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The Strategic Plan For Aspire PharmacyContents
TOC o “1-3” h z u The Strategic Plan For Aspire Pharmacy PAGEREF _Toc470125762 h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc470125763 h 3Background PAGEREF _Toc470125764 h 4Aspire’s Vision Statement PAGEREF _Toc470125765 h 5Aspire’s Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc470125766 h 5Aspire’s Core Values PAGEREF _Toc470125767 h 5Our Inspiration PAGEREF _Toc470125768 h 6Our Niche PAGEREF _Toc470125769 h 6Our People PAGEREF _Toc470125770 h 6Our Promise PAGEREF _Toc470125771 h 7Methodology PAGEREF _Toc470125772 h 7Interviews PAGEREF _Toc470125773 h 7IFE AND EFE MATRIX PAGEREF _Toc470125774 h 9IFE MATRIX PAGEREF _Toc470125775 h 9EFE MATRIX PAGEREF _Toc470125776 h 10CPM PAGEREF _Toc470125777 h 11SWOT Analysis PAGEREF _Toc470125778 h 11Aspire’s Strengths PAGEREF _Toc470125779 h 11Aspire’s Weaknesses PAGEREF _Toc470125780 h 12Aspire’s Opportunities PAGEREF _Toc470125781 h 13Aspire’s Threats PAGEREF _Toc470125782 h 13The Financial Ratio Analysis PAGEREF _Toc470125783 h 14The Internal Assessment: PAGEREF _Toc470125784 h 15The McKinsey 7-S applied on Aspire PAGEREF _Toc470125785 h 15Shared Value: PAGEREF _Toc470125786 h 16Style: PAGEREF _Toc470125787 h 16Systems PAGEREF _Toc470125788 h 16Structures PAGEREF _Toc470125789 h 17Strategy PAGEREF _Toc470125790 h 17Skills PAGEREF _Toc470125791 h 18Staff PAGEREF _Toc470125792 h 18External Assessment PAGEREF _Toc470125793 h 18Porters Five Forces PAGEREF _Toc470125794 h 191. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: PAGEREF _Toc470125795 h 192.
Wait! strategic management paper is just an example!
Bargaining Power of Buyers: PAGEREF _Toc470125796 h 193. The Threat of Substitutes: PAGEREF _Toc470125797 h 204. The Threat of New Entry: PAGEREF _Toc470125798 h 205. Rivalry among Existing Competitors: PAGEREF _Toc470125799 h 21SMART Objectives and the Overall Strategy PAGEREF _Toc470125800 h 21The Overall Strategy PAGEREF _Toc470125801 h 22The Business Level Strategy PAGEREF _Toc470125802 h 25Implementation Plan PAGEREF _Toc470125803 h 27Conclusion & Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc470125804 h 29Works cited PAGEREF _Toc470125805 h 33Appendix A: Manager Interviews: PAGEREF _Toc470125806 h 35Appendix B: Employees interviews PAGEREF _Toc470125807 h 40
IntroductionAnalyzing the potential of business before engaging any resources is paramount to the success of any endeavor. This is because it gives an indication of the profit attractiveness of investment and thus advises the board on whether it is worthwhile. It also prepares the management for the challenges that should be anticipated and potential solutions. This ensures proper distribution of resources which saves time and maximizes productivity. The purpose of putting down of this report is to analyze the viability of Aspire pharmacy through an evaluation of its current strategic plan.
To achieve this, the report will use information from interviews with the principal stakeholders of the pharmacy and review its core values to establish its positioning in the market. The initial part of the report will explain the background information of the pharmacy. This will include the intrinsic values that are the cornerstones of its operations. These include the mission and vision of the company. The evaluation of a company is only accurately completed in lieu of the problem it intended to solve through its existence. This is why a definition of the mission and vision are essential because they are the basis on which the performance can be benchmarked. This section will culminate in the definition of the methodology to be used in the analysis of the enterprise. As mentioned, this method is related to the mission and vision. Essential components of the mission and vision will thus be used as the prime parameters for the investigation.
The next section is the most important part of the research article. In this section, the company will be evaluated using various professional tools. SWOT analysis will be conducted to review the strengths and the weaknesses of the enterprise. The IFE and EFE matrices will be applied to investigate external and internal factors. The porter’s five forces will be essential in the analysis of the external environments while the internal environment will be analyzed using the McKinsey assessment tools. Other appropriate tools will also be used to evaluate the efficacy of implementation processes. The specific objectives will also be carefully laid out.
Ultimately, the report will provide a summation with viable recommendations for improvement of the project.
