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Sign Language For Disabled People


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Sign language for disabled people


Sign language is the language with which people with hearing impairment communicate, therefore, listeners should know how to interpret it to be inclusive with this community in society. The objective of this writing is to describe how sign language and its origins are formed. As well as the difficulties of deaf people to interact with society, how they develop professionally, educational, etc. All that in order to show how these people have limited opportunities for their condition.


Since ancient times, people with auditory disabilities were considered as sick people and unable to reason, so they were not taken into account to make decisions and consequently, they were not given the necessary attention to their communication needs.

It was not until a French abbot named Charles Michael de l’Inée, founded the first public school for deaf in Paris, where a dactylological alphabet and a signed language were used, hence the French sign language originated and subsequently theAmerican Sign Language (ASL), Mexican sign language (LSM) and the lingua of Sinais Brasileira (Libras). Salgado, Mojica and Aco, expose as in the case of Mexico, currently Mexican sign language, is considered one of the national languages that are part of the linguistic heritage that the Mexican nation has.

The Mexican sign language was created by what the graduates of the National School of Deaf -Bulfs in Mexico were transmitted, an institution that was important to preserve this language throughout the Republic.

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The people with hearing impairment arrived at school, who had their own signs to communicate, but also learned and studied to teach later to return to their hometown and share their knowledge. French sign language also fulfilled an important role in the development of the LSM, since it was used.

The study of sign language took decades to formalize;The book (An Outline of English Structure) by Henry Lee Smith and George Trager, published in 1951 and after that, the study of sign language entered into the 70’s, with research with research, with researchAbout grammar, phonetics, morphology and syntactic. 

From this event, the investigation of the subject was globalized, based on previous studies and thus, progressing in education to people with hearing impairment around the world, in addition, finding the relationship that this type of languages have, with theoral languages. Taking into account what is described, sign language is still very new compared to oral languages and is still discovering;The important thing is that more attention is being paid and that it is also in constant development.

Today, more attention is given to the deaf community due to the work done by organizations of deaf that fight for their rights, such as compulsory, free and bilingual education in the LSM and in Spanish. People with hearing impairment also have the right to interpretation and placement of television subtitles that provide some type of education, as well as news and national reports. In addition, based on article 7 of the General Law of Persons with Disabilities:

The Ministry of Health will promote the right of people with disabilities to enjoy the highest possible level of health, rehabilitation and qualification without discrimination due to disability reasons, through programs and services that will be designed and provided, considering quality criteria, specialization, gender, free or affordable price.

This, in the search for equal work opportunities, study, health and respect for their language, which is the LSM.


Thanks to this notoriety in the LSM, they have been created in recent years, by deaf authors, dictionaries and illustrated stories in order to teach this language;as well as work of listeners with contributions to some extent of deaf people. This has been helpful for both deaf and listeners who want to learn the LSM.

In summary, it was noted that the study of sign language is not new, but that, even though it is already providing its due study, attention and importance, things are still there to be discovered and implement. Society is still far behind in this issue, there is not much inclusion towards the deaf community, so you must work to improve and begin or continue to raise awareness and learn this language to be better as a society.  

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