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Socioformative Learning Environments And Knowledge Society


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Socioformative learning environments and knowledge society



According to Escudero (2018), education is a path of access to the knowledge society, where the role of the facilitator is essential to originate through several strategies that students take over knowledge. Without the teacher’s guide, due to the abundance of information, Morín’s thought (2011) is undeniable when he affirms that current education provides knowledge, but does not teach what knowledge is. Nor does he worry about knowing what it is to know, therefore, the individual’s formation becomes only memoristic and does not allow any critical or complex thinking, except an entrepreneurial and conscientious being.

However, in the socioformative approach, education goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge, that is, it is concerned with developing beneficial behaviors and competences for the student and society itself, such as: environmental care, social justice, aequitable economy, try to conclude in an ethical behavior of the person. In this approach the training of the student is integral. Undoubtedly, education seen from this new approach, is a powerful tool to create subjects that develop ethical, reflective and transverse competences that promote initiatives and projects and that collaboratively solve problems within the existing and concrete context through integral framework framework.

The objective of this new approach is to generate responsible attitudes and behaviors to make decisions.

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It is necessary to admit that education is currently not only to repeat, many times without authentic understanding, theories or concepts of memory and nothing or little reasoned without having the opportunity to put them into practice or use them as a support of an innovative and creative product. Education is definitely not just an element of personal development, as seen in the old systems;It is rather a necessary condition for the economic and social development of a nation.

Knowledge Society in Socioformation

It is increasingly common among scholars to mention that education, regardless of their level, must focus on the knowledge society. Globalization and technology, alone and by themselves, are not the path that will optimize education, that is, the fact of breaking distances and accessing information is not enough in the training of the person. To achieve the knowledge society, an integral training of the human being is needed, thus understanding the knowledge society as a set of communities that work collaboratively in the resolution of their problems, where the use of new technologies are ofSumo importance and at the same time serve as support for the generation and application of knowledge. Its global vision when facing the most pressing challenges and needs of the population, will be evidenced in a product that allows the improvement of coexistence, quality of life and sustainable development in society. Specifically, producing, sharing and applying knowledge in solving problems is equivalent to knowledge society. (Tobón et al. 2015)

Likewise, UNESCO (2012) defines the knowledge society as a competent unit, whose purpose is to achieve changes in the creation of new knowledge, to the way in which individuals absorb and prosecute information in search of the progress of the nation.

This new approach, the socioformative, which is based on emphasizing the knowledge society and, as already mentioned, requires intrinsic challenges to educational systems and institutions, is relevant in today’s society, forming people who are built in itFinding new roles and innovative efforts in educational experiences, such as contextualizing the problem, generating knowledge and through interdisciplinarity and collaboration giving viable solutions to problems. It is notorious as globalization and current technological advance differs from societies that lacked these tools and resources that reduce time, space and money for their benefit.


Even today, school is the main reference of training and preparation of the human being for life, new educational practices, however teaching pedagogical practices need innovation to fulfill their defined role, train and prepare people for the benefit of society. This innovation suggests a change in the paradigm of the teaching-learning process. Concerned about change, dr. Sergio Tobón in 2002 proposes a new approach to education. Approach based on humanistic formation, where the individual who is being formed is responsible for addressing and solving problems that concern society of their environment through collaborative work and technology. Its purpose, transform current society to a more just and conscious.

In the 1990s, this approach stands out because it deepens the need to focus on the development of competencies. At present, many educational institutions not only Latin American, are implemented, because the change in paradigm in the educational system is pressing. This relatively new approach, that of sociofomación seeks to move from an education focused on learning to a focused on the integral formation of people. (Tobón, Gonzales, Nambo & Vazquez, 2015). His interest is to assume new proposals in Latin American education to specify a transformation into it through transcendental changes in the curriculum.

As a modern approach to address education, especially superior, it seeks to form people for the knowledge society (Cepeda-Salazar, J. J., 2019). In other words, people who successfully face the different areas of life and develop the ability to address problems and seek solutions through collaborative projects that have great impact on the improvement of the living conditions of people immersed in the problem. Complex thinking is its epistemology, which guides the integral formation of people. It is shown as an efficient means for the development of competencies through transdisciplinity to solve problems. It relies on the importance of knowing, knowing how to do, know how to live and know how. AND. (2019, June).