Animals, especially camels are an integral part of Qatar’s economic and cultural heritage. Camel races are one of Qatar’s favorite leisure and sporting activities. Other animals are the chief sources of income for many households. Excellent veterinarian services are thus indispensable to the wellbeing and progress of the economy. Aspire Pharmacy is a veterinarian services company that was established in 2010 with the aim of improving availability and quality in the field of treatment for different animal species. The chief goal is to ensure the health of animals in Doha and the entire Qatar region by extension. Veterinary medicine has a long history in Qatar especially because of its efficacy in establishing viable techniques methods for curing camels. The main methods used by the pharmacy are assisting livestock owners by administering the medicine in friendly ways and devising plans to remind those owners about the prescription orders. The pharmacy has made different agreements with the international veterinary companies to acquire the exclusive copyrights for different drugs and equipment that are needed to cure the animals. Since 2010, this pharmacy began to its journey towards the satisfaction of the need of the customers
Aspire was established from a robust strategic planning method with a long lifespan and is therefore expected to remain viable for a long time. So far, the chief aim of providing adequate medications and drugs for the customers in Qatar has been achieved with a remarkable efficiency, and this is expected to continue. The ambition includes providing clients with the best medications at the lowest prices possible.
The primary strategy of Aspire Pharmacy Fit is to supply the market with the medicines needed for the animals. Moreover, the pharmacy will provide professional veterinarians with exceptional experience in treating animals. The key to the success of the pharmacy is pegged on its customers’ satisfaction that keeps them coming again. The management of the pharmacy focuses on the mandatory accomplishment of factors stated in the strategic plan so that it can gain the trust of the customers.
Aspire’s Vision Statement
The vision of this pharmacy is to:
“Provide the best services in animal treatment and cure.”
“Offer the best quality of veterinary services through the use of the recent technological and science advancements in this field.”
“Educate the customers on their roles and functions to enable them take better care of their animals.”
Aspire’s Mission Statement
“Aspire pharmacy wants to be the most trusted and respected care provider in the state of Qatar by providing the best quality veterinarian and medical services to its clients at an affordable price.”
Aspire’s Core Values
Our InspirationCare for animals has been an intrinsic part of the Qatar community for ages. Camel races especially present a lucrative market for veterinarian services. In the past, animal owners have struggled with limited and partial services which are charged exorbitantly. Moreover, veterinarian service providers often sell drugs without concern for the after effects and whether the owners are able to administer the drugs effectively. Many animal owners have therefore lost their animals or have had them perform dismally even after heavily investing in medical services. Aspire pharmacy recognizes the vitality of animals as part of Qatar’s economic and cultural heritage. For this reason, the company wills to provide quality care to animals through advanced medication, use of technology, advice to clients and follow up with clients to reduce the cost of rearing animals and increase their productivity.
Our NicheThe company has positioned itself appropriately in the veterinarian pharmacy field producing high-quality agrochemicals and proper education to pet owners to ensure maximum productivity in any animal related business.
Our PeopleThe most significant clients are camel race participants. Aspire has advanced drugs and technology to increase animals’ stamina and is, therefore, beneficial for the racers. Besides, Aspire assists all the animal owners either at pet capacity of large-scale commercial livestock production to maximize the potential and health of these animals.
Our PromiseAspire’s promise to every client is that they will receive a comprehensive analysis of their problem. The animal will be diagnosed and assessed through the most modern techniques of evaluation. Treatment and enhancement will be achieved through the highest quality medicines, some of which Aspire possess the sole permit for importation and hence are not available to other vendors. Finally, our value for the clients expands to the period after service. Our experts will follow up to ensure proper application of the prescriptions and provide more advice on better management of the animals.
The current strategic plan for the pharmacy will provide the best details in order to develop a new strategy. In order to gather more data and information about this project, detailed interviews were conducted acquiring the views of the managers and the employees in the pharmacy. These interviews gave more accurate and insightful information about the current status and the goals of the project.
These interviews were conducted by the manager and the employees of this pharmacy. We asked about the services, products, and the strategic plan for this pharmacy. Furthermore, the interviews discussed the advantages of that the pharmacy has over other competitors in the same field. These interviews covered different issues about the pharmacy so that we could have an accurate and insightful catalogue of all the details. The members we interviewed included: Dr. Magdy El Nahas a general manager of the pharmacy and veterinary doctor with a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Ali Abdullah a doctor first practitioner with a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud a Pharmacist veterinarian with a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary and Diploma in Poultry Diseases, Hussam Al Deen Mustafa a Pharmacist Veterinarian with a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, and Mohammed Ibrahim a Ray technician with a Technical Diploma. The information accrued from their responses will be the basis for the formulation of the strategic plan.
