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Sports Sociological Perspective


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Sports Sociological Perspective

Sport is a base element for the formation of our learning, it is also a playful engine. The sport has become in a matter of extensive investigation, having several educational branches, one of them sociology. The latter has focused on sport because lately this concept has grastically grown in society, taking into account that it is an integral part of culture and logically of society and on some important occasions of the lives of individuals and social groups.

Sport is currently a lifestyle, several individuals adopt it as a form of livelihood, others, as a way to get out of complex situations and others to fulfill the pleasure of happiness. Unfortunately not everyone lives from him, for somewhat alien situations. Contemporary sport, which is born, grows and develops within urban and industrial society, has been submitted since its inception to the intense avatars of change of the type of society to which it belongs;Hence, it is so pertinent to apply the sociological approach to better understand the social dynamics that surrounds our sport system.

Let us keep in mind that human life has undergone major changes at the general level, technology forces or awards the human to be moving, to renew, to feel free, not to be based on books that have the supreme authority, but that is also needed. Sociology in part, it can be affirmed that it is an empirical science, among it the central object stands out: rational and objective understanding or in a more concrete definition tells us that sociology as scientific discipline;it can be defined;as the empirical science of the organization of human groups (Jimenez, Blanco, 1975, p.

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12). If we move to the side of sport, the facts that we are interested in knowing is that this concept has to be seen from a form, structure and dynamic, in order to adapt to the sports relationships that are currently exercised or in the current marketing.

We are not obliged to be democratized or aristocratized by sport, we are in the right to live, feel it and relate it to our daily lives, attending the reports or investigations that the sociological society has carried out, we will prepare to be a communicating entity or howHe knows him, a lonely wise man, those wise wise (people not valued in the scientific and investigative field) can affirm that sociology, in addition to studying the common aspects of all types of social phenomena and the structural relationships between them,Approximate to other areas of study that, although studied by other sciences, are susceptible to analysis from sociological perspective. But it is properly indicated that a pluralism, which causes sociological ones to see in the social phenomenon of sport a reflection of the desiquilibrios and conflicts of industrial societies, due to the lack of support and resources by the governments that are in theRight to adapt it to their government plan, but others consider this same social phenomenon of sport as a potential source of progress and fullness that allows such types of societies.

Sociology and Industrial Society

We have currently wrapped in a renewal, obvious reasons clarify that to move forward we must exercise the requirement of educating yourself, of instructing, of improving those areas of life that make us a roller coaster. Previously, before industrial renewal, only people with money practiced sports or in a nutshell, the aristocratics practiced it.

Sociology is partly formed throughout the nineteenth century in the crisis of the transition of European countries to large urban, democratic, industrial, bureaucratic and secular societies (Bottomore, 1976).

Then the birth of some logical characteristics of what is called the Industrial Society:

  • Population growth
  • Descent of mortality, due to sanitary improvements.
  • Sport increasingly demanding for adults of the elderly.
  • Although birth decreases, the result is a demographic explosion. Work requires people and from there appears immigration.
  • Urbanization process
  • When the industrialization occurs, a growth of the big cities originates.
  • The big cities contribute great facilities to be able to do any sport.
  • Industrialization


Appearance of the workforce in the primary sector to the secondary and from there to the tertiary sector and from there originates two social classes: the capitalists and the proletarians.

Transportation and communications development

The possibility of greater physical mobility opens.

The most representative element of the industrial revolution was the railroad, times later the car did it.

Great importance is given to the media.

Increased social mobility

Social mobility is status.

There is currently enormous equality, the middle class.

In the vote, we all use the same.

Now in sport you can practice with total freedom without having to pay money.

Technological development

Society institutionalizes social change and also encourages it, which usually produces continuous and deep transformations in social structures.

Sports society

Societies live and nourish sports, it is the image they sell so that great projects approach and put proposals that help a society not to be culturally and sportsly stagnant. Modern sport as a sociocultural product of industrial society, fully participates in the transformations that accompany the modernization processes.


  • http: // ro2personaltrainer.Blogspot.com/2009/01/la-perspective-social-of-del-i.HTML
  • https: // is.Slideshare.Net/Sergioalemnmartn/Fundamentals -ocioles-Del-Deport-1
  • https: // prezi.com/8xbtyayjivuf/perspective-social-of-of-part/

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