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Statistics And Hypotheses In Today’S Society


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Statistics and hypotheses in today’s society


Statistics, hypotheses and research have always present throughout humanity that have been used to resolve cases of the daily life, and after the passing of the years has become a large -scale tool to carry out research work and Studies of great magnitude that has led us to carry out deep analysis of the situations that correspond to each of the living beings in this world.

For this reason we can consider it as a vital part of mathematics that has been venturing into the different fields of action and research methods such as administration, medicine, psychology, astrology and the era of technology among others. Through statistics, fundamental decision making of any circumstance or situation that we as thinking beings may happen can be made. Header: Essay: Statistics and hypothesis in today’s society


There are many mathematical factors and resources that society needs to perform analysis in real -life situations; According to Pablo Cazau “statistics is a discipline that uses mathematical resources to organize and summarize a large amount of data obtained from reality, and infer conclusions regarding them.”(Pablo, 2014, p. 6). Some of the statistics can influence the decisions they make at the government or state Colombians, in the last 50 years it is estimated that glaciers lose 3 to 5% of their glacier area per year.”(Ideam – Institute of Hydrology, 2018). These data are studies results for a period of time, where there are predictions on global warming effects.

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Through statistics you can measure the percentage of the population that lives with $ 1 (one dollar) a day in the world “the most recent estimate of the World Bank is that about 1.100 million people lived with less than one dollar per day in 2001. Around 46 percent of the population in sub -Saharan Africa and 31 percent in southern Asia lives with less than one dollar per day ”(Muñoz, 2007, p. 7) are different factors that are studied in directly and indirectly affectation the world economy.

If we analyze the universe or the total population of Colombian snowfalls and the most marginalized communities in the world this is a representative sample of the entire world subpopulation. From the analysis of the tables and trusted tables a probabilistic or non -probabilistic sampling procedure is obtained. A sample can be obtained from two types: probabilistic and not probabilistic. Probabilistic sampling techniques allow to know the probability that each individual under study has to be included in the sample through random selection. On the other hand, in the non -probabilistic type sampling techniques, the selection of the subjects to study will depend on certain characteristics, criteria, etc. that he (the) researcher (s) consider (n) at that time; so they can be little valid and reliable or reproducible; Because these types of samples do not conform to a probabilistic basis, that is, they do not give certainty that each subject to study represents the population. (Morphol, 2017, p. 228)

From the universe or population that is “a population is a group of all the elements that are proposed to obtain a characteristic measure. Before the impossibility of studying the entire population a subgroup of representative elements of the population called Sample is selected ”(Rodriguez, 2013, p. 8) Total We can define the units of analysis of a society or a general symptom of global warming. And through these characteristics or properties we come to carry out the variables involved in these factors and thus be able to quantitatively measure the categories involved in the process.

Once we have the categories the analysis units and the different variables we reach the measurement procedure that should really be a reliable and valid instrument. “An essential characteristic of measurement is the dependence it has of the possibility of variation. The validity and reliability of the measurement of a variable depends on the decisions taken to operationalize it and achieve adequate understanding of the concept avoiding inaccuracies and ambiguity, otherwise, the variable runs the inherent risk of being invalidated because not Produces reliable information.”(Bara, 2011, p. 33)

Keep in mind that these instruments lead us to the fact that there are different measurement levels such as quantitative measurements and qualitative measurements. For example, we can validate one of the social stratification variables 1 (one) can high, 2 (two) average low, the 3 (three) average, the 4 (fourth) high and the 5 (fifth) high is the position is the position that occupies families in society. They are different measurable variables to see a state of necessity that the inhabitants of a region or sector, or countries and even the continents themselves live.

Based on all these statistical data, variables and universe of information we can raise some type of research that leads us to the search for a truth, a short or long term solution and thus be able to centralize ourselves in those inconveniences of great magnitude that affects our planet and society in general.

That from all these research works that are “the characteristics of an investigation depend on the purpose that is intended to be achieved. These are decisive for the level of complexity of the research and the type of study that is intended to be developed.”(Bara, 2011, p. 44) certain hypotheses can be enacted that according to those of Borg and Gall criteria, which must meet the hypothesis) the hypotheses must express relationship between the variables) the researcher must base his hypotheses on theory and practice) the hypotheses must be empirically contrastable) the hypotheses must be clear and simple in their definition … (Castillo Bautista, April 2009, p. 19) Where it reflects why there is so much inequality in the world?, Because there are people starving while there are other people who have everything in abundance; And if we talk about global warming we can generate certain hypotheses as how long can the planet endure with this problem that affects all the inhabitants in this world called land?, and depending on all the different variables analyzed we can direct or centralize the investigations through the different levels of measurement, levels of complexity and finally the manipulation of the same analysis that leads to the dimensions that we handle and last establish the respective ones specified indicators.


Nowadays people, organizations or entities regardless of the line of business that are based on statistical data to measure their entire work environment, their competitive environment, also to be able to measure their socio-economic environment and direct and indirect effects To a whole society. These studies serve us to be able to carry out futuristic projections and make the best decisions that suit each person, societies or even influential in today’s world.


  • Bara, h. L. (2011). Introduction to research methodology. Punta Arenas Chile: Eumed.net.
  • Bautista Castillo, R. (April 2009). The hypothesis in research, in contributions to social sciences. Malaga Spain: Eumed.net.
  • Ideam – Institute of Hydrology, M. Y. (2018). Ecosystems – Glaciers in Colombia. Obtained from http: // www.Ideam.GOV.CO/web/ecosystems/glaciers-colombia
  • Morphol, J. (2017). Sampling techniques on a study population. Temuco Chile: Studytamara Otzen.
  • Muñoz, á. (2007). Manage ecosystems to combat poverty. Madrid: EcoSpaña.
  • Pablo, c. (2014). Statistics and research methodology. Buenos Aires: Redpsycology Library.
  • RODRIGUEZ, J. J. (2013). Sampling and preparation of the sample. Bogotá: Canopino.

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