IFE MATRIXKey Internal Factors Weight Rating Score
Financial Situation .25 2 .50
Commitment in Technology .15 1 .15
Customers Service .25 4 1.00
Human Capital .20 4 .80
Equipment .15 2 .30
Total 100 2.75
Key External Factors Weight Rating Score
Economy .20 2 .40
Competition .25 4 1.00
Copy Rights .20 2 .40
Advertisement .15 2 .30
Public awareness .20 3 .60
Total 100 2.70
CPMCPM Aspire Pharmacy Al Dosari Pharmacy Al Fares Pharmacy
Key success factors weight Rating Weight score Rating Weight score Rating Weight score
Product Quality .20 3 .60 4 .80 3 .60
Financial Position .20 2 .40 3 .60 2 .40
Customers service .25 4 1.00 4 1.00 3 .75
Advertising .15 2 .30 3 .45 1 .15
Customers loyalty .20 3 .60 3 .60 2 .40
Total 100 2.90 3.45 2.3
SWOT AnalysisAspire’s Strengths
• Long experience in the veterinarian field; this experience will give the pharmacy immeasurable power in order to attract more customers. Many customers exert their considerable energy to find an experienced pharmacy to cure their animals and give useful advice for their animals’ health.
• Very skilled employees; the professional doctors and physicians can give practical advice and consultation services to the customers. The employees have a proper experience required to deal with different animal species.
• Accurate and trustable medicine; the management of the pharmacy deals directly with the international veterinary manufacturers in order to have the best quality medicines. It is notable that the exclusive distribution rights for some medicines can give the pharmacy a real strength over other competitors in the market.
• Developed blood testing machines and Ultrasound X-ray: this is another strong point for the pharmacy. These tools and equipment can help the physicians examine the animals carefully to know the cause of their illness so that they can prescribe the correct medicine for the animals.
• Reasonable prices for the drugs; the pharmacy offers the good quality medicines at affordable prices.
Aspire’s Weaknesses
• No Finance: The lack of adequate financial support as the pharmacy buys the drugs and waits until the customers pay for these medicines.
• Lack of facilities: The pharmacy does not have some essential services such as the trucks to transfer the drugs and veterinarians from one place to another.
• Advertisement: The pharmacy does not have sufficient promotion and advertisement facilities especially on the internet such as a website in order to promote its products as well as to attract more customers.
• Accounting department: There is no accounting department in the company which can calculate the income statements and to prepare its balance sheet.
• Area: The small area of the pharmacy may be considered as one of the main obstacles for the company. It needs more space in order to store medicines and drugs effectively and efficiently
Aspire’s Opportunities• Receivables: The payable receivables can be an excellent opportunity in order to enable the pharmacy to supply more services and hence increase the profits for the company further.
• Copyrights: The exclusive copyrights can help the company gain the trust of more customers. This can help the company expand to different markets in Doha and outside.
• Branches: New branches for the company can help satisfy the needs of the customers in different places in Doha.
• Rental Facilities: Rental can help the company establish a new and effective shop in order to provide the best drugs and services for the customers on another area in Qatar.
• Medicines: The increasing in the number of races will help the pharmacy to work more and thus increase sales and types of drugs and medicines in order to gain more confidence from the customers. This can help the company penetrate more into the Qatari market
Aspire’s Threats• Exclusive rights: The exclusive rights of other rivals in the market for some drugs can be an enormous threat to the company. It should work more in order to have more exclusive rights for other products.
• New pharmacy: If a new pharmacy opens in the same place competition will become stiffer potentially reducing benefits.
• High prices: The high prices of some medicines from supply can be a threat to the company especially as it suffers from the lack of effective financial support.
• Receivables: The receivables that not be paid are a threat for the pharmacy preventing progressive growth.
• Competition: The competition for other companies and pharmacies in the market can be a threat also.
The Financial Ratio Analysis
The manager of the Pharmacy, Dr. Magdy El Nahas agreed to provide us with the income statement and balance sheet for the pharmacy. The problem was the fact that, when we went to take it, the records were numbered in a tradition way. Apparently, the company records day to day transactions only. There are no accounting techniques used such as an attempt to sum up and collect the amount every end of the year. This was noted to be a major weakness for the pharmacy. There is a lack of an accounting department that can analyze the financial ratios and thus establish the financial situation of the pharmacy. On the sideline of accounting, Dr. Magdy, the manager of the pharmacy, told us that at the end of the year they got the profit of approximately 20,000 to 25,000 QR in hand without the receivables were approximated at about 130,000 to 150,000 QR. The significance of the number of customers and the scores of receivables behind the customers who are late in paying debt is another big accounting problem for the company. This affects its ability to pay the suppliers and carry out daily operations.
