Sexual Assaults And Their Macho Sentences
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DownloadSexual assaults and their macho sentences
There are currently numerous sexual aggressions and/or violation, in many of these cases the difference between these two terms is not clear.
(At least 42 multiple violations have been recorded so far in 2019, 2019)
When we talk about rape we refer to a penetration of the penis in the vagina, anus or mouth, against the will of the woman, through forces or intimidation, for being deprived of meaning or for abusing their alienation. In this case the rape penalty ranges between 6 and 12 years.
Unlike violation, sexual aggression can be defined as any form of physical contact with or without carnal access, with violence and without consent. The prison sentence in this case ranges from 1 year to 5 years.
Although it has long been thought that there is a common victim profile, numerous studies deny it, stating that there is no relationship between economic, social, educational levels, alcohol intake or other drugs, demographic profile, personality characteristics … betweenothers.
Macho and stereotyped sentences against women’s rights
The ruling of Manresa’s violation is unfair and immoral
The Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community judged this case as an abuse not as sexwho justify that the victim was unconscious.
(The most macho and stereotyped sentences against women’s rights, 2019)
Vitoria case
In the Court of Violence on Women N.
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º 1 of Vitoria, in February 2015, one of the worst judicial decisions took place, where the judge asked the victim if he closed his legs well to avoid sexual abuse by his ex -partner and, in addition, he denied an orderProtection against your abuser.
(The most macho and stereotyped sentences against women’s rights, 2019)
Young in Vielha
The Lleida Audience, condemned four years and six months, for abuse and not for sexual assault, two men who violated a young woman in Vielha in August 2017, because he did not squeak or offer physical resistance, although he said “repeatedly and crying’No’ and ‘Please, to’ hold on strongly to the bars ”of a window.
(Valdes, 2018)
Garrote case
The Provincial Court of Cantabria denied condemning a man who sexually abused a girl from 5 to 10 years because there was no proof of the little opposed physical resistance, ‘protesting, crying or shouting’.
(There is no sexual violence in abuse of a five -year -old girl, there is no crowning in stabbing a woman 30 times … sentences that take the colors to Spanish justice, 2017)
The Sanfermines pack of 2016
The sentence of the case of La Manada condemned for abuse and not for violation of the five accused of violating an 18 -year -old in the 2016 Sanfermines. Judge Ricardo González, argued that in the videos that were contributed to the case, the gestures and sounds of the victim suggest "sexual excitement" in "an atmosphere of revelry and rejoicing". The Association of Jurists thanmis filed a complaint against this magistrate.
(There is no sexual violence in abuse of a five -year -old girl, there is no crowning in stabbing a woman 30 times … sentences that take the colors to Spanish justice, 2017)
MiniFalda Judgment
In 1990, a judge outraged feminist movements by signing the "MiniFalda Judgment". Rodrigo Pita argued at the Lleida Audience, that the 17 -year -old sexual girl attacked by her boss "was able to innocently, the businessman Jaime Fontanet for her dress". The businessman was sentenced to a fine of 40.000 pesetas for a crime of dishonest abuses with her employee, giving as proven facts that the defendant touched the woman on her breasts and buttocks over her clothes and told her that in exchange for accessing her sexual desires she would renew the contractof work.
Laura Luelmo case
Laura Luelmo, a teacher at Campillo, Huelva disappeared in December 2018. He went out to buy alone, and when he returned from the supermarket, Bernardo Montoya put her at home, gagged her and raped her. Minutes later, the rapist introduced Laura into the trunk of her car. And, at night, he died.
Case Diana Quer
In August 2016, a 18 -year -old girl disappeared, Diana Quer. Some time later, the body of the victim immersed inside a well was found after presenting signs of rape. The Prosecutor’s Office requested a 20 -year sentence to the gum, the main suspect. It constituted one of the most media cases in Spain, and the press ventured to point out that the fault was of the victim crossing out the young woman as "smoker", who dated boys and that "that night was not discreet". Also, it was said that it was immature and with a very low self – esteem.
There are more than one hundred open processes of herds, because men reproduce what they see in pornography and see so normal to violate a minor to go drugged, drunk or how it is dressed.
The message that sends to society the cases and prejudices previously underlined (as for example did not squeak or offer physical resistance of the case of the young woman of Vielha) is, mainly, that the fault is of the woman. The victimization of women in this patriarchal society makes the majority of people who compose it, think that the cause of rapes, sexual aggressions and deaths fall into the female role. Numerous are the prejudices (such as: I was alone, excited sexually, caused with their clothing …) that bathe women. On the other hand, the previously explained sentences are one of the multiple examples in which society qualifies Spanish justice as "not fair" due to inadequate penalties that fall on the culprits.
More and more protests arise throughout the country by socially condemning cases of sexual violations and aggressions. There are more and more complaints of women and more pressure to justice to achieve the equality and eradication of this type of cases. Social networks have helped visualization and repulsion of these acts. We must educate, visualize and eradicate sexual violations and aggressions through family and school education. There must be an involvement of the whole society to suppress these bad behaviors.
Our activity will focus on a group of children from 4 to 7 years old, because we consider that from this age you should begin to impose adequate education, in order to end sexual assaults or wrong ideas that many childrenAnd girls can have, being this fundamental stage for learning.
This activity will be that children with their red -painted hands representing those actions and behaviors that are wrong such as hitting, lack of respect, shouting … and blue ones that should be carried out as they are as they are as they are as they areThe caresses, the hugs, which would avoid possible lack of respect, aggression, rape or sexual abuse in the future.
To do this we will make a great mural, in which two big hands will have drawn, in one of them they will appear adequate behaviors such as listening, sharing, hugging, kissing, caring, etc. And inside the other hand, actions will appear that should not be done as hitting, shouting, not listening, not sharing, etc.
Finally we will communicate a word, with which we will think if that behavior is adequate or not, in case the answer is incorrect, for example, that a child thinks that shouting is fine, we will take care of explaining that this actionIt must be red because it is not timely. If the answer is correct, we will reward you with a candy, in order to enhance this behavior.
With this activity we intend that children learn to differentiate good behaviors from bad, in order to be better person and avoid future sexual assault or simply eliminate those erroneous ideas that they could have.
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