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Social Networks, Evolution And Characteristics


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Social networks, evolution and characteristics


In the present study, we refer to several forms of electronic communication through social networks through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content including videos (Berkman, 2013). Social networks have become part of the life of a large part of the human beings on the planet who are now imbued on a screen to communicate, inform, inform or simply attenuate loneliness and boredom. We live in a society dominated by social networks that have sneaked into our lives and if you do not live in social media communities, it is invisible, or as if it did not exist. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat, among others, are the places where individuals who are losing their privacy, exposing themselves publicly, advertising and others presuming, many times, what they do not have.

Social networks have also become greatly powerful and dangerous claim and mobilization platforms, since well -used they facilitate communication and information, but unfortunately, for some, in the social network everything goes. For this possibility of facilitating the call for mobilizations and the opportunity to democratize communications, many of those who hold political and economic power want to regulate or control that network, increasingPuerto Rico). The research aims to establish the relationship between the use of social networks and the communication skills of its users.

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Social networks are structures composed of groups of individuals with interest or activities in common, such as friendship, kinship, work, allowing contact between them, so that information and exchange information can be communicated and exchange.

Virtual social networks constitute one of the areas in which the potentialities of the interaction and articulation of network subjects are manifested through a diversity of activities and purposes: from spontaneous and sporadic social contacts, to stable academic and scientific communities,through the organized and intelligent crowds that reinvent the forms of social organization and mobilization, information dissemination strategies, the construction of emotional ties and the generation of collective intelligence. (Gandlgruber, B and Ricaurte Quijano, P. 2013).

These social networks are based on the six degree theory, which indicates that anyone on Earth can be connected to another person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that does not have more than six intermediaries. The theory was initially proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy in a short story called Chains. Traditionally we know as social networks what are actually social or social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, among others that are the online platforms used by users to create an interaction, share, talk, etc., constituting thus constituting that wayA social or "social network".

Emergence and development


With the development of the Internet came the emergence of social networks, establishing itself as the first geocites in 1994. The idea was for users to create their own web pages and to house them in certain neighborhoods, according to their content. Others, such as Cristian González, think that ‘Classmates is considered the first social network to come to public birth. It was created in 1995 by Randy Corads and is in an active state and in English due to its origin in the United States ’. (2015). In 1995 Theglobe.com gives its users the possibility of customizing their online experiences by publishing their own content and interacting with other people with similar interests. Two years later, Aol Instantmessenger came out, which offers users the chat, the blogging and Google arises. In 1997 Sixdegrees also opens, social network for the creation of personal profiles and list of friends, some establish with it the beginning of social networks for better reflecting their characteristic functions.

The British Social Network Frieds Reunited was born in 1998, the year that is launched by Blogger, for the establishment of blog pages. In the Manual the Media and the Law of the United States Department (2011) points out that “anyone with access to a computer, a modem and a program can share their thoughts with the world with a web-log or blog". In 2002 the Friendster portal was established, a pioneer in the online connection of ‘Royal Friends’ that reached three million users in only three months. Subsequently, in 2003 the MySpace Network was inaugurated by an online marketing company in the United States conceived at first as a Friendster’s ‘clone’. LinkedIn, HI5 and Netlog networks, among others, also emerged that year. And one of the most popular social networks today, Facebook launched in 2004, originally conceived as a platform to connect university students. His departure took place at Harvard University and more than half of his 19.500 students signed them during their first month of operation. Two years later the microblogging twitter and Tuenti network in Spain arises, and other social networks were emerging, while others have disappeared.

What are social media?


Social media are interactive platforms where content is created and is distributed and shared by individuals on the web. Professors Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein of the ESCP Business School define social media such as ‘a group of Internet -based applications that are based on the ideological and technological foundations of the web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of content generated by users.’Social media and applications websites allow users to create and generate content, exchange of it, share information, participate in the network through technologies such as blogs and social networks. In the last decade, social media have become one of the most powerful sources for news updates, online collaboration, networks, viral marketing and entertainment.

Characteristics of social media


Before the term web 2.0 was coined in 1999, Internet pages offered only static content, such as text and graphics. On websites operated with web technologies 1.0, the hosts of the website and the owners were the contributors of primary content. Online information was aimed at a mostly passive audience that received no more than the content provided. However, with the introduction of web technologies 2.0, social media such as blogs began to allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in virtual communities. This more open social dialogue method contrasts significantly with the Top-Down approach that characterized the first years of the web.

Specifically, social networks began to gather the characteristics of websites 2.0, which provide a rich user experience, dynamic content, scalability, opening and collective intelligence. Users of active social media could benefit from the various characteristics that allowed them to mark something like “Like”, create and upload images or upload videos and text. Users could then share this information, whether with a select group of friends or publicly, through the web. However, this has also opened social media websites to Spamming, Trolling and Flaming for unscrupulous or less mature users. In spite of everything, the social media have grown rapidly in the USA.UU. And worldwide, due to its mixture of technology and social interaction for value co-creation.

Types of social media


Some of the most popular social media today are social media websites such as Facebook, which exceeded more than one billion monthly active users in October 2012. There are several types of online platforms classified in the great fan of social media. These categories include:

  • Social networks: social networks allow users to create web pages that offer personal portfolios and interests. These pages are used to connect with friends, colleagues and other users in order to share the media, content and communications. Examples of social networks are Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Bebo.
  • Blogs: Some of the oldest and most popular forms of social media are blogs. Blogs are often seen as online newspapers that chronologically order the contents by date, month, year and category. Users can also maintain ‘vlogs’ or video blogs, which offer shared or homemade videos. Blogs websites include WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr.
  • Microblogs: Microblogs are blogs of tools that have short messages, instead of messages in the style of a magazine. Users are usually limited to publishing a few lines of text or uploading individual images and videos. Microblogging is particularly common to publish rapid updates and for content distribution through mobile devices. Some notable microblogging sites are Twitter and Tumblr. However, social networks such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and MySpace also have their own microblogging characteristics.
  • Content communities: Users of content communities organize, share and comment on different types of content, including images and videos. YouTube, Flickr and Scribd are examples of content communities.
  • Wikis: Wiki are websites that allow a community of people to add and edit content in a database. One of the best known wikis is wikipedia.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts are audio and video files available through the subscription of services such as Apple iTunes. The term ‘podcast’ is a neologism derived from ‘broadcasting’ and ‘pod’ (as in ‘iPod’), since podcasts are often heard in portable media players.
  • Other types of social media are the following:
  1. Qualification and review of the sites (for example, Yelp)
  2. Characteristics of social markers or social labeling (for example, Digg, Stumble Upon)
  3. Forums and discussion panels (for example, Yahoo! Answers)
  4. Virtual social worlds (for example, Second Life, World of Warcraft)
  5. Music and audio exchange (for example, Spotify, Pandora Radio)


Social networks can also be classified by their ability to facilitate certain social functions. These social functions often imply identity, conversation, exchange, presence, relationships, reputation and groups. Kaplan and Haenlein created a classification scheme using six different types of social media – collaboration projects (for example, Wikipedia), blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter), content communities (for example, YouTube), sites ofSocial networks (for example, Facebook), virtual game worlds (for example, World of Warcraft) and social virtual worlds (for example, Second Life). 

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