State your understanding of the theology and practice of pastoral care in dialogue with two of the contemporary pastoral theologians named in the list that follows:
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Apropos of theological practices, it is essential to understand the scope of pastoral care. There are different theologians such as Stephanie Crumpton, James Poling, Barbara McClure, Derek Tidball and Andrew Purves that delve into the in-depth issues affiliated with pastoral theology. Pastoral care is useful in alleviating an individual’s emotional and spiritual well-being. While Stephanie Crumpton utilizes the perspective of womanism in pastoral theology to explore racial and gender issues, Barbara McClure delves into the challenges faced through incorporating individualistic tendencies in pastoral care.
Pastoral Care
Integrated into various cultures, traditions and societies, pastoral care is a way of nourishing one’s emotive and spiritual requirements. It is important for individuals to receive pastoral care due to their differences in desires, needs and wants (Patton, 2005, p.15). Spirituality is useful in ascertaining that people experience feelings of solace. In conjunction with pastoral care, therefore, it is obvious that religious innuendos are necessary for assisting individuals to expel cathartic feelings. Despite its name, “pastoral care” may also be offered outside spiritual settings. Friends and family members, for instance, are often useful in ensuring that one does not undergo trial and tribulations.
Wait! State your understanding of the theology and practice of pastoral care in dialogue with two of the contemporary pastoral theologians named in the list that follows: paper is just an example!
Emotional support is necessary when individuals are experiencing trying times. Digging further into the concept of pastoral care, there is an incorporation of religious and spiritual matters during the reparation of one’s emotive self. To ascertain success in pastoral care, it is important for individuals to understand its personal nature. The bond and personal connection are essential because it ensures that the distraught human being shares their problems in precision. Without the connection, therefore, it would be difficult for individuals to trust one another with their personal challenges. Since it involves religious and theoretical backgrounds, pastoral care may be administered by an unprofessional. In assisting individuals with their psychological issues, pastoral care has created employment and career opportunities for different folk. Religion and spirituality are considered boosters in administering pastoral care to individuals with trial and tribulations. Pastoral care is a concept that involves the dissemination of spiritual and emotional support to distressed human beings (Clinebell & Mckeever, 2011, p.2-3). Despite their distinctions, both Stephanie Crumpton and Barbara McClure use different approaches to offering insight about pastoral care.
Autobiographical Account
The theology and practice of pastoral care, as noted by its scope, delves greatly into one’s life experiences. After experiencing difficult times with my family members, I turned to God and acquired a different perspective about theology and practice of pastoral care. In April 2015, my beloved cousin came out as a gay man. I knew Davis was gay even before he finally decided to share it with our family members. Since I was not going through the situation myself, the problems he underwent affected me negatively and deeply. His father did not want to hear anything about Davis’ sexual orientation. After being chased out of their house, Davis sought solace in me because I was his best friend too. We visited different counseling centers as Davis could not share his problem with his church Priest. My best friend believed that the Priest would judge his situation instead of striving to help him out of it. As seeing Davis crying every night took a toll on me, I decided to acquire assistance myself. I contacted an older friend of mine; one that always offered me solid advice during difficult times. The personal connection between my friend and Davis eased the process as he opened up and shared his tribulations. Just like in my situation, she ensured that Davis gave her the relevant details so as to offer him pastoral care. It was after my cousin’s scenario that I understood the scope of pastoral care on a deeper level. Since then, I always advise people to share their problems with friends, family members or church leaders. Bottling up emotions does not assist an individual to better their situation. On the contrary, it leads to the development of more complicated mental and psychological issues, as I observed in Davis’ situation. It is unfair that my cousin’s father was only concerned about his feelings while chasing away his son. When Davis received pastoral care, I used his situation to understand Barbara McClure’s perception of individualism.
