, without the consent of the adolescent either by a stranger or family.

It is of vital importance, since we must work with the consequences derived from sexual abuse in adolescents;Although the manifestation is multifactorial and its gravity depends on various aspects, it is essential to provide all the best attention according to their needs, individualized attention, to ensure a better future, the approach to sexual abuse must be done from different perspectives;And that it is important to take measures and teach the adolescent from an early age about sexuality, from when to say no, that other people respect your physical and emotional integrity and if you have suffered an act, seek support and tell what happened to a person of your trust, look for means of distraction to avoid emotional or behavioral changes, generating in adolescent confidence and security that is not alone.

Victims of sexual abuse, in quarantine times, are affected at psychological levels such as dream problems, changes in eating habits, hostility, aggressiveness, isolation, depression and suicide attempt. Also at the physical level such as bodily injuries, vaginal infections, chronic pain, food disorders, changes that modify social behavior and make the adolescent be aggressive or fearful of society, show difficulty in entering friendships, distrust (especially figures made figuressignificant), low performance in school.

The changes in attitude in adolescents who have been a victim of sexual abuse in this quarantalone and that makes them change attitude at home.

Sexual abuse is a problem that concerns us all and therefore we must be in the ability to contribute to the decrease in sexual abuse, since being victims of sexual abuse our behaviors in large part change and that is due to the fact that at homeWe do not have family support, parents have to be closer to their children, talk to them, enter into confidence to tell, if one changes attitude is not due to the bad parenting that they are giving them at home, but you mustthat many of the teenagers are going through problems, and one of those are sexual abuse.

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