Social Security: Home Of The Social Worker
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Social security in Ecuador was instituted in the last century, around the 20’s, highlighting its usefulness and benefit in the coverage it provides to labor establishments whether public or private that correspond to the benefits that are supplied through of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute, which is instituted in the fundamental objectives that were established in the Social Security Law, responsible for providing benefits and benefits of social order, determined in the aforementioned law.
This issue to be addressed implies relevant factors of the workplace in which the work risks that can be caused in different circumstances of the worker are scored, which in turn can be considered or not, within an establishment is public or private in where the services of these people are carried out.
The meaning corresponding to Social Security is considered as an inherent right to people, specifically in the case of workers, and based on social security terms, implies total reference to the purpose of safeguarding society in cases that difficulties are presented, which is the main issue in question, however, problems such as the lack of economic income that have been derived from some worker’s disease may arise, within those established in the Labor Code and in the Social Security Law, for disability, for death, etc.
Given this referential analysis, it is essential to mention that the IESS was created with the purpose of providing its benefits to all of those who are affiliated, making contributions to this insurance, that is, the people who have approved the employer retirements and the workers, the workers, that by autonomous right as such, their children under 18 and their spouse will also be affiliated.
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That is why the Social Security Law together with the existing regulations stipulate that every worker must be mandatory to the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute, because in any situation of labor benefit to various establishments where the employer requires them, they are required It can raise an accident work, as determined by the aforementioned law, or in turn, occupational diseases caused by the same environment in which they are working can occur.
While it is true, the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador establishes the following:
"Art. 3. 4.- The right to social security is an inalienable right of all people, and it will be the duty and primary responsibility of the State ”(Ecuador 2008).
Based on what the Magna Cart.
On the other hand, occupational risks are understood as those factors of different nature, whether chemical, psychic, physical, environmental and all those that may cause slight or severe damage to the worker within his establishment in which they are exercising their determined activity, that give rise to the well -known occupational diseases or occupational diseases, which are also produced in the work environment.
For its part, the Labor Code establishes the following:
"Art. 347.- Occupational risks.- Occupational risks are the damage to which the worker is subject, on the occasion or as a result of his activity ”(work 2005)
They are then, these labor accidents, arising from the risks, that the IESS through its affiliation benefits covers in case of diseases, which are established in the title IV of the Risks of the Labor in its chapter I.
Finally, we must bear in mind that at present, accidents at work that are being presented evidence that those establishments where these facts are raised do not have the necessary security as a Occupational Risk Prevention Plan, or that in some in some cases, no total information is provided to workers about their rights, benefits and guarantees that they will have at some time that a labor risk occurs.
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