Context of Pastoral Care
There are different contexts that may be used to exercise pastoral care. Primarily, my practice in pastoral care is existent in the cultural background. There is an integration of Stephanie Crumpton’s ideologies in demarcating issues of culture. Like Davis’ story, it is clear that pastoral care was required due to various challenges accrued from traditions and cultural beliefs. His father denounced Davis’ sexual preferences due to his cultural and traditional values. I deliberately picked my friend to counsel Davis because, in addition to being open-minded, she does not operate on traditionalism. These cultural barriers encourage utter prevalence of pastoral care in the lives of distraught human beings. Just like Crumpton, using the tenets of womanism reiterates the stereotypical nature of society in exploring violent acts against female individuals. To ease the dissemination of pastoral care to oppressed people, it is important to acquire solutions to these cultural stereotypes. Apart from examining violence in women, Crumpton also observed the challenges faced by women of color. It is unfortunate that the female’s black skin color interferes with their ability to acquire equal opportunities in various societies (Wimberley, 2016, p. 91). Pastoral care, in such situations, will ensure that individuals do not expose themselves to the contraction of psychological disorders. In fact, Davis’ situation is also in line with these racial and gender issues as non-heterosexual folk is also classified under disenfranchised groups. These cultural barriers encourage me to indulge in pastoral care so as to eradicate depression, stress and anxiety, among other mental complications. Through this, also, it is clear that individuals’ difficult situations are solved to the letter.
What are the main sources of knowledge that shape your understanding of pastoral care?
There are varied sources of knowledge that shaped my understanding of pastoral care. Fore mostly, Barbara McClure’s concept of individualism possesses complex details that delineate clearly the tenets of pastoral care. Through the author’s text, I managed to delve deeper into psychoanalytic theories that assisted me in understanding pastoral care. Sigmund Freud’s concept of psychoanalysis, in equipping me with knowledge of the human mind, eased my comprehension of pastoral care. As discussed, the concept deals with one’s emotive, mental and spiritual well-being. As I grasped these Freudian principles, I understood the importance of pastoral care in eliminating a build-up of emotions present in different individuals. The issue of individualism discussed by Barbara McClure affects a person’s ability to interact and socialize with others on a personal level. As a result, there are defective results affiliated with the concept of pastoral care.
Pastoral care, as seen, depends on deep personal interactions to rectify difficult situations. Individualism leads to a greater understanding of pastoral care because McClure’s theological perspective contradicts the latter in a blatant manner. Other sources of knowledge that assisted me to understand pastoral care revolve around an exploration of disenfranchised groups. Through Stephanie Crumpton’s theological perception on race and gender, I understood the relationship between these groups and pastoral care (Wimberley, 2016, p. 91). It is unfortunate that black females are discriminated due to their skin color and gender. As a matter of fact, they also undergo violence due to the stereotypical nature of male superiority in societies. The theologian’s ideologies encourage women to seek pastoral care so as to acquire healing from traumatic experiences(Clinebell & Mckeever, 2011, p.2-5). These Freudian principles are important in understanding pastoral care as a result of its relationship with the human mind. Race and gender, on the other hand, are contemporary issues that often affect individuals’ mental state in a negative manner.
What does pastoral care in a Christian context aim to achieve?
As noted, pastoral care strives to improve an individual’s emotional and spiritual well-being. The concepts of religion are well incorporated in understanding pastoral care from a Christian point of view. According to the Catholics, pastoral care is necessary for spreading the word of God to different individuals. In offering encouragement and advice to people, these pastors use the word of God as a tool of bettering the former’s situation. The concept of pastoral care, in a Christian context, is necessary for luring more individuals to God’s kingdom. When a person’s life changes for the better due to an affiliation with pastoral care, it is inevitable for them to spread the good news. Pastoral care, therefore, aims to bring more flock into Heaven, as depicted in the Christian context.
