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Social Construction Of Subjectivity In Socio-Cultural And Linguistic Perspective


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Social construction of subjectivity in socio-cultural and linguistic perspective

Many times we ask ourselves what kind of opinion people have, because we act before society, we always live pending what others say, in addition, we also follow the advice of adults who have lived experiences and who can help us dealWith the perception we have of others and society. This is why the issue of subjectivity according to the socio-cultural and linguistic perspective is very important in the life of an individual, whether a student or professional, in addition to the information he receives from the intersubjective relationships of his teachers.

Today the concept of subjectivity and intersubjectivity is not very clear, or what are its limits, but it could be defined that subjectivity is the opinion, criteria or perception that a person has of others and the surrounding environment, while theintersubjectivity is the exchange of ideas or opinions according to the reality that individuals who want to express their point of view on some particular subject live.

Keep in mind that the concept of subjectivity is present in every culture, and that according to the degree of education of the individual, they will also be their linguistic and artistic expressions.

Regarding intersubjectivity, the results and effects on the behavior of the individual and society depend on the usefulness of the information they receive when there is communication between two or more individuals on a given matter, whether academic, personal,professional or social.

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There are several aspects related to the perception of subjectivity, for example, the integrative dimension that is based on the concepts of dialectic, the inclusion of emotions and cognitive development that allows the individual to interact with the environment of which he has his point ofview. This is known as social subjectivity, which is associated with the places where the individual lives and acts, this subjectivity includes symbolism processes that alter the behavior of people.

Another aspect is the subjectivity associated with the personality of the individual, which is constantly changing and that depends on the experiences in the environment and in society. A good example of this is the construction of profiles on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, in which anyone can promote themselves with the aim of achieving new circles of friendships, business or entertainment.

Information is used very openly, in order to generate large -scale interaction. So this kind of communities have originated a new form of communication. The development of new technologies such as the Internet, have allowed these communities to arise and that the concepts of subjectivity and intersubjectivity take multiple manifestations.

A very special aspect within these virtual fraternity platforms is the option to design an original identity according to personality and that is attractive to other members of the community. This kind of virtual tools are the new newspapers of the future, in addition to being the opportunity offered by cyberspace to modify the environment and create a reality that favors the individual’s reputation.

This new identity created from the digital experience, allows us to make contact with other societies, exceeding the barrier of culture, languages, and socioeconomic strata. It is worth mentioning that there are other dimensions that complement the actions of subjectivity in the sociocultural context such as the physical dimension, which refers to interactions with the environment, the virtual dimension, which speaks of controlling the satin and elements that make a different from aindividual according to the perception of others. This subjectivity that promotes social networks allows to reformulate the appearance of the individual and the way in which others perceive him.

On the other hand, the subject of teacher’s intersubjectivity to create pedagogical strategies that help the student to have a point of view of the society in which he lives, is a dilemma that is still discussed, since these strategies talk about strengthening tiesBetween teacher and student, to humanize the topics that are taught, to have a closer contact with the student, with the aim of creating a social change.

It is important that the teacher’s attitude helps the student to be more independent, to form his own criteria, to make his own decisions. The teacher must be able to transform the reality in which he teaches, to give bases to students to form a critical and analytical mind, to open spaces so that every science that is taught is more flexible, humanistic and adaptable to the context in thewhich does the individual live.

It is worth mentioning that the teacher is the one who must cause the pedagogical projects that make the student reflect on his reality, that he feels the need to seek the truth and that he questions about the social and cultural situation of his place as a student, it is necessary thatThe teacher designs effective strategies that captivate the student.

The teacher must also design spaces to cause educational experiences, taking into account the level of education of the individual, and from there, generate the necessary guides so that they can solve their personal questions and reach new horizons in their personal and professional life. 

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