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sexual assault ignored by administrators in high schools


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Schools nowadays are acting unlawfully by sexually harassing the girl child. It has led to the UK women’s organization to publish a report calling for the government to reform policies that will protect ladies. Girls do not have access to safe education which is unlawful (Long, 2017).
Rachel who is co-director in ending violence against women said that failure of schools to address sexual harassment it can lead to long-term consequences to a child or the whole school. Some girls may find it difficult to continue with education and therefore drop out of school. The government should, therefore, introduce mandatory sex as well as education relationship in all schools. To protect girls from harassment schools should also revise the policies to ensure that girls have an easy time by breaching their human rights (Lobdell, 2015).
Students who graduated recently from Livingston shared their story on how they were sexually harassed. One of tried to write a letter to the department but there is nothing they could do about the matter. Another one tried to communicate to the principal, but he could not help her. The school’s district administration came up with a plan that will fight against the sexual harassment of girls. The plan had seven goals to accomplish with additional goals like dedicating time for training (Grant, 2018).
Many schools are experiencing the matter. Male students have no fear such that they are practicing it in school bathrooms, playgrounds, and backs of school buses.

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Many students have come together to fight against the harassment now that the administration is not taking any action to protect the girl child from sexual harassment. School administrators do not believe in the matter. It’s time that they believe and helps students to fight and prevent sexual harassment from happening in their colleges and universities (Riley, 2018).

Works Cited
“By the Numbers: Sexual Violence in High School.” Al Jazeera America, 14 Nov. 2014, Retrieved from america.aljazeera.com/watch/shows/america-tonight/articles/2014/11/14/by-the-numbers-sexualviolenceinhighschool.html
Grant, Matthew. “Student Says Ashbrook High School Administrators Ignored Sexual Assault Complaints.” Fox 46, 28 Feb. 2018
Lobdell, Terri. “Responding to Sexual Harassment: What the Law Says.” Palo Alto Online, 9 Oct. 2015, paloaltoonline.com/news/2015/10/09/responding-to-sexual-harassment-what-the-law-says.
Long, Cindy. “The Secret of Sexual Assault in Schools.” NEA Today, 6 Dec. 2017, Retrieved from neatoday.org/2017/12/04/sexual-assault-in-schools
Mcdowell, Robin. “Hidden Horror of School Sex Assaults Revealed by AP.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 2 May 2017, Retrieved from www.apnews.com/1b74feef88df4475b377dcdd6406ebb7.
Miller, Thomas W., ed. School violence and primary prevention. Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.
“New Report Reveals Schools Ignoring Sexual Harassment Can Be Sued by Girls.” End Violence Against Women, Retrieved from www.endviolenceagainstwomen.org.uk/new-report-reveals-schools-ignoring-sexual-harassment-can-be-sued-by-girls/.
Riley, Claudette. “Lawsuit Alleges Willard School Employees Failed to Hotline Sexual Assault on Bus.” Springfield News-Leader, Springfield News-Leader, 31 Aug. 2018. Retrieved www.news-leader.com/story/news/education/2018/08/29/lawsuit-alleges-willard-school-staff-failed-hotline-sexual-assault/1124137002/.
Shanker, Vikaas. “Stories of Alleged Sexual Harassment Continue as Merced High School Board Addresses Policies.” Mercedsunstar, Merced Sun-Star, 17 June 2018, 1:20, Retrieved from www.mercedsunstar.com/news/local/education/article213191259.html“The Need for Response to Sexual Assault in Middle and High School.” Break the Cycle, 22 Apr. 2015, Retrieved from www.breakthecycle.org/blog/need-response-sexual-assault-middle-and-high-school

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