Pastoral care, from a Christian point of view, assists individuals in comprehending various spiritual ministries. Through this, therefore, different parts of their lives are affected in a positive way. These Christians acquire knowledge about becoming great leaders in the society. Most of the Bible stories are often used by pastors in offering encouragement and advice to distraught folk. In the Christian context, pastoral care is also essential in ensuring the successful nature of prayer requests. When these individuals are in the midst of a trustworthy person offering them requisite solutions, they become open-minded and manage to share their problems. These prayer requests are, therefore, important in safeguarding and protecting individuals. It is quite evident that Christians create a relationship between pastoral care and acquisition of spiritual nourishment.
What is your method of practicing pastoral care?
My method of practicing pastoral care involves teaching and enlightenment. Since pastoral care is affiliated to religious matters, as prior discussed, an imbalance in one’s psychological being delineates negative effects on their relationship with God, friends and family members, among others (Patton, 2005, p.15). It is important to offer pastoral care to various affected parties so as to placate these traumatic feelings. In exploring grievous moments, for instance, it is important for pastors to understand the distinctions between male and female forms of bereavement. It is easier for them to deliver pastoral care after understanding the scope of a situation from an in-depth perspective.
Encouraging and empathizing with folk is indeed a feasible method of practicing pastoral care. According to me, it is easier for individuals to accept their situations when they realize that other people experience similar ones. In Davis’ case, for instance, it was quite wrong for his father to throw him out of the house without hearing him out. Such irrational decisions are often regrettable because they are made in an impulsive manner. In practicing pastoral care, I would have eliminated any form of individualism and listened to Davis regardless of his sexual orientation. Realizing where an individual is coming from is, in fact, an important fact in ensuring the success or failure of pastoral care.
I am acquainted with the teacher-student method because of its effectiveness. When individuals understand that pastoral care is not only spiritual but, also worldly, it is easier for them to dispense solid advice.
Priorities in Pastoral Care
In the next 5-10 years, there will be primary concerns affecting the scope of pastoral care in my ministry context. As cultural background is my area of focus, it is quite obvious to understand the existence of inevitable changes in a few years. I anticipate that most churches and religious institutions will give priority to homosexuals shortly. It is quite sad that Davis could not receive proper pastoral care because of the blatant homophobia integrated into religious matters. Moreover, it is my belief that inequality apropos of sexual orientation, race, gender and class will not hinder individuals from acquiring pastoral care.
As per Stephanie Crumpton’s exploration of race and gender, individuals understand the plight of black women. They are oppressed and dehumanized due to things that are beyond their control (Wimberley, 2016, p. 91). While I am enthusiastic about acceptance of individuals regardless of their sexual preferences, I would require pastoral care to also offer priority to other indistinguishable disenfranchised groups. While delving into trials and tribulations faced by individuals, pastoral care should aim to focus on the in-depth details. Even if it focuses on eradicating psychological disorders, it should mainly dwell on their root causes. Davis, for instance, underwent formidable stress, depression, and trauma before and after coming out as a gay man in a morally-conscious society. As a result of pastoral care’s affiliation with religious tenets, I speculate that the future will address more issues that are outside the spiritual world. It is quite clear that, despite the name, pastoral care also applies to areas that are not part of the church. Future developments should also focus on extending the scope of pastoral care.
What steps do you take to look after your own physical, psychological, spiritual, and relational well-being?
To lead a life of longevity, it is essential for individuals to look after their physical, psychological, spiritual, and relational well-being. I am well-versed with the ways of catering to myself hence I strive to live satisfactorily. Physically, I take care of myself by attending my local gym, eating healthy foods and drinking a lot of water, among other feasible ways. It is part of the routine for me to attend my gym in the mornings and evenings. Combining fitness with a proper diet is indeed a leeway to achieving my physical well-being. Also, I often visit the hospital for medical check-ups so as to ascertain my health status. These check-ups are important as they may inform individuals of subtle disorders; ones that are seen before reaching the full-blown stage. In fact, most times when I get headaches, I visit my doctor because I understand that headaches are the root cause of most hazardous disorders.
