Sexual And Reproductive Rights, Gender Equity
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To talk about the beautiful theme of gender equity, a very important factor must be highlighted, which is, all human beings regardlessDecember 1948, within this statement are the thirty universal rights that must be respected and accept regardless of the type of person.
The female gender to a discriminated state for a long time and is not just a problem of today, this discrimination is experienced in the different areas of life, women are assigned roles that we think are only for them as byExample, to clean the house, make lunch, fold clothes and among many other activities, when we must be clear that the woman was not created only for that, the woman was a perfect and beautiful creation of God, who arrived in this world to beThe guide and support of a family. Previously women had no right to vote something that can be appreciated that now if that right of democracy can fulfill.
When we talk about gender equity, we must also take into account any person who does not develop correctly, we must recognize and accept that not everyone is born with the fifties, we must respect and even help all these people, within this we must highlightPeople who are born visually weak and help them when we see it on the streets or any public site
From the moment in which the State began to accept “different” behaviors there have been all kinds of oppositions from those who continue to see them horror;And, although they are in all their right to comment, the State must ensure these rights, since they are part of the set of individual freedoms that meet the conditions to be totally accepted.
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This sovereignty of the individual prevents the State from having absolute control over its realization;The State is responsible for giving the person the opportunities to develop freely, but cannot decide whether it is convenient for them or not, it cannot master its will. In Colombia and in the rest of the world there are institutions that manage and fight for these rights to be respected in favor of the integrity of the person, or at least that is intended because, as seen, the integrity of the individual dependsIn the last instance of the individual himself.
Although everything is essentially correct, in practice there are gaps that generate situations in which the individual does not know howIt gives freedoms that, even if they do not harm others, expose the person to borderline situations that almost force him to exercise his sovereignty against his own integrity.
The woman has been the victim of injustices from ancient times to the present day;It has been seen as an object that benefits the life of man and, as muchThe constitution of our country. When a woman agrees to have contact with a man and she becomes pregnant, she is the one who has to load with the responsibility of pregnancy many times in the absolute absence of man in total abandonment of the State. Sexual education is poor and has very serious mistakes, it is not enough to tell young people who can live their sexuality freely, there is a lack of awareness of the responsibility that this implies, its consequences.
If we want a free society, we need a fairer or, at least, more equitable. We renew the discussions about responsibility, let’s become aware of our duties as individuals. We must learn to use the opportunities that are given to freely develop. It doesn’t say every day;But for this to be true we must take into account that we are part of a society that is sick and of which we are constitutive cells. If the cells are sick, the body is also. Think about the collective scope of our actions can be the medicine we need to achieve total release. We cannot continue with the attitude of Pilate, to wash our hands and let the State do all the work that, it is supposed, is also ours.
To conclude gender equity, it is vital and contributes so that there is a comprehensive society, this implies that both women and men are treated with equality and justice because it should never be forgotten that society is the female and masculine gender.
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