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Shopping Survey

For a business to be successful, the owner ought to understand the needs, wants and the level of his customer’s satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to carry out a survey of the business. Through conducting a survey, a business uncovers answers to certain significant questions. A number of topics are covered through the multi-format questions. To receive the most accurate answers, the questions should be well planned and structured.
Fashion Business Survey
The fashion business involves the selling of clothes, shoes and other things. The business may specialize in either adult or children attires. A survey is important as it helps to determine fast moving goods and where the business needs some changes.
What do you think about the physical appearance of this shop?
What changes would you like us to make?
How did customer care answer your questions, were you satisfied with the answers?
How often do you visit the shop to buy clothes?
Which type of clothes do you buy most often from our shop?
How fast did the salespeople serve you?
How can you rate the general appearance of our employees?
Do you have any complaint with our products?
Would you recommend other people to visit our shop or buy our products?
What is the level of your overall satisfaction with our products, employees and the shop?
Motor Vehicle Business Survey
This business involves activities such as servicing of vehicles, selling of spare parts and selling motor vehicles.

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The survey is aimed at meant to understand how the customers perceive the products and services offered. It gives the customers a platform to discuss and air their grievances. The survey should help the owner of the business to dig deeper and get answers to related topics. It should also help the management to make decisions and changes where necessary.
Is the parking lot clean and free of trash and debris?
Was the store clean, neat, and well arranged, what was the physical appearance?
How fast were you welcomed when you entered the store?
Did the salesperson ask what you were shopping for today?
How fast was the transaction processed?
Did you encounter any problems transacting with us?
What do you think about the lighting of the store?
Did you feel safe doing business with us?
Are there any changes that we should make to make our services more efficient?
Would you do business with this company again?

Fact Sheet Fashion Business and Motor Vehicle Business
What is the purpose of this survey?
The fashion business survey collects information from the customers from the time they started visiting the shop including the physical appearance of the shop and employees. This information is used to;
Making decisions.
Make the necessary changes where needed.
Understanding how the business is fairing on.
How will the survey be administered?
The survey will be carried out using electronic gadgets such as phones or the use of questionnaires. The questionnaires are to be administered using the observational method (Zhou, et al., 2007). Oral method can also be used in the survey where the questionnaires are administered orally.
What is the survey about?
The survey will ask questions that are related to customer experience:
Customer service experience
Physical appearance or attractiveness of the business
Customer product and service satisfaction
Safety of the customers
The environment surrounding the business.

Zhou, L., Dai, L., & Zhang, D. (2007). Online shopping acceptance model-A critical survey of consumer factors in online shopping. Journal of Electronic commerce research, 8(1), 41.

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