Sociology abortion
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DownloadUS Collective Conscience about Abortion
US Collective Conscience about Abortion
The collective consciousness is an essential concept of sociology that describes a set of mindsets, perceptions, and inclinations as well as intelligence that is acceptable among individuals in a given society. The collective conscience of Americans on the abortion controversy ongoing in the country has bears mixed reactions. Critics of the legalization of abortion argue that the act is as abhorrent as slavery (Gillete 2012). Female individuals, who commit abortion, haunt and taunt their consciousness with a horrible indication that the hope for humanity is all but gone.
Abortion has continually festered in the consciences of individuals and eventually the collective conscience of the society living in the United States. Abortions bring about destruction to an innocent developing life and depict a betrayal of the youngest members of the human kind that cannot defend their right to live (AmericaLifeLeague 2017). Critics of abortion further assert that despite the dictations of the law legalizing the act, the unborn babies are still members of the human family. Advocators of abortion, on the other hand, argue that the action should be legal in almost all cases. For instance, they say that abortion should be the first option if the female conceived through rape or a desperate health risk situation.
Pro-choice Groups Argument
Pro-choice groups also argue that as long as the abortion exercise is because of accurate medical information, pressure-free and burden-less decision, then females should undergo the process (Voxmedia 2015).
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They also argue that women should terminate their pregnancy through abortion if its continuation poses severe social and economic disadvantages to the woman. For instance, the women may opt to undergo an abortion if continuation of their pregnancy will cut off their academic progress.
In conclusion, collective conscience of Americans on abortion is diverse to some extent although the public tends to portray nuanced opinions. Such opinions tend to consider the personal circumstances as well as societal beliefs that are a depiction of their views. It is, however, important to note that both critics and advocators of abortion laws in the US could agree on several abortion policies.
AmericaLifeLeague. 2017. “When does a human life begin? When Does the Inhumanity of Abortion End?” Retrieved July 17, 2018., Meg. 2012. “Modern American abortion narratives and the century of silence”. Twentieth Century Literature. 58(4):663-687. Retrieved from
Voxmedia. 2015. “What Americans think of abortion”. Retrieved July 17, 2018.
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