Stem Cell Research
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Stem Cell Research
Apparently, for an extended period, scientists have remained divided on the critical issue of stem cell research. The basis of their disagreement lies in the manner in which the embryonic stem cells can be obtained which more reliable and less destructive. As much as some still on using the traditional exact stem cell, most scientists are for the modern technology which can allow derivation of this cells from just the skin cells of the plants in question (Frati et al., 2013).
Thesis Statement
Evidently, stem cell research is key in ensuring the discovery and development of new drugs in the medical field. Primarily, all curative medicines for most diseases solely depend on plants – either the leaves, stem or the roots (Josephine, 2010). Therefore, with the research on the cell tissues of the stem, then there are higher chances of significant innovations of drugs that help in solving the disease crisis (Jonathan et al., 2016). Additionally, the research plays a major role in helping scientists to study the human development through the comparison of plant cell development and human cell development. Also, cell replacement is an emerging issue that is possible by studying stem cells (Elie, 2011). For instance, once the stem cell research is conducted, then the scientists can be able to facilitate the development of genetically modified tissues that can be transplanted and play the exact role as the original tissue but with more resistance to diseases (Frati et al.
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, 2013).
Scholarly sources
Acosta & Golub, for instance, focuses on the period 2001 to 2006 when the American policies on stem research started coming into light. (Acosta &Golub, 2016). This is the article whose policies that were developed during the time of President Bush that have erupted a lot of conflicts in the recent past among scientists, politicians, and even religious groups. Frati et al. also advocated for the scientific way of generating the stem cells for research which allowed more innovations in the medical industry. He concurred with other scientists that the research on cells was not only important to the developments in the plants field, but also significant in the development of new drugs and even human tissues (Frati et al., 2013). In summary, scientists are working round the clock in ensuring steady research on the stem cells to ensure a drastic improvement in the medical field.
Acosta, N. D., & Golub, S. H. (2016). The new federalism: state policies regarding embryonic stem cell research. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(3), 419-436.
Elie Dolgin. (2011). In Brazil, basic stem cell research lags behind clinical trials. Nature Medicine, 17(10), 1172.
Frati, P., Scopetti, M., Santurro, A., Gatto, V., & Fineschi, V. (2017). Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation: A Roadmap about Good Clinical Practice and Patient Care. Stem cells international, 2017.
Jonathan Kimmelman, Insoo Hyun, Nissim Benvenisty, Timothy Caulfield, Helen E. Heslop, Charles E. Murry, . . . George Q. Daley. (2016). Policy: Global standards for stem-cell research. Nature, 533(7603), 311-3.
Josephine Johnston. (2010). Unify guidelines for reviewing embryonic stem-cell research. Nature, 466(7303), 179-179.
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