In a tentative summery in the previous financial year, the revenue was 200,000, in 2014, the revenue collected summed up to 203000 while in 2013 , the revenue had been 180,000 and 185000 in 2912. These figures show a stunted growth with limited growth over the last four years. Besides, there are considerable fluctuations which make it is difficult to predict the results for the next year. This is unhealthy for the business and should be investigated.
The Internal Assessment:
The McKinsey 7-S applied on Aspire
Shared Value:The organization refers to the experience of its leadership with a manager who has a 36 years’ expertise in the industry. The primary value is respect for the human factor. The individuals and their interest come before bureaucratic relations. For this reason, the needs of the clients and the opinion of the employees are highly regarded. The personal engagement of the leader and their influence on the operation creates a vertically centralized structure where personal involvement is essential. Providing superior services to the clients is the chief goal of the organization. The industry develops a secure atmosphere where employee opinions are valued, and their welfare is taken care off. In the same effort, the organization hires exceptionally qualified staff that has a zest for their profession as well as robust customer service skills.
Style:The style of the company is vertically centralized; when the manager talks everyone listens. However, he does not run the organization autonomously. The value of the employee’s view is considered in all applications. The employees can communicate with the manager directly through meetings and through media after working hours. The manager shares the plan with the employees and anticipates getting some feedback from them. The meetings are held either weekly or monthly depending on the intensity of the decision making required. The employees report a very cordial relationship with the manager. This gives room for innovation and faster improvisations because it gives room for the employees to respond on impetus.
The organization is still young with a limited number of personnel. The management systems are still conducted on a day to day mandate. The reports and feedback mechanisms are designed to ensure information is delivered within the minimum period for faster improvements of the products. There are minimal controls which have given the organization flexibility and friendliness allowing customization of packages by a client’s capability and relationship with the organization. However, this creates numerous challenges for the accounting department that has numerous problems with keeping operational records. Urgent consideration on building better recording and revenue collection systems needs to be among the current objectives for the company.
To concentrate on achieving the aim of focusing on providing an excellent service for all animals and especially the camel racing organizational structure has not been emphasized in the past. So far, the organization is vertically centralized with a manager and employees. All the reports are delivered to the manager since he has experienced more than 36 years in the business. He is considered sufficient authority in the field and makes the important decisions. Communications are made directly to the manager through implicit channels. This is deemed to create an environment with a culture which emphasizes on people. The freedom enhances the capability of the doctors to function efficiently. It shortens the chain of command and the time taken to communicate challenges in the organization to the management. As such, changes can be effected faster increasing the efficacy of the pharmacy. This is crucial in any medical field because a mere delay can lead to the death of an animal and thus it is considered necessary to maintain as short as possible the loop of instruction and flow of command.
StrategyThe strategy is to satisfy the market with medicines that it needs for the animals. We recognize the value of the animal to each person. We are providing the best work environment for the animal and the doctors. (We understand, we care) Most of the other organizations provide usual care of selling and administering drugs. However, their regular prices are too high for most people to afford proper care for their animals. The aim of the organization is, therefore, to provide better services at an affordable cost. These two qualities may seem contradictory and unachievable. However, with the availability of highly qualified and dedicated personnel as well as the acquisition of rights to essential specific drugs allows Aspire to provide better services to the clients at a considerably low cost.
SkillsOur organization has a distinct competitive advantage through its employees who are very knowledgeable and friendly to our customers. The management values enthusiasm at work. It believes that personal commitment is essential. This is true because the company is heavily reliant on client relationship. Furthermore, the drugs administered must be correct to avoid loss of animals, expensive drugs and compensations to customers. Aspire has gone a step higher than seeking employees who understand drugs to consider the length of the experience and the specificity in the experience. Longer experience means that the staff able to diagnose challenges faster and apply past information efficiently. Specific knowledge encourages the depth in particular fields such as the chemical composition of a certain drug. This can help in improvisation to cure diseases more effectively at a cost effective price.
StaffThe employees are from different countries, and are all highly knowledgeable people. The manager motivates the employees by giving the employees more workspace and also through bonuses to increase their performance.
External Assessment
Porters Five Forces1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers:Any business is controlled by the laws of demand and supply. When the demand is low, the supply is higher. The excessive availability of a product makes suppliers compete in most cases by lowering process and therefore the prices will go down. On the other hand, a rise in demand causes a shortage and a resulting upward surge in prices. This is the basis of porter’s supplier power. The supplies essential for Aspire are the drugs and equipment used in the treatment of animals. Suppliers may have a little power in controlling the prices because there are not many vets in Doha. For the camel equipment, there are many suppliers in the Gulf who can supply our company and the more suppliers we have, the less powerful they are. In the case, both scenarios work to our advantages in both ways. Less veterinary services mean there is less demand for the products. Many producers mean that there is potential flooding in the marketing. Competition amongst the suppliers works well for the company. It is easier to negotiate for better prices in the already attractive purchasing prices. It is unlikely for this scenario to change shortly and thus the supplier’s power will remain low.
