Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Stds) In Young People
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DownloadSexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in young people
Sexuality is a right of every human being, it is part of normal development and fulfills diverse and fantastic functions, however, it creates a lot of concern during adolescence, this concern arises since in the sexuality of the adolescent it is seen as immature, confused, experimental, risky, dangerous and inappropriate. From this perspective, sexual experiences such as intercourse are considered fundamentally transformative, marking a point of irreversibility between adolescence and adulthood, so what risks do sexuality present in young people in young people?
Adolescents (10-19 years) and young (20-24 years) today constitute the future generation of parents, workers and leaders, so all kinds of support should be given, in particular by the family, the community and the government committed to its development. As economic modernization, urbanization and the media change expectations, the behavior of adolescents and young people adapt to new life forms, which could be inconvenient, painful, inevitable and inescapable. It is necessary, therefore, that adolescents and young people become aware of the imminent danger that represents the beginning at an early age of sexual intercourse, and much more if these are unprotected, because they could end up in risky abortions, in contracting an ITS including theHIV/SID and unwanted pregnancies, with the consequent affectation to the mother or the product of conception, due to the immaturity of the female reproductive organs
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Most of the young people do not take importance to what sexuality is since they do not have a good sex education, because they get carried away by what their friends, brothers, parents or people who have an experience say, ifYoung people are not responsible for ETS (sexually transmitted diseases) are the main risk factor to which they are exposed if they are not takenYoung people who start their sexual activity at an early age, the STDs that exist are:
- CLAMIDIA: It is a very common STD caused by a bacterial infection. Often no symptoms, but it is easy to treat once diagnosed.
- Genital warts: they are protrusions in the skin of the genital area and around the anus. They are caused by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV).
- Gonorrhea: It is a common STDs caused by a bacterial infection. Often no symptoms, but it is easy to treat once diagnosed.
- Hepatitis B: It is a virus that can cause liver disease and that is transmitted through sexual intercourse or by sharing hygiene elements such as razor machines or dental brushes.
- Herpes: It is a common STD that infects the mouth and/or the genitals. Cause sores or blisters. There is no cure, but symptoms can be treated.
- HIV /AIDS: HIV is an infection that destroys the immune system and can lead to AIDS. There is no cure, but treatment can help you stay healthy.
- HPV: It is a very common ETS, generally harmless and that disappears spontaneously. Some types can lead to cancer.
- Molluscum contagiosum: It is an infection that produces small skin bumps. Disappears by itself and, generally, it is not dangerous.
- PUBICAL PIOJOS: also called "Ladillas". They are small parasites that adhere to the skin and hair of the genital area. They are easily eliminated with a treatment that you can acquire in the pharmacy.
- Scabies: scabies are small parasites that cause itching. It is transmitted by skin to skin contact, usually during sex. It can be cured.
- Syphilis: Syphilis is a common bacterial infection. It is easily cured with medications, but it can be dangerous if not treated.
- Tricomoniasis: It is one of the great causes of vaginitis. It is very common and it is easily.
Notwithstanding what is previously raised, risky sexual behaviors are not considered as a result of the ignorance of howsexual intercourse at increasingly early ages.
With this we realize that adolescence is a time of both opportunities and risks. Young people are on the verge of love, a working life and participation in adult society and, nevertheless, adolescence is also the time when some young people participate in behaviors that limit their possibilities. At present, investigations focus more and more on how to help young.
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