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Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Adolescent


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Sexually transmitted diseases in adolescent

Sexually transmitted diseases in adolescent has been an issue of which many of these have not had a good knowledge, and although some believe it is controlled on some occasions it is not so and they get out of hand. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are caused due to several factors, such as: the lack of barrier contraceptives, little knowledge, taking sexuality lightly or as a game and in some cases they can be caused by rape. Within this, diseases such as AIDS can be named which is an immunodeficiency disease or viral and infectious diseases. Next you will find alternatives and factors caused by the (STIs), knowledge will be expanded towards the protection and good management of sexuality, issues will be discussed that for the majority are considered as "taboús", and the reader will be sought to raise awareness abouteffects that can cause an insane sexual life.

Sometimes the lack of knowledge or lack of freedom regarding these issues have made cases like these still, despite the passage of time even people or families are too conservative and reserve the fact of wanting to educateYoung people in sexuality, some believe that this is something that should not be said or they see it as something unworthy, but what they do not know is that most of the time young people seek to fill with new things, try andexperience, so do not have so much understanding of the subject without measuring the consequences that this brings.

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These diseases or infections can be given after the beginning of sexual relations at an age advanced or early, the lack of communication, the ignorance that is had in terms of these issues, the misuse of barrier contraceptive methods, as well as affectsthe use of drugs or alcohol and in certain cases (ITS) can also be acquired after suffering sexual abuse.

In order to avoid these infections, it is recommended.A) "The infected feel that this is something that must be silenced, sometimes shame, the fear of what people say, or the fear of losing the couple make it access to ignore all this," thereforeShut up and are willing to get a disease that usually has easy and fast treatment.

In sexual abuse it is where the most prevalence rate of (STIs) is found, which could be related to the small possibilities to negotiate the practice of protected sex and use of condom. "There is also a higher prevalence of STIs in women who have suffered violence in their relationships than in those who have not suffered from these" (Peláez J. , 2010). It should be added that sometimes these abuses occur when the person is totally defenseless, that is, when some drug or substance is added to something that is consuming, in the same way to avoid this, it is not to receive everythingthat is offered to us since it is not known what this can contain.

To conclude, it must be taken into account that the risk of contracting these infections is too high, that a good education, protection and communication is needed in order to handle everything as it should and be aware of the consequences that unprotected sexual acts canlet. 

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