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Social Skills Within Learning


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Social skills within learning

The education system has been developing greater sensitivity towards the different differential factors involved in learning. In fact, we can say that the various measures and actions developed so far in education have had as one of their fundamental principles the attention to diversity.

Currently education has made an important qualitative leap regarding the challenge it meant to assume, from a framework defined by the principles of normalization and integration, the learning of all students, regardless of the personal and social conditions that could present. For this, it has been necessary to make an important effort to the need to improve the quality of the educational response, translated into methodological and organizational changes, endowment of resources and an increase in the training of the different professionals involved in teaching. Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education (LOE), is based on the principle of equity and raises new challenges in the teaching and learning of students who require educational attention different from ordinary, challenges tothat must be answered with standardized and inclusive proposals. As for the current Educational Law, Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9 for the improvement of educational quality (LOMCE), has not meant a substitution of the previous regulations, but rather a modification of certain aspects. In it, equal opportunities are enshrined as a vital strategy to achieve full development of the child’s personality, through education, educational inclusion and universal accessibility to education.

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Grants noticeable importance to the educational project of Centro, where attention to diversity must become a fundamental principle.

Attention to diversity implies assuming a change of perspective to the obvious fact that students present differences in their ability and style of learning. The attention to these differences constitutes a need if we intend to guarantee the educational success of all students who go to our schools. But at the same time, it can be a great opportunity for the improvement of the quality of our teaching processes and practices.

Attention is one of the components of our most basic and necessary cognitive functioning to achieve proper development and mental self-government. Today we know that this development is not identical in all people, because we find situations in which their lack or deviant development can be translated as a disorder, currently called attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (Cuervo García, Andrés del Río,Domingo Correas, Estrada González, from La Fuente Ibáñez and Guardia Solé, 2009).

ADHD is one of the most frequent neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and adolescence. It has a 5-10% prevalence among children. Although some symptoms persist in adulthood (Albert, López-Martín, Fernández-Jaén and Carrectié, 2008). It hinders both the learning process and the social relationships of these students who establish with their peers and their emotions (Sánchez, 2018).

In this way, ADHD is a topic of great interest in its incidence in the population, since there are many schoolchildren that present these characteristics in the classrooms, and which define both the child and the family environment inThe one who develops.

As the studies of the different authors point out (López, 2005; Navarro, 2007), social and emotional skills are essential for the total development of people. Educating emotions facilitates the acquisition of a critical spirit, the resolution of conflicts, in a peaceful way, to get involved in tasks, the culture of effort … In addition, the acquisition of socio -emotional skills will help students work cooperatively both in theschool, as in their work in adulthood (Navarro, 2007).

Next, a study applied in the province of Córdoba will be highlighted, where the benefits of essential emotional intelligence in our personal development are contemplated (Pérez, López-Guzmán, & Santa Cruz, 2018). And, another current study on problem solving skills in students with ADHD (Russo, Bakker, Rubiales, & Lacunza, 2019).

Emotions and social skills are necessary and it is necessary.

Children have a multitude of feelings and emotions that need to express and manifest, but on many occasions they are not able to understand what they feel, why they are feeling it and what is the best way to act. Therefore, from early childhood education the correct development of emotional intelligence must be worked (Cruz, 2014). As Goleman (2016) points out, emotional intelligence is directly related to the ability to identify emotions and those of others. In addition, when a person is aware of his emotions, his intelligence is enhanced (Salguero, 2011).

Caruana and Third (2011), indicate that you should start working with children in Early Childhood Education because that is when they become aware of themselves. At this age, the child is also able to imitate through the symbolic game getting more sociable, more and more autonomous and at the same time curious. Therefore, at this time they need to know their emotions and what are the consequences of the same. The need arises to acquire skills that allow them to control those feelings that irritate or put them aggressive, but at the same time they must also be aware of the feelings that motivate the ability to adapt or resolve conflicts. Empathy, cordiality, respect favor better coexistence and as a consequence it is necessary to promote it in the classroom (Gálvez, 2000).

In addition, as Bisquerra (2003) affirms emotional education should not be transmitted solely transversely, but emotions should be treated both in a practical and theoretical way, thus giving greater relevance to the emotional field. Thus, Guil, Mestre, González and Foncubierta (2011), indicate that the methods used to work emotions should take into account the game and activities as the best way for students to learn. From flexible groupings, in small groups, in large group or through individual activities.

As education professionals, we must promote adequate attention with these students, knowing their characteristics more thoroughly and being continuously training since it is very essential to be able to carry out a good intervention that favors the learning of these students. Although, most teachers and families lack information and do not know how to face this type of situation. It is a very complicated job and that, without a doubt, there is much to go.

As mentioned above, some of the problems facing these students is that they lack some skills to relate to others and express their feelings and emotions.

For this reason, an intervention proposal is designed to meet the needs of these students through recreational activities, because through the game it is intended that these students achieve a series of objectives such as knowing themselves, knowing and expressing their emotions, knowing how to controlHis social skills, relate to their peers, work in a group through cooperative work and improve conflict resolution;since they are the ones that students present with the most difficulty.

The choice of this topic is due to the great existence of this classroom disorder, of what I have been able to observe throughout my experience in teaching practices, this being one of the most important reasons that arouse my interest and the desirefor deepening about this disorder and get a series of purposes and achievements with these students.

Another of the reasons that must be taken into account is the great importance of the role of the pedagogue and the teacher, since the educational field is one of the most difficult aspects and can be reflected in the emotions of the students, therefore, the intervention of both in this context is essential. Finally, there is no doubt that there is great ignorance by many professionals, and there is even little knowledge about this disorder.  

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