2. Bargaining Power of Buyers:
The buyer power improves with the increase in availability of the services. There are few veterinaries in Doha, and therefore the clients have little choice at the prices offered. Even so, there is still potential to lose customers to major competitors. In fact, the market share that Aspire serves is still small compared to the desired level. However, in the case of Aspire the customers have low power to drive down the price because we are providing different and attractive products that will make us have more power over the price. For example, ultrasound and blood testing machines that give satisfactory results. The specialization of the company’s niche allows it to set it pricing at the favorable rate. However, it must be remembered that one of the core aspirations is to provide clients with affordable services. While the company provides services at the cheapest possible rate, it is still able to set them at a rate that is economically feasible for its operations.
3. The Threat of Substitutes:This refers to the potential emergence of products or services that customers could utilize to solve the current problems solved by our company. The drugs and equipment used for the treatment of animals have taken years of evolution to reach the current value. It is, therefore, difficult for different solutions to emerge. However, there is a rapid change in technologies which are able to solve the problems in animal care more efficiently. It is also possible for stamina adding drugs to emerge very rapidly. It is thus important for a company to ensure that it keeps abreast with all the new developments to ensure that it stays ahead of the competitors. Aspire accomplishes this by paying close attention to science and technological advancements and also allowing the employees’ space to innovate.
4. The Threat of New Entry:
The market is small, and there are no many competitors in Doha which make the threat of entrance a possibility. While there is a possibility of this occurrence, it is unlikely to happen. Putting up veterinary services care system is capital intensive. There are many drugs to procure and much equipment to add to the investment. There are also cumbersome government regulation requirements that can impede development. Additionally, many services have already acquired special permissions to solely import particular drugs and equipment. This makes it harder for new companies to enter into the industry. Also, our company has specialized its services, and this is able to give the clients the personal attention it offers, so they don’t have to move to new care providers. Even if new entrants emerge, it is unlikely to steal a significant portion of Aspire’s market share.
5. Rivalry among Existing Competitors:There are few competitors in the veterinary industry which reduces the competitive strength. However, the limit to pet medicalization means growth comes primarily from attracting clients. Most customers are unique to the caregiver. This means that despite the growth rate, the clients will remain attached to a caregiver. This too reduces the competition between the existing competitors because each has specific clientele. However, customer clients cannot be taken for granted. Research shows that younger generation, which is likely to sustain the market for a company is less inclined to brand loyalty and seeks efficiency in service delivery. Aspire will achieve this through better service and attractive pricing. It will also enhance its marketing strategies. One of its chief objectives is to increase its market share. This can be achieved mainly by tapping into new markets rather than targeting clients with already established relationships elsewhere.
SMART Objectives and the Overall Strategy
1. Smart Objective 1:
Increase the profits by 50 % in the next three months
2. Smart Objective 2:
Increase the range of medical products available for our clients
3. Smart Objective 3:
Expand the market share with 25% in the next six months.
4. Smart Objective 4:
Acquire a new bigger shop for better service delivery within the next three months.
5. Smart Objective 5:
Establish better accounting and revenue collection mechanisms.
The Overall Strategy
The chief aim of the business project is to specialize its service production and therefore sustain a considerable market share in the veterinary industry. Business strategy will involve the manipulation of various aspects which include, medication, skills the technology, customer relations, marketing, and pricing.
In medication level, the company has achieved some level of specialization by acquiring permits to import various drugs. This gives it an added advantage in treating some diseases. However, the disadvantage of this system is that it means there are other drugs where other companies have the permission to import that Aspire does not have. This makes it less advantaged and can lead to loss of clients to other industries. However, the company researches broadly and has identified alternative solutions for these diseases and therefore is able to continue with its clients uninterrupted. Where the company finds it impossible to find alternative solutions, the company has devised bilateral relationships with these organizations to ensure the companies mutually benefit from the areas where each has unique permissions.
