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Start Of The Cuban Revolution


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Start of the Cuban Revolution


Next, in the following research work, one of the facts that not only caused an impact on Cuba, but also in Latin America and the world, but also had effects on Chile.

This event corresponds to the Cuban Revolution, where, in the following pages, its background, the causes and consequences that this fact entailed, in addition to the influence that this movement in Chile will be appointed;To finally make a conclusion of the revolution.

This fact is of great importance at the international level, since it demonstrates a legacy of both struggle and political ideology. Its agrarian reform, the need to generate a state that defended the weakest, anti -imperialist, communist and socialist values, are a history that are recognized worldwide.


The Cuban labor movement carried an arduous fight, which was relegated by the image of Che, Fidel Castro and the guerrillas of the Sierra. Urban and rural workers of Cuba, became participants in the struggle of independence, managing to overthrow the government of Gerardo Machado and also developed mobilizations against Fulgencio Batista, being the great sugar strike of 1955 one of the most important. [1: Fulgencio Batista (1901-1973) corresponds to a former sergeant who assumes the power of the island, through a coup d’etat. Supported by North America, imposes a capitalist government and violent regime, with notorious social inequalities, benefiting the richest ones, the poor being injured.

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In opposition to the dictatorship of Batista, a Poli Classist movement arises, composed of liberal politicians, students and rural workers. From this group arises Fidel Castro, a young lawyer and politician belonging to the Orthodox party. On July 26, 1953, the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba and the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks, in Bayamo, becoming one of the best known popular leaders.

“The court simply ignored the writings presented by lawyer Fidel Castro Ruz. This decided that there was only one way: the revolution. Secret meetings began, the organization of clandestine groups, preparing what was “a great military blow that Electriza Cuba."

And the place was chosen: the Moncada barracks ”This produces a strong response from the military government, stopping and publicly prosecuting Fidel Castro and the other attackers. After 22 months in prison, a growing popular and international pressure, the revolutionary leader and his followers, are amnestized by Batista in 1955. Where, clandestine, he founded the July 26 movement. Organization whose purpose was to overthrow Fulgencio Batista and that had an anti -imperialist and democratic ideology, founded on the ideas of José Martí.

Causes of the Revolution.

The main causes of this revolution are that the United States exerted a lot of influence on Cuba, an example of this, is that sugar industries and various hotels were dominated by North Americans. In addition, many social inequalities were suffered on the island, because the majority of the population lived immersed in poverty, generating a lot of dissatisfaction in Cuban society.

Another cause is the great inflation suffered by Cuba generated by the term of the First World War and thus, the great depression of 1929, since the United States was the main buyer of its monoculture of sugarcane, making clear the fragile situation clearthat this country passed. The dependency with the US. UU, the high levels of unemployment and corruption generalized by the Batista government correspond to another important cause by which the island country decided to initiate a revolution.

Mentioned the foregoing, 1 the 1.January 1959, where Fidel Castro triumphantly enters Santiago de Cuba, declaring her provisional capital of Cuba. "The night was behind. For Batista, the night was defeat, sinking, panic. For Cuba, it was the disgust, waste, robbery, death, unheard of unheard of democratic development ”.

The revolution in power

After the flight of Batista, Fidel Castro, supported by M-26, managesas well as the nationalization of foreign companies.After that, the island breaks economic relations with the US. UU and an economic and commercial blockade is made by the latter. Because of this, Cuba becomes dependent on the Soviet Union, until its collapse in the 90s.

Another consequence of the revolution is that the dictatorship of Batista is overthrown and a period of revolutionary and nationalist reforms begins in terms of sugar industries, causing, in the long term, a massive exodus of the Cuban middle class. On the other hand, the Cuban communist regime that still governs this nation begins, which quickly gains the rejection of Latin American society due to its authoritarian policies, such as, for example: executions, persecution of opponents, summary judgments, among others.

"And then the 17.000 affiliates of the Communist Party, of strong discipline as in any other Latin American country, began to act. Began to enter, to give solutions, to deliver action plans. All this in the middle of an atmosphere that every day learned more to shout against the United States. Raúl Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara were the men who threw Fidel’s jacket from the left side ”.

This uprising exerted an important influence on other leftist movements that were presented throughout Latin America, which leads to the appearance of insurrectional guerrillas and revolutions, which were answered through the US financing. UU to perform bloody anti -communist dictatorships. An example of this are the Tupamaru group in Uruguay, Montoneros and the PRT-ERP in Argentina, or the Revolutionary Left Movement in Chile.

An important fact that occurs is that, in January 1961, a failed attempt to attack the Revolution is carried out. The United States, together with the support of the CIA, brings together those exiled Cubans, to bomb.

The missile crisis, or the October crisis was another fact that occurred in the early 1960s and that caused a lot, which was quickly known by the Americans. This causes the world to be about to a nuclear confrontation, when an American aircraft was intercepted in the Cuban airspace, trying to photograph the war facilities.

How did the Cuban revolution influence our country?

As for what Chile summons, after forming the alliance between the Soviet Union and the Cuban regime, Fidel Castro delivers support to various reformist parties, where in the case of Chile, this is expressed through the populist front processof the Popular Unity (UP), which was made up of various parties, such as the Communist Party, Socialist Party and Radical Party.

In 1971 Fidel Castro travels to our country, in order to express all Cuban support to the government of Salvador Allende. From this, different strategies arise during this process, one of them was the reformist conception, which considered two ways, the institutional, which trusted the tools of the State and the conciliation of classes;and the revolutionary route, which is based on the armed struggle and taking power through socialism. As for the latter, the MIR takes as an example of the Cuban revolution, to the Army Party as avant -garde and guide in the direction of the revolutionary process.


Finally, after the research on the Cuban revolution, develop its background, consequences and also the effect it had on our country, it can be concluded that Cuba manages to overthrow a dictatorship imposed by Fulgencio Batista, which was based on the difference of theSocial classes, where the highest were the beneficiaries, while the labor and rural sector were the disadvantaged.

This is why Fidel Castro, who from a young age had a close relationship with revolutionary politics and activities, decides to expel Batista’s authoritarian regime and manages to free Cuba from inequality. However, this group of revolutionaries, who had won through the fight, once in power, did not have great knowledge about how to administer a country.

In addition, once in power, they try to establish a kind of exported communism, since they tried to impose their political system to other countries, which does not find them entirely well, because they end up collapsed in their own revolution. This uprising reflects us an uprising that manages to get rid of an authoritarian regime, but that once meets its objective, is not able to carry out the projects, so they end up collapsing.


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  • Elgueta, e. (December 1, 2016). The daily left. 
  • Lima, l. (December 30, 2018). BBC. 
  • REYES MATTA, F., Girólamocarlini, v. and SantibáñezMartínez, to. (1969). Cuba. Santiago de Chile: Ed. Zig Zag.

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