When it comes to my psychological well-being, I strive to avoid placing myself in stressful situations. I often hang around friends and family members that offer me positive advice about life despite the existence of difficult times. Surrounding such company ensures that I am constantly happy and away from any stressful events. However, whenever I fall into depression, I often share my problems with my church pastor because his care always eliminates my despair. The Freudian principles create a relationship between the human mind and one’s behavior thus; it is important for me to cater to my psychological well-being. Spiritually, I am well-aware of God’s word. I have a Bible through which I acquire knowledge about the religious and spiritual requirements. It is also in my routine to pray in the morning and evening as I start and end my day, respectively. With my family, I attend Sunday Church Services and Bible study in an attempt to nourish my relationship with God.
Prayer, supplication, and fasting have assisted me in developing a strong connection with God, thereby, improving my spiritual well-being. Relational well-being is also an important aspect in fulfilling one’s life. It is impossible to lead a life of isolation hence; people are required to interact and socialize with one another. Through these relations, individuals are also alleviated apropos of different parts of life. Interacting with others often showcases varied perspectives of life and as a result; individuals continue to thrive open-mindedly. Even if I am classified as introverted and socially awkward, I try my best to make friends and develop social relationships.
Findings and Conclusion
Minimally, Stephanie Crumpton and Barbara McClure have incorporated their perceptions in understanding the theology and practice of pastoral care. There is, however, a great of inequality notable due to Crumpton’s in-depth analysis of race and gender. While European women are given priority, there are many black females that are not recognized simply because of their color and gender. Her concept of womanism clearly shows the plight of women in a male-dominated world. Even if their male counterparts portray absolute superiority, there are still numerous women that play the part. The issue of inequality, however, does not augur well with pastoral care because of its focus on emotive and spiritual beings of individuals. When they are exposed to discrimination, it is clear to observe a dysfunctional nature apropos of their emotional stability.
In exploring scopes of pastoral care, it is important to understand its diverse nature. Even if it is classified under religious matters, there are forms of pastoral care that do not involve religious leaders. When influential such as friends and family members offer one advice at a personal level, it is considered as pastoral care. As long as the recipient shares their feelings and emotions, there is evidence of pastoral care. In fact, outside religious and spiritual matters, when a person assists another in dealing with their confidential problems, it may be considered as pastoral care. The reality affiliated with this concept allows individuals to use their personal experiences to understand pastoral care. Additionally, the different sources of knowledge relevant in comprehending pastoral care are useful in shaping individuals’ sentiments toward the same.
The knowledge acquired from Stephanie Crumpton causes people to delve into the contemporary issues affiliated with racial segregation and gender. Her source ensures that people understand the plight of these disenfranchised groups in maintaining mental stability. The theologians, in exploring pastoral care; incorporate their theories, thereby, assisting individuals to understand this concept at a deeper level. Individualism by McClure is a clear indication of the selfish nature of people in various societies. If Davis’ father cared about his son’s feelings, he would not chase him out of the house. It is, however, unfortunate that his cultural and traditional self is overridden by the blatant individualistic ideologies addressed by Barbara McClure, the theologian. In understanding the pastoral care, it is important for human beings to understand its role in one’s physical, psychological, spiritual and relational health and well-being.
For a deeper understanding; Stephanie Crumpton, Barbara McClure, and other theologians use various contemporary issues to create an understanding about the scope of pastoral care. The objectives, methods, and priorities in pastoral care are also important so as to ensure an upward trend apropos of alleviating the lives of human beings. Despite its spiritual nature, pastoral care addresses an individual’s overall well-being. The concept has varied significances in the Christian and secular world. While most of its effects in the former revolving around the ideas of spreading God’s word, pastoral care in the secular world involves the rectification of psychological and mental complications.
Clinebell, H. J., & Mckeever, B. C. (2011). Basic types of pastoral care and counseling: resources for the ministry of healing and growth.
Patton, J. (2005). Pastoral care in context: an introduction to pastoral care. Louisville, Ky, Westminster/John Knox Press.
Wimberley, Wynnetta. (2016). Depression in African American Clergy. Palgrave Macmillan
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