Skills are among the best areas for Aspire. The ability to draw trust from clients is one of the main aspects of a successful enterprise. The extensive experience of the staff means that they have met the customers at various capacities at times while working in other institutions. The team has gained the trust of the consumers which translates into great business for the company. However, this is also a potential disadvantage. Sometimes, the employees are enticed to establish private relations or to deal with other institutions to gather additional income. To curb this, the company is striving to improve relations with the employees. There are maximum remunerations for the qualifications of the expertise and bonuses on exemplary performance. There are frequent meetings to address any problems and provisions of enough resources for professional advancements. In return, the employees are becoming more loyal to the company and improving their productivity.
Technology advancement is at the core of Aspire’s business model. Advanced technology helps the company maintain improved service provision to the clients. So far, there is a number of staff working purely in investigating rising technology that is beneficial in animal care. There is also plans to develop relations with animal care laboratories so that inventions proposed by its staff can be tried and implemented with special patent rights which can allow them to access special privileges. This will increase the company’s revenue from the sale of these products. It will also enhance the specialization since the company will have distinguished methods of serving customers and ensuring that they return. This is vital in the development of the company.
Customer relations are also essential are also vital. The market is constricted, and the vets are few. This means it is possible for clients to compare the services from different service providers pretty quickly and choose the most popular provider. In most cases, customer care is prime to the choice that a client makes. When the management is selecting the staff, it is very keen to ensure that these are members are enthusiastic with customer relations. The treatment doctors are the face of the company. Their relationships with the client are therefore crucial. This is compounded by the business reality that the best advertising tool is the existing client. While the best market to target is future clients who are new pet owners, most of this will choose their service to provide based on recommendations. Happy clients will advertise the firm also in their social media forums and will be eager to offer suggestions whenever they see a query. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Dissatisfied consumers will do anything in their power to demolish the reputation of a firm. This is the reason why Aspire takes so much care in catering for the welfare of the clients. The success of the entire enterprise is based on the relationships that have been created over time. The manager is always available to receive any concerns from the clients and ensure that the concerns are solved amicably.
Marketing is also essential to the success of an industry. The presentation of a product to a client is as equally important as the product itself. It serves to draw attention to a service provided. This way, the client can take notice of the service and therefore desire to understand more of the project. The marketing strategies, therefore, are the important determinants of the first decision to purchase a project. Aspire’s first prerogative is to understand the nature of the market. For example, the understanding of the forums where pet owners in Doha share their challenges can provide a favorable link to an advertisement. In addition, since there is a high dependence on camel racing, sponsoring such activities in return for running advertisement could be essential. Social media advertisement should be enhanced. This is because it is cheap and versatile. A message that does not cost anything more than the normal broadband charges can be transmitted to millions of people.
Finally, pricing is probably the most essential strategy for any business. There are two kinds of consumers who determine the viability of the pricing on a good. These are the overshot markets and the undershot markets. Overshot markets are already overwhelmed with the products offered and are unwilling to pay more for advanced services. Undershot markets are not satisfied with current services and are willing to pay for more. Aspire must be able to investigate where the client lies in each of the products they offer. Additionally, customers will only pay for a product if they feel it meets the value of their money. This means that the cost attached to a product must concur with the advantages of the services. Due to the increased specialization of higher quality services in Aspire, the prices are likely to be somewhat higher than regular costs at other pharmacies. This can lead to consumer loss. To maintain the market, the pharmacy must demonstrate to its clients the capability of the additional aspects that are availed at the extra cost. This must be accompanied with remarkable efficiency. Most clients are willing to pay significantly more for the surety that the services will be effective in solving their problems. The companies will invest in a quality assessment department that will ensure the company meets the required standards and the value promised to the clients.
The Business Level Strategy
While there is the general strategy that should be effective for any organization, there are also those strategies that are unique to the business aspect of Aspire. These will primarily engage eliminating the already established threats and weaknesses as well as achieving the formally stated smart objectives. There is chronic financial support shortage for the company. In most cases, the company depends on direct funds from the clients. It is therefore forced to withhold the purchase of essential drugs and equipment until the customers pay us. This means that it is unable to handle urgent cases since the process of procurement can take considerable time. To solve this, the company will seek alternative funding sources. This can be from loans acquired from the banks. There are many rising banks that are offering loans at lucrative interest rates. A loan would enable the company to buy products in bulk thus enjoying the benefit of scale. It will also enhance service provision by increasing the number of services it can offer. This will also solve the challenge of the small room available for the shop. With a loan, the company can be able to procure a bigger place for the shop.
The firm does not yet have a website. This is catastrophic for marketing in the modern day. Most people seek for website information to validate the quality of a service provider. This will, therefore, be one of the initial developmental projects to meet at the beginning of the new financial years. The benefit of this is that it is not expressive to accomplish with the current robust IT industry. The services will thus be outsourced with the employment of one person to manage the site and the media advertisement.
