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Stephen Hawkins Is An Absolute Truth That God Does Not Exist


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Stephen Hawkins is an absolute truth that God does not exist


Knowledge is a wide field of information that human beings believe, however, the infinity of cultures and perspectives complicate the total understanding of our entire environment. To have a greater understanding about the statement, it is necessary to define the following terms: security and doubt. Security refers to everything we believe valid and real, however, this can be influenced by what we want to perceive. 


On the other hand, doubt is everything we distrust. The knowledge of an individual is essential for their intellectual and emotional development, so it is understandable that it intends to be aware of everything existing in the world. The human being has the ability to generate new knowledge through their own experiences, as this knowledge develops the vision and feelings of the individual are defined. 

The statement refers to two types of individuals, believe them to know everything and that close to generate new knowledge, and those who question what they know and maintain their open mind before new ideologies and perspectives. Both ethics and human sciences are indispensable areas of knowledge to understand the behavior of an individual, so, one will be analyzed by one by one. This led me to ask the following knowledge question: how can we know that what we know is an absolute truth?

To start with the analysis of this title I will give as first example Stephen Hawking, a British physicist and scientist who has spent much his life trying to seek the explanation of how our universe was created.

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In this case, it will be studying the behavior of the individual through human sciences. Stephen Hawking developed several theories that would explain how the universe was created, one of them argues that the universe was not created by a divine being, but was born from the explosion of matter, this phenomenon is known as Big Bang. 

Hawking’s ideas were born in the way he perceives the world, that is, he based his theory on what for him is an absolute truth. So, to what extent does perception interfere with our worldview? Much of the human beings guide their behavior and their decisions according to what they consider correct or incorrect, this depends on the knowledge developed in the experiences and in some cases, in the parenting mode that our parents used, here the ethics enters as an areaof knowledge. 


For Stephen Hawkins it is an absolute truth that God does not exist, he considers incorrect to believe that our universe was created by a superior being, this thought may be linked to atheism that his parents imparted him. This scientist has generated various hypotheses that can help him establish his ideology as a true concept, this refers to the statement of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, since to some extent Hawkins doubts some of his theories and his knowledge of the universe,Despite having deeply investigated the universe and the elements that inhabit it, Hawkins has not been able to verify some of his theories is clear that some of them could be false, however, he has not stopped investigating and studying the reasons for our existenceand the world.


  • Nieves, j. M. (April 23, 2013). ABC Science.

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