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Question 2
August Comte was a French philosopher who established positivism and sociology phenomena. Herbert Spencer was an English sociologist, anthropologist, biologist, and a political theorist. Karl Marx was an economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, philosopher, and a revolutionary socialist. Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist who dedicated his works in distinguishing social science from political philosophy and psychology. He also established the academic discipline. Max Weber was a German political economist, philosopher, sociologist, and jurist.
Question 3
Early Sociologist Topics of Interest Theoretical approach
Comte -Linkage between government, society, and religion.
-Law of three stages-: Monotheism, Polytheism, and theological stage Functionalism
Spencer Social Darwinism Conflict theory or functionalism.
Durkheim Anomie Functionalism
Marx Historian, journalist, economist, and socialist Conflict theory
Weber Bureaucracy Conflict theory
Question 4
Comte pioneered contributed to sociology through the establishment of theoretical science to study human behavior. On the other hand, Spencer came up with the Social Darwinism theory, Durkheim focused his work on identifying aspects that led to suicide, Weber advocated for the need of having an insight in intellectual practices, and Mark taught the importance of the economy and the necessity of conflict in society (Scott 6). The significant development in sociology is that it became a discipline full of scientific knowledge and based its theories based on scientific observation in place of impressionistic view.

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Question 5
When looking at the issue of social media and its effects, a functionalist would use a macro-sociological perspective to analyze the society. The functionalist would focus on how media as an agent of socialization shape the behaviors of individuals and its consequences on social change (Scott 6). On the other hand, the interest of the social theorists will be in social classes and how social media will result in problems mostly due to the existence of the “have” and “have-nots.” Consequently, interactionists will also put their interests on the issues that may occur due to social media interaction.
Question 6
Social Darwinism base its argument on the natural selection theory. This approach was popular in the late 19th century to describe how humans compete for existence which results in the survival of the fittest. According to the theory, the weak individuals in the society diminished while the strong ones grew in political power and had cultural influence over the weak. Social Darwinism base it beliefs on the evolution theories by Charles Darwin.
Question 7
According to Karl Marx, the major problem with capitalism is that it results in the exploitation of workers. In a capitalist society, the property owners focus on yielding high profits and exchange of value thus, equating personal worth with these aspects, which results in brutal exploitation (Scott 6). Marx states that some of the reasons that cause exploitation in a capitalist system are the lack of surplus labor and the chaotic nature of capitalism.
Question 8
August Comte was a French philosopher who was highly known for being the founder of positivism and sociology. He gave a name to the science of sociology and established the social doctrine. Comte positive philosophy and his entire works had a great influence on social thinkers such as George Eliot, Karl Marx, and John Stuart Mill.
Question 9
Max Weber advocated for the methodological anti-positivism and argued that social action should be studied through interpretive means other than empiricists. This means that individuals actions should be judged by understanding their meaning and purpose.
The significant difference is the manifest functions are intentional and meant for recognition while latent functions are unintentional and unrecognized. Thus, manifest functions are often direct and specific actions that are undertaken with a specific goal (Scott 6). On the other hand, latent functions are unpredicted or unintended consequences that may occur because of a manifest activity that has taken place. The manifest functions of behavior are beneficial, deliberate, and conscious, while the latent ones are harmful and unconscious. However, latent functions can also be beneficial to the society.
Work Cited
Scott, John. “Social structure.” Concepts in Action: Conceptual Constructionism (2017): 153.

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