Accounting department will also be important in the future strategies. Inadequate recording, reporting and revenue collection methods have been costing the company significant resources. There is a big problem with uncollectable receivables and harmonizing the balance sheets. For the development of Aspire, protection of the already available resources is essential. To do this, the capacity of the accounting department will be enhanced with personnel and resources. More efficient accounting software systems will be implemented. In addition to this, there will be a documentation of the proper means and procedures of documenting and reporting financial reports. This will increase coherence and prevent unnecessary misunderstandings.
There is a specific challenge in accessing medications whose license has been restricted to other vendors. Aspire is planning to engage these vendors in bilateral agreements so that there can be mutual benefits from licenses that are restricted to each company. The company will also look for better and cheaper alternatives to these products. Where they exist, they will be utilized to cover the gap.
The expansion of the business has been hampered by a decrease in the number of camel races held each year. These traditional activities are being replaced by more competitive sports and sponsors moving to more financially viable endeavors. Camel treatment and enhancement services are a major department in Aspire’s operations, and thus its diminishment spells potential challenges for the industry. For this reason, there is an urgent need to diversify. There is the need to get more customers from the petting and other animal classes.
Despite the potential decline in the potential market, the possibility for potential remains viable. There is an intention to grow the market base. The company can do this by opening another shop. Ultimately, the chief strategy for Aspire remains the provision of services at a cheaper rate and advanced qualities. Therefore, the prime targets remain in the improvement of technology that can enhance efficiency. This is the only way that the business will be able to increase the quality of services while maintaining cheaper rates. This, in turn, will ensure that it retains its clients and continues to enjoy significance superiority. Particular advertising and in particular by the use of existing clients to network will be efficient in gaining more and more new clients.
New pet owners tend to live in common neighborhoods, and thus location is also important in positioning. The clients must be able to drive into the shop. This is important for the company as it is planning to shift into bigger premises. The new location must be selected in such a way as not to lead to loss of customers. To increase client relationship, the shop will also introduce onsite treatment. The company has already established links through the supervisory tasks where its doctors visit clients to ensure that the animal owners are following the prescription orders appropriately. This will be advanced by providing clients with hotlines where they can call to have a doctor go their residence when they are unable to bring in their pets to the Aspire premises.
Implementation Plan
Smart Objective 1: Increase the profits by 50 % in the next three months
Action 1: Harmonize the cost of products and services to ensure maximization of profits.
Action 2: outsource some services and medicine that are unavailable to increase the available range of services, and this enable the company to make profits.
Action 3: invest in more efficient technology that will serve more clients per day and thus increasing the levels of income.
Action 4: Increase relationship with employees and improve their welfare to reduce private activities and interactions with rival companies.
Objective 2: Increase the range of medical products available for our clients
Action 1: form bilateral relationships with companies that have specific licenses to import some medicines so that they can resell to Aspire with favorable prices.
Action 2: invest in research to establish viable alternatives for drugs that are licensed to other companies to reduce the cost of operations.
Action 3: contract other international companies to provide a high quality of drugs at friendly rates.
Objective 3: Expand the market share with 25% in the next six months
Action 1: Advance the marketing techniques through the establishment of a website and the advancement of social media advertisements.
Action 2: use of existing client’s to network and acquire rising markets.
Action 3: opening a new shop in a more centrally located position which is readily available but also easily noticeable by the clients.
Objective 4: Acquire a new bigger shop for better service delivery within the next three months
Action 1: obtain a financial loan from a bank that can provide good interest rates. This will help in renting a bigger place and buying better equipment for the accomplishment of services.
Action 2: search for a new location with is centrally located and easily accessible to the clients. While doing this, a conducive environment for pets is also a significant fact to consider so as ensuring that clients are free to leave their pets with the shop management.
Smart Objective 5: Establish better accounting and revenue collection mechanisms.
Action 1: Implement better revenue collection software systems.
Action 2: properly document procedures of reporting and documenting financial transactions.
Action 3: increasing the accounting personnel.
Conclusion & RecommendationsAspire company has done a spectacular job in establishing its niche. Animals are an integral part of the society in Qatar. However, the veterinarian field has remained constricted with few enterprises, slow growth and a limited number of new entrants. The low level of service providers has always diminished the buyer’s bargaining power leading to exorbitant charges being made on mediocre services. On the contrary, Aspire promises to provide better services at competitive prices.
