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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Stds)


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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)


Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted through sexual intercourse but in the same way they are also transmitted by sharing contaminated syringes, during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth from mother to child. The causes of the (STDs) are by bacteria, viruses and parasites that when having contact with our skin these cause various anomalies, most (ETS) affect both men and women however in most cases they are more serious in women.


STDs are the most given in adolescents since at an early age they begin to experience, the best way to prevent these diseases is not to have sex since many times they do it without protection and that is when they endanger their life, not only Having relationships implies that it can cause pregnancy but also these diseases when entering the drug world many of them share the syringes and can be infected with these diseases that the other person can have without realizing it.

The most effective way, currently, to avoid getting infected is to use a condom avoid having sexual contacts with a sick person until it is cured. This will also require something very important also in the prevention of STDs, which is communication.

Communication is very important when having sex and even more if one of them is infected with an STD, several people who have one of these diseases do not say it as shame are afraid of what others will say for them prefer to silence it, And they do not realize that damage is being caused, to avoid going to the gynecologist.

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Not talking about this issue are suffering from a disease that can be cure easily and quickly in some cases. Knowing our body will be of great help when detecting any anomaly.

The most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, humid papillomavirus, AIDS/HIV, hepatitis B.


It is an STD that can cause long -term complications or death, if not properly treated. Symptoms in adults are divided into phases. These phases are primary, secondary, latent and advanced syphilis

Syphilis is a bacterial disease that is spread through sex. In the primary phase a sore can be noticed but many that are not seen easily, these sores will appear in the place where the syphilis entered the body, exclusively the sores are firm and round.

The second phase can be given in the skin or also sores in the anus, vagina or mouth, at this stage eruptions in various parts of the body usually appear, they usually appear when the first phase has already been cured or a few weeks after It has been cured. The eruptions can be reddish, brown or red and hard appearance appear on the palm of the hands or soles of the feet but they cannot always see them many times they go unnoticed by other symptoms such as fever, fatigue, inflammation of Lymphatic glands, throat pain, head, among others.

All symptoms will disappear or not a treatment is received but the situation can be aggravated and move on to the latent stage; In the latent and advanced stage, the previous stage is completed once it has not received treatment can have this disease for years without feeling any symptoms, those people without treatment do not reach this stage but if at one time they can become too serious In addition this can be given between 10 to 30 years since the disease occurred.


Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, which infects the mucosa of the urethra, the cervix, the rectum and the throat or the membrane that covers the front of the eye (the conjunctiva and the cornea).

This disease occurs through sexual intercourse can not only affect the parties already mentioned above but also affects the joints, skin and heart, gonorrhea can be treated with medications but resistance to resistance to medicines.

Any person who has sex can contract gonorrhea through unprotected annal, vaginal or oral sexual relations

People who are sexually active should speak openly with their gynecologist to see if the test or any other ETS test should be performed, in the same way the men who are sexually active with homosexual, bisexual people, etc. This test must be performed annually, the ways to avoid contagion are to use condoms are the best ways to prevent disease.


Chlamydia is a disease that can give to all ages but more in young people, it does not always have symptoms, so there is a risk of infecting other people when you have sexual relations. Chlamydias are forced intracellular bacteria that produce a large number of diseases in humans and animals.

Chlamydias are forced intracellular grammnegative bacteria that lack mobility and multiply in the host cell cytoplasm, to form the characteristic inclusions surrounded by a membrane.

Chlamydias can be considered gram -negative bacteria that lack the mechanisms for the production of metabolic energy and cannot synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP, adenosine triphosphate). This limits them to an intracellular existence, where the host cell elaborates intermediate products with abundant energy. Therefore, clamidias are strict intracellular pathogens (forced).

Chlamydias are bacteria that can only live in cells since it cannot produce energy but feed on the energy that cells produce only, it has a structure similar to typical bacteria. Some of the symptoms of chlamydia is that it produces secretion both in men and women.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is an infection produced by a DNA virus of which there are two types: VHS-1 and VHS-2. The VHS-2 is responsible for most genital infections (85%), although VHS-1 can be transmitted in two ways, from bulebial lesions or from genital lesions, which seems to increase its percentage. Transmission can take place due to direct contact with ulcerated or asymptomatic sexual injuries.

Herpes is another sexually transmitted disease occurs in men and women, this is produced by a DNA molecule virus of this there are two types VHS-2 is the one that causes infections in the population in the genital areas, the Herpes is characterized by presenting symptoms of pain, itching, and small sores in genital areas.

Infectious genital ulcers increase the risk of HIV infection and transmission. HIV infection can favor the persistence of ulcer.


Tricomoniasis in humans is caused by three species of the genus tricomonas (t. hominis, t. Tenax and t. vaginalis); T. Vaginalis causes the only parasitic disease of sexually transmitted in humans and other species are considered diners.

