View all "Society" ready papers, essays and assignments
Marriage in Antique INTRODUCTION The family from socially always had an entrenched and very marked concept within society, and is based on the conformation made by a man and a......
Marriage as a contract and as an institution In this essay we will talk about a division that has occurred over time, we will understand about marriage as a contract......
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Malala Yousafzai: Activist and Student Introduction Originally from Mingora, Pakistan, she is highlighted by her work to defend human rights, especially women. Malala throughout he...
Literature in Lisgüsto General It is inappropriate to delimit the concept of literature as a semantics of manual would propose, the exercise of consulting the Royal Spanish Academ...
Literary genres and the different concepts of this There are various meanings to define the concept of literary gender within literature. This is why, according to the reading of v...
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Liberalism according to John Locke Liberalism has existed in the previous century, but it was in the 19th century when the English philosopher, John Locke, began with his ideas to....
Lenin's position before the right The texts on the right written by Lenin are few, but they are mostly connected to their conception of the State and concept of proletarian......
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King's speech in Spain 2017 After the events that occurred on October 1, 2017 such as the call of the illegal referendum by the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia,......
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Karl Marx and merchandise analysis Introduction Karl Marx's work, "Capital", part of the analysis of merchandise, crucial to understand its postulates and social relation...
Karl Marx and Economic Theory Introduction Marx's economic theory says that the value of a merchandise depends on the work that people do to achieve it, Marx tells us that......
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Italy's politics in the 60s Italy, during the decade prior to the 60s, the country was governed by a democracy without alternation under a political coalition composed of Christian...
ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, better known as ISIS, or simply as the Islamic State responds to a heterodox doctrine,......
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In recent years, villain and antihero profiles. Introduction In recent years, villain and antihero profiles seem to have recurrently assumed the leading role in fiction series. Mov...
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Innocence and experience songs: Rome Introduction In ancient Rome, the Ulpian jurist argued that no one should be sentenced by suspicions, because it is better to leave the crime o...
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Influence of sexism in the satisfaction of a couple It should be noted that, according to (United Nations Women's Organization), it emphasizes that sexism is a problem generator an...
Inclusive Education: Education for All In the first place and as an introduction to the subject, a definition of inclusive education that I have extracted after reading the texts i...
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Importance of cancer prevention feeding Introduction According to (NIH) and several investigations, it has detected that some components or nutrients are associated related to the ...
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Humans without essence and stereotypes Why do we try to fool ourselves when judging? When we follow a stereotype we put aside our true identity and go on to make......
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Human Resources and its Orignes Introduction The Human Resources Directorate is a particularity that arose due to the development and complication of business tasks. Its origins da...
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How we define the story For man, history is one of the most important and relevant social sciences since through it it is possible to prevent or avoid acatrastofes, as......
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Hammurabi codes laws Introduction “In the New World of Amore Dynasties, Babylon was just a kingdom of medium dimensions. And there, in 1792 to.C., a new ruler named Hammurabi ”...
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Hamlet: Study of characters and episodes In the Hamlet reading we are presented with a very peculiar character called Polonio. This character has an important performance in ...
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Hamlet's tragedy Introduction The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is one of the great monuments of Western literature. The work, written by Shakespeare between 1599 and 1601 ...
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Graphic Design and Beatles' albums It is evident that graphic design covers our entire environment. This is because graphic design is a tool that improves the form we communicate a...
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Gender violence among minors Gender violence discriminatory attitude based on the inequality of men in front of women, for the mere fact of being. Frequently, the terms machismo an...
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Futurism as a cultural revolution Introduction When we refer to futurism we think of a fierce movement, it arrived to change and be different, to the art of that time,......
Funeral rites and their practices in antiquity Introduction. The beginnings of the practice of funeral rituals date back to the time of the prehistoric man specifically to the Nean...
Friendship as a value that links society Introduction. Knowing this we can see how friendship arising from pleasure has some similarity with reciprocal friendship. An example of th...
Fragrances and perfumes as personal details To refer to the terms fragrance and perfume, we realize that they are very different things, since the fragrance is a pleasant aroma, an...
Foucault contributions: Sociological theory In the present work an analysis is carried out on the main contributions of Foucault, trying to understand the processes of his life and...
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For silence, many people die Introduction Many people die why they estimate that life is not worth living it, the balance of the lirism is the only thing that can......
Florence Nightingale Nursing Precursor Introduction When talking about nursing, it is mandatory at some point to quote Florence Nightingale. This woman, nurse by profession, born i...
Five greats and their personalities Introduction The model of the great five, known in English -speaking countries as The Big Five Model, is a questionnaire that analyzes and evalu...
First day of Frankfurt School Introduction This era of modernity was characterized by radical transformations that questioned the paradigms in force around the routes that would oc...
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Feminist struggle against gender violence Introduction The feminist struggle against gender violence is an issue that is currently present. Measuring the incidence of this violence...
Feline colonies control Introduction At present, feline colonies have become an alarming public health problem, especially in urban centers. However, the street overpopulation of c...
Favors and custody chain Introduction In other words, this situation results in many prosecuted are condemned or sentenced, without having enough evidence elements of conviction th...
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Favores and Agrifood Chain Introduction Luisa Elena Molina gives us her position from the agri -food chain and qualifies it simultaneously, she says that the starting point is agri...
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Fauvism: Origin, influences, characteristics Origin of Fauvism Fauvism is a movement of French origin that was based mainly on painting and lasted only four years, from 1904-1908. ...
Fast fashion and its new trends Introduction Chicana fashion was an influence that emerged in the 60-70s that became popular for the first time by Mexican-American youth that belon...
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