Social Work In The Promotion Of Local Development
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Social work is a highly developed profession that is based on practice and also on an academic discipline with the purpose of promoting social change and development, and recognizes several of the historical, cultural, geographical, socioeconomic, personal and political factors, personal and political,that go hand inHonest and fair way to carry out any situation whether individual or family group the profession.
It is linked to develop social stability with the purpose that stability is not used to marginalAt different points where people’s integration is seen together with their environment so that they can face diversity of challenges, in life and be able to increase well -being being the social work of great support as far as possible and this dependsof the participation and interest of people always putting into practice their responsibility to defend and make real principles and values so that they make sense and the professional is actively committed to their values and in the vision of what they want to achieve.
It also promotes local development being an important enrichment process on the various activities that are carried out within a community or territory, based on methods to generate development within local territories, opting as a objective to move the potentials based on resources with resources with resources with resources with resources with resources with resourcesThose who count each of the social groups and local communities, thus carry out the commitment to extract economic and social benefit, taking into account that local development is not only based on economic value, centralized institutions but also needs to be linkedIn a variety of organizations with different localized initiatives, with the interest of guiding different areas to the local population to different projects that would use new local resources.
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Local management and development
In society, the management of a social worker is of the utmost importance because it is trained to promote activities, which influence development and that are of benefit for a specific group of people, for this reason it must be based on the legal bases,Institutional and constitutional, at the time a social worker manages to provide help to a group of people has to be based on legal norms, because every process has to be legalized so as not to have any type of problem with justice.
The promotion of crazy development occurred from that decade from the demands and needs of employees and those excluded from the formal labor market. The criteria that applied successfully were: cooperation between local economic and social agents, consensus in the General Strategic Plan, an open system of consultation and discussion, operational programs with assigned budget, approach and analysis instruments of reality. (Reflections on local and regional development, 2006)
A social worker generates changes within the social field, which is why it is necessary for peopleDecentralization so that the decisions that are addressing in the process not only take the members of the COCOD or the central government, because they have to begin the local area, hamlet, community, villages, so that all are the protagonists of adevelopment and can feel satisfied and capes of what they can achieve as human beings, maintaining territorial order by promoting the proper organization and participation of the population, both man and women can unite their ideas and socialize them.
Social workers promote citizen participation, taking into account in the first place that the community has to be organized by a COOOD, but you can establish a meeting and organize it, already having organized the COOOD, it helps to manage projects for the community requestingHelp NGOs, private or public institutions, but provide help a social worker can be the mediator and teach them how they can manage, to obtain what they require with facilities to acquire it and thus cover their needs, a social worker can strengthen members of the members of theCOOode and that way people can get involved because they carry out entrepreneurship and training activities so that people can develop their abilities and skills.
The abilities and skills help them in personal, professional, social and cultural life to be able to opt for an important position within the community such as the president of the COCODE, or that belong to an entity where they promote social welfare but with equity, withoutany distinction. In social work there are educators with tools to create processes that help soltrust on the part of the participants so that they can express their needs or what they require to obtain a change and that their potentials rise from rank and validate them for it must establish a goal and meet it.
Development processes in communities
Local power is an important process for the union of ideas, actions organized by different fields, with the interest of satisfying or making effective the fulfillment of their needs always focusing on achieving a good change in social infrastructure, being of great importance that the professionalIn Social Work develop this process. Management can be generated development processes either in the medium or long term globalizing them and focusing on the community where they are working, putting itself in a due willingness to get involved in different areas such as economic development but above all human development being this being this being thisof great importance for community development to be more effective or with more skills, taking into account that the family is the best basis of society.
This whole process would be carried out in order to improve well -being for each of the inhabitants, the social worker as a good mediator must be dynamic and use good social action techniques and also use good practical and systematic rules based on psychologyand social anthropology and have knowledge of the community to be able to see the most vulnerable processes thoroughand geographical situation such as the exact direction or location of the community, the characteristics of the settlers and their economic conditions among others.
In order to focus on knowing reality and thus be able to improve the quality of life and that of many families with basic needs, the mediator must always maintain a good integral vision for local, sustainable development and thus can strengthen the share capital, thisIt would be useful because it would help to give a great reinforcement to different areas such as health, education, economy and the improvement of the community in general, it must be taken into account that all this entails responsibility and complexity, for the realization of these processesYou should not work so quickly so as not to harm or enlarge the processes that influence development stagnation.
Because of this, the worker must always be in connection with those of the Community Organization Council or with the members who are more focused or interested in seeking development for their relatives, so that the planning is being fulfilled or is consistent and in that wayBack more interesting depending on the actions that are being given in the process and the community is ready to face challenges acting together, social action being of great importance, doing good actions within the conflicts that affect them to achieve good development.
It is important that they take into account that they must always learn to be organized by keeping together to gain political battles among others, opting for these social actions, the community can effectively become local development, or if they do not work, they can continue to always transform by guiding themselves into their goal offight and work to make them come true on the way, based on this, people can acquire new skills and knowledge such as useful techniques to communicate, better leadership growth of interactions in different areas or systems so that in this way they can influenceThe future of the community depending on how the mediator stimulates its leaders who will be of great support.
So that they can solve their own problems and feel with confidence and capable of being able to do it at any time that have different needs and that the community always feels prepared to mobilize resources and give good answers to the problems that really worry them also must also beTake into account that in local development, all people can be given to have a voice and vote within the community to take into account important methods to make decisions and always be willing to the construction of an inclusive infrastructure and alsoParticipatory this would ensure that all opinions are heard and lead to the establishment of community systems to involve all sectors to generate local development.
Participation of social work in communal projects
For the management of a communal project, the intervention of the social worker is necessary because their profession is based on public and social policies in order to seek communal development, people are dedicated to a professional to express the problems and with itIt is verified what type of project they need, the social worker proceeds to the collection of specific data and with this he can analyze the case and in that way seeks the support of the municipality, or to public or private institutions being this one in charge of giving aDetailed Community Report.
In this report there are the needs and problems that are affecting them, in that way the high controls of the institutions study the case to determine whether the implementation and execution of the requested project is necessary, at the time of accurate verification, the high commandersThey approve the project and it is in this way when they make the disbursement to start the project, using strategies such as monitoring to carry a sequence and be able to realize if the project is being carried out properly, and that the funds are invested to achievegood development for community members.
The projects are of benefit to the community because they generate development, taking into account the importance of each inhabitant and for the new generations, because there are projects that generate economic income that makes the community have a stable economic level, because it also generatesjob opportunities giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and abilities.
Local development is based on the organization for the approach and execution of social and development projects, focused on generating activities to improve capacities and skills for the population. Therefore, the support of people with technical knowledge is of great importance to promote local development projects and follow up with the purpose of improving the standard of living of many families and settlers. The intervention of a social worker in development projects is of the utmost importance because they are broad to people providing them with concrete and protected ideas in public and social policy.
- Díaz Argueta, Julio César;Ascoli Andreu, Juan Fernando;. (2006). Reflections on local and regional development. Retrieved on the 18th of 2019, from reflections on local and regional development.
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