Vaginalis trichonomas is produced by a parasite which is the only one that can be transmitted by sexual relations in the human being, the three species of paracites are exclusive to men, in women it occurs in reproductive period and some do not usually present symptoms, symptoms, This disease is curable. The risk factors for this virus is to have several sexual partners and not use protection, the treatment given for this virus is that the couple should take a certain dose of an oral antibiotic to eliminate this disease.

Symptoms are vaginal secretions, itching in genitals, painful urination in women, although symptoms are not usually presented in men. The vast majority of people do not present the symptoms but can feel pain in the abdomen, when urinating or during the same sexual relations, vaginal irritation, inflammation of the vulva, etc.

The t habitat. Tenax is the oral cavity, that of T. hominis the large intestine and the t. Vaginalis The genitarinar tract. In 1836 and 1837, Donné discovers Vaginalis Trichomonas and creates the taxonomic genre; Müller in 1773 to Trichomonas Tenax and in 1939 Dobell classifies her; Regarding Trichomonas Hominis, Davaine first watched her in 1854 and was recognized in 1860.

Human papilloma virus

The infections of the mucous membranes due to the human papillomavirus (HPV, human papilloma virus) are the most frequent sexual transmission causes (Sti, sexy transmitted infection) that the dermatologist attends

This virus is easy to detect in young people who are sexually active, in the same way this virus can have women in a state of gestation, they can also transmit it to the baby at the time of birth since it is housed in the birth duct. HPV has no symptoms or health problems in the vast majority of people, it can cause genital warts according to the types that there are some that may even cause cancer.

HPV infection is the most frequent STIs in the world and up to three quarters of the population will be infected at some time by HPV. Cérvix cancer is one of the neoplasties that can give to women because it is associated with VHP but this disease has decreased thanks to the early detection programs of this disease.

HPV genotypes that affect mucous membranes are usually transmitted sexually and can be subdivided between low and high risk. High risk genotypes are related to vaginal, penis, anus, vulvar and others. People who are sexually active can be infected with this virus at the age of 21 or around it, the human papillomavirus infects the vast majority of the population at some point in their life.


The cause of AIDS is infection with HIV-1 or HIV-2 human retrovirus. In the world the most frequent cause is HIV-1. This HIV-1 virus can be transmitted by sharing syringes, sexually transmitted, blood transfusion, childbirth, breastfeeding among others. AIDS has no cure but with the necessary treatments the disease can be reduced and thus avoid complications with the passing of time and that can cause death. “The risk that a health professional transmit HIV to his patients through a bloody procedure is very low.

Most patients who have developed AIDS do not survive more than three years without receiving antiretroviral treatment. It is important to perform an AIDS treatment since without treatment can cause death in patients who have not been treated in three years and with receiving antiretroviral treatment, health can be kept stable for a period of time.

In spite of the scientific advances and the good results obtained with the different therapeutic measures implemented, HIV-IDA infection continues to be a serious health problem worldwide and is considered a priority issue within the public health programs of our country.

Hepatitis B

It is an extremely serious infection that occur in the liver, this disease is caused by an explosion to infected body fluids, the symptoms of this disease may vary I have include the yellowish color in the eyes, abdominal pain and dark urine. In children and some people there are no symptoms of this disease, conditions usually disappear by themselves but chronicles require treatment and may even require a liver transplant.

Chronic hepatitis B virus infection can lead to the development of cirrhosis and/or hepathocellular carcinoma, which will depend on factors such as infectious viral genotype, concurrent infections with other viruses, and social and environmental factors, among others.

"The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus, wrapped, belonging to the Hepadnaviridae family" (Montoya & Gutiérrez, 2011). In this virus, eight types of genotypes are distinguished from the A to the H each of them has different geographical distribution, this virus is viral, so infects the vast majority of the population due to this virus we can contract the hepathocellular carcinoma disease.

Patients who develop chronic hepatitis B virus, depending on the immune response, can be located in one of the phases of hepatitis B: 

  • Immune Tole-Rancia Phase
  • Chronic hepatitis phase (immunologically active)
  • Inactive bearer phase. These phases are not stable and can vary in time 


The result of HBV infection depends fundamentally on the interaction between the guest and the virus, mediated by the acquired immune response.


Sexually transmitted diseases have become very common today both in men and women are especially more common in young people since at an early age they begin to experience and do not protect themselves that they can only cause an unwanted pregnancy and that with That pills are taken that can be prevented and they do not realize that they can infect with these viruses that their partner can have and do not know, most of this STDs if they are not treated in time can cause death, each of these Diseases have similar symptoms and even some do not have symptoms, so it is important to perform exams to detect these diseases once they have started having sex.


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