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Something where Bias has been corrected  Coursework Example


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Philosophy Assignment
8. Something where Bias has been corrected
The pink versus blue roles is one area where a correction has been made. For a long time, we used to know that certain roles and responsibilities were specific to either male or female. When such titles as a “nurse” or “secretary” would be mentioned, one would automatically know it is a woman. Contrastively, when one would mention such roles as “engineer” or “soldier,” one would automatically know it was a male. However, corrections have been done due to feminism and now when such titles are mentioned, it is not direct that one is talking about a specific gender.
8-EC. A Question I have been having Hard Time with
When asleep it is always assumed that one’s brain is dormant, but why do we always make critical judgments when dreaming? This is a question that has been lingering in my mind. Even though our brains are inactive during sleep, we always make long journeys or carry out complicated tasks in our sleep, which is as a result of reasoning. I wonder where this reasoning comes from then if the brain is inactive. Sometimes it is said that we are remembering what we did during the day or sometime back, but do we have to remember while asleep or we need to remember when not asleep!

8-EC:R. Difference between Projectable predicate and Non-Projectable Predicate
Based on Goodman’s arguments, a predictable predicate is the one that can be applied in the future without any confusion.

Wait! Something where Bias has been corrected  Coursework Example paper is just an example!

On the other hand, non-projectable predicates are those ones that cannot be applicable in the future. That means that predictable predicates stand for events whose occurrences have, and will always remain obvious. For non-projectable predicate one cannot find any obvious sequence or behavior from the past nor can s/he predict the future sequence or behavior.
7. Induction Puzzle.
Based on the induction puzzle, it is hard to be confident that the concepts we use to describe the world capture the regularities of the nature of things. It is also hard to tell the specific situations where induction can be used and where it cannot be applicable. We can say for instance that every third new student is a female. That means, we will be counting every time admission is being done and whenever we reach the third student, we should expect her to be a female. This cannot be predictable since no one will be sure that all cases of third new students are females.
6. Gettier Problem
The Gettier problem is indicating what, including or in the place of a confirmed true belief, is required to have knowledge. It is about saying or believing in a given knowledge on the basis of evidence that is insufficient for certainty. One salient concern that Gettier has is that the reasoning that makes one to believe in a given knowledge is arrived at by going through a false step. For example, one can say that when John is not at home, then he is in the disco. You may not be having fallible and feasible evidence that John is in a disco when he is not at home. The false step is the step that makes you believe that when John is not at home then he must be at the disco. What if John is hospitalized, thus away from home without your knowledge? You will still believe that he is in the disco.
4. Are Amputees Rational? Why or Why Not?
The amputees cannot be considered to be fully rational, and thus their requests cannot be considered autonomous. The reason for that according to Bayne and Neil (80) is that the amputees’ beliefs concerning the part they want amputated seem to be irrational while their decisions about those beliefs can be considered rational. The amputees also may not like the limbs they want to be amputated, but they still know that those limbs are part of their bodies. The fact is that these Wannabes are not comfortable with their limbs and so they are getting a chance to be comfortable in this life. Autonomy in decision-making concerning an individual’s health is something respected healthcare.
2. Question. How I take Data on Things in the World
I take data in various ways. One of those ways is the way I feel. When I have certain feelings, whether emotions or illness, I usually record in and try to think what might be wrong with my body. Sometimes I also take data through touching. There are things whereby when I touch them, I can learn how they function or their effects. For instance, when I touch something hot, or a live wire and I get a shock, I store that data and get to know that when one touches something extremely hot or live wire then one can be burned or be electrocuted.

Works Cited
Bayne, Tim, and Neil Levy. “Amputees by choice: body integrity identity disorder and the ethics of amputation.” Journal of applied philosophy 22.1 (2005): 75-86. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-5930.2005.00293.x

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