This approach, already carried out in some educational institutions, merits effort, will in the change of perspective of all those involved in the educational work for their progress. Therefore, it is important. It is also necessary to innovate frequently the methodology and what will be learned in the different fields, in the same way, renew the resources and tools that will be used to achieve learning.

Learning environments

It is unknown to anyone that education is currently facing a succession of challenges. The same fact of having as a goal the empowerment of skills and competences with the help of new technologies, to develop products inherent in the resolution of current social problems to abandon old methods that are still practiced in the education system will revolutionize educational practice. This change, transformation is based on this new proposal that unquestionably bases its philosophy on the need for humanistic development, which cultivates complex thinking as axis to collaboratively solve problems of the environment through the proper use of information technologies in form in formadequate for the creation of a balanced society with its environment. It also covers competency -based learning, the objective is that the student ends with potential growth and is a responsible, ethical and self-taught professional.

To achieve the proposal it is necessary to effectively direct learning. But first it merits to understand that socioformative learning environments are defined as the set of contexts that facilitate the integral formation of people for the knowledge society, based on addressing context problems, through collaborative work, metacognition,The use of ICTs and of course ethics (child-capital, J. AND., 2019).

A socioformative environment facilitates collaborative work, makes tools to work and solve context problems available to students. Assertive communication is inescapable. Thus, in this new approach, all physical and digital tools and other resources must be articulated in such a way that they allow generating new knowledge and promoting an ethical life project, that is, in accordance with consciousness in the care of the environmentWithin sustainable development.

Likewise, currently in the educational field, the training of future teachers in this approach is essential, that is, professionals who work from the classroom to achieve goals that favor their integral training, as well as the creation of new knowledge as an essential factorTo generate changes in thought and behavior in students, to achieve continuous improvement in the fields where this academic, personal or work.

To determine the type of socioformative environments, several actions should be considered before implementing them, for example analyzing the educational context, since a face -to -face environment is not the same as semipresential or virtual. Planning the implementation of the ideal socioformative environments, allows to determine the technological tools with which each of the activities will be carried out to generate knowledge, likewise, the pedagogical strategies that the teacher must use to help solve context problems.

After the analysis carried out, some conceptions of the learning environments are deduced: 1) The characteristic thing is that it focuses on collaborative work for solving context problems and the development of competences for the integral formation of the person and theProblem resolution based on real contexts (child-capital, J. AND., 2019);2) Put to the student’s reach tools and organizational ways to work collaboratively, also, share knowledge, resources and solutions to several problems of their context that may occur. The activities that are proposed to promote reflection, so that the student, through learning guided by the teacher, autonomous learning, practical learning and collaborative work, which is evident in a viable product, seeks to improve the quality of lifeof citizens and obviously solve the contextualized problem;3) Promote the ethical development of life in accordance with sustainable development, and 4) uses technology as a means to reach the knowledge society.

Therefore, the characteristics and priority actions to strengthen the socioformative environments are: 1) Promote the development of competences in the training of new teachers to generate and create socioformative environments, considering the tools and strategies that contribute to the integration of theirstudents to the Knowledge Society and Sustainable Development of it;2) From the approach of a real problem of the environment, of a need of the community or country and that through activities proposed to reach the learning, the ethical and integral formation of the individual is procured.


From the reflection presented, the following conclusions are established:

  • Learning environments addressed from socioformation consist of generating relevant tools and strategies in the classroom. The use and mastery of new information and communication technologies, for example, are a necessary component in the training of students today, regardless of the study modality. Technology has become an effective tool to break limits in new ways of learning and new ways to demonstrate the knowledge obtained, through sustainable enterprises.
  • Socioformative learning environments allow not only students, but also teachers expand their actions in the teaching-learning process. Gone are the memoristic and encyclopedist tendencies that restricted the student’s actions to use knowledge as a tool for solving real and contextualized problems in order of a product and results.
  • The socioformation approach that updates the actions of contemporary society in the educational field, as appropriate, has as its goal the training in each student aware of their own actions, for this critical thinking, complex thinking leads him to forge his ethical projectof life.

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