Stevie Wonder Is A Human Being Who Feels And Gets Excited
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DownloadStevie Wonder is a human being who feels and gets excited
Auggie, in addition to being a student who goes to a school to learn, is a human being who feels and gets excited, who is part of a family and who has friends, and therefore, the human relationships that he also builds it as a person. He is a child who has an adequate development of his age for the involvement of his mother both in his daily classes and in education in values, which makes him believe that he is a special and unique child.
Promote integral development means defending the particularities of each person and at the same time celebrate them.
Auggie presents Teacher Collins syndrome, a genetic disorder that translates into a facial malformation, which causes it to be operated repeatedly, due to which, its late incorporation to the educational system, more specifically, is produced at 10years. In our country, the late incorporation into the education system is guaranteed to all students between six and sixteen years of age, since until that age education is mandatory.
The necessary actions to achieve their adequate educational inclusion, refer to both students around them and teachers, who have to participate in their adaptation process. Auggie’s relationships with the rest of the students are changing and evolving throughout the film.
At first, it was a formal and correct relationship for the intervention of the school director, by asking some students to take care of the center.
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This influences his attitude with Auggie, since they are forced to treat him well. However, while time goes by, their relationship with some colleagues evolves better.
One of his classmates, Jack Will, becomes his best friend, and next to him he will learn to know the friendship and pain that sometimes cause friendship relationships by feeling disappointed by him. The students are very well presented in this film, showing us different attitudes, from the partners who ignore and set aside reaching the case of bullying, to the good reception of their friends who have the value of doingThe right thing regardless of what they will say.
Auggie will demonstrate to its environment that you cannot go unnoticed when you were born to highlight.
As they expose, Gurutze Andéchaga and Patricia Fernández, guiding of the Kolbe school, in Wonder or the strength of attracting with the heart: integration is always progressive, because we all need a time to adapt to the new and unknown. At first there is a situation where most children feel rejection, which favors (in the film) a situation of bullying, but over time, most are changing.
Wonder does not show only the attacked child, but explains the environment of each of the profiles we find, showing the particular motivations of each. In conclusion, integration is revealed as a good for the child and for his family, but also for other children and their families.
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