strategic human resource management
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Pages: 2
Human Resource Management
The fair work act of 2009 ushered in a new period of rights at work, pushed and perhaps most appreciated by the unions. Over the years, there has been back and forth lobbying between various groups, with business groups on one hand, and the unions on the other CITATION ACT11 l 1033 (ACTU). Businesses might feel threatened, but that should not be the case, as there are many ways through which they can leverage labor relations and human resource management to their advantage.
A business taking additional steps in terms of managing the workforce stands to benefit from the advantages of human resource management. Human capital is extremely important to the company bottom line. It must, therefore, be understood and managed to enhance productivity. Human resource management is important in such aspects of employments budget control, where a strong HRM system ensures low workforce management costs, competitive wage setting and fair analysis and appraisal.
Employee satisfaction might seem ambiguous, but its importance to performance makes HRM more important. Through a strong Human resource strategy, employees will receive the right responsibilities and continuous training and development. These have a positive correlation with employee motivation, self-efficacy, self-esteem and loyalty to the organization; all of which positively affect performance.
Conflicts in the work environment are inevitable, and when they happen, human resource management staff have the right training to handle such situations.
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Differences in personality, work style, levels of training and experience and background might result in differences. A strong Human Resource Management team can help restore good working relationships in such scenarios.
The collective bargaining provisions in the fair work act will also be helpful in improving the relationship between workers and management. Collective bargaining provisions give employees a sense of security and voice. With the collective bargaining provisions, workers feel fairly compensated and subject to fair employment procedures. In a bargained agreement, employees will be treated fairly because everyone will have discussed and had their input on the rules and regulations of the workplace. Additionally, employees will have a strong voice in case any issues arise.
Unions should not be considered the enemy, but a facilitator in enhancing the relationships between the employee and management. The feelings of safety and protection under the union mean a content employee, free to think only about their job, and confident in the treatment they receive from their employee. Strengthening these conditions on the part of the employer will result in a stable working environment, which then results in continuity and productivity.
Employee self-worth and self-esteem are important aspects of their motivation and ability to perform in the workplace. When they feel protected and catered for as the collective bargaining provisions do, they will likely respond positively.
Works Cited
ACTU. “The Fair Work Act Two Years On.” July 2011. ACTU. Web. 4 September 2015.
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