The company has already put in place advanced technology geared towards the accomplishment of the objectives. It has also hired competitive world-class personnel to provide comprehensive advice on how the services can be administered cheaply but with remarkable efficiency. Aspire has then gone forward and implemented advanced technology in areas that have been previously unavailable to the animal owners in Doha. Among these are ultrasound and scanning. More significantly, the expertise in Aspire has read to the establishment of high stamina building medicine for camels. This is essential for camel races in Qatar. Camel racing is an intrinsic part of Qatar’s economic and cultural heritage and thus very essential. All these factors give Aspire the unique recipe it needs to be the choice veterinary shop for all animal owners in its locality as well as in the entire Qatar region. To culminate this, there is a robust management with the top manager having a cumulative expertise of 36 years. This generates a lot of trust within the consumers and is thus beneficial for business.
However, this has not come without any challenges. There is a continual threat of entrants and shifts in technology which makes the expensive enterprise sustain. These new entrants reduce the market potential and the lucrativeness of the business. Despite this, there has been a significant level of growth in the past. This growth rate overtook of structural development for the organization resulting in some problems. The most significant of these problems have occurred in the accounting departments. Lack of a formalized mode of resource allocation and has led to massive unrecoverable receivables. This is a great loss for the company especially due to the expensive cost of drugs used to cure the animals. This brought about financial challenges. To prevent the loss of receivables, the company resulted in procuring medicines only after the client paid. However, this has led on numerous drawbacks. For example, it is not possible for the enterprise to handle urgent orders since it does not have readily available resources. The shop where the pharmacy operations are conducted is currently minuscule which restricts the capacity to take in more pets and serve more clients.
It is therefore recommended that several steps be taken to ensure that the company is able to run back on the track to achieving the vision of becoming the choice veterinarian service provider in Qatar. The first step to ensuring that this is acquired will be through structural adjustments. Although there are limited funds available, the management can obtain a loan which will enable it to move to a bigger space. The process of relocation would enable the management to choose a better environment with sufficient space, accessible by the clients and conducive for animals. The second structural adjustment will be to start a website immediately. A website functions as an excellent marketing tool and also validates an enterprise. It is, therefore, important as it will also boost media advertisements.
Marketing will be among the operational strategies to implement. Primarily, it is recommended that the company uses its extensive client base as an advertisement too. This can be done through promising packages to all the individuals who bring in new customers. Implicitly, it is more effective to do this through exquisite customer relations. Satisfies customers re only too eager to propose a business to their friends. Other changes in the operations should be in reporting and the documenting of receivables where there is a huge deficit. To achieve efficacy in the accounting department, there is a need for additional personnel. This department should be handled by accounting professionals who are disinterested on other stakes writing the company. It will also require modern accounting tools which can enhance reporting.
Differentiation is highly encouraged. There is going to be increasing the number of vets in the region. This will be made worse by the fact that primary sources of revenue are diminishing. The number of camel races has been diminishing. This is the main market for Aspire. Diversification is thus required on two levels. One is that the Aspire needs to shift its focus to other animals. While there is still significant potential in horses, the trend is declining. Other pets such as dogs and cats are on the other hand gaining prominence in urban and peri-urban areas. This offer the real potential for growth and Aspire needs to mark its niche here. Diversification on the second level means differentiating its services from those provided conventionally by each vet. This is through specialization of equipment, sourcing of better drugs and customization of packages to fit the client’s desire.
It is anticipated that these developments will be essential in charting a new course for Aspire Pharmacy. This company is this expected to grow nationally and even internationally in the near future.
Works citedInterview with Dr. Magdy El Nahas a general manager of the pharmacy and veterinary doctor with a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine
Interview with Dr. Ali Abdullah a doctor first practitioner with a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine
Interview with Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud a Pharmacist veterinarian with a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary and Diploma in Poultry Diseases
Interview with Hussam Al Deen Mustafa a Pharmacist Veterinarian with a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Interview with Mohammed Ibrahim a Ray technician with a Technical Diploma
Appendix A: Manager Interviews:Do you have strategy planning?
Yes, we do have a strategy plan.
What are your strategy plans?
-To supply the field with good and accurate products used to keep the health of animals in a good situation.
– keep the working team in the good relationship and make them feel like family.
– maintain the profit at the highest rates and try to maximize it.
What is your area of specialty?
– General Manager (veterinarian)
What is your organization specialist on?
-we take care of all animals and especially the camel racing.
What makes you better among your rivals?
We provide the customers with the best medicines that it will help his animals.
Provide trustable services to the owners of animals
We have accurate and trustable results of blood testing.
What the unique services or product that you have in your company?
We provide:
Ultra sound
Muscle skeletal
-racing components to increase the power and stamina.
Who are your primary customers?
-camel’s owners
What is the quality of your products?
-we have high-quality products
Do you have good equipment in your pharmacy?
-we have good equipment:
a- Blood testing machines
b -Ultra sound for X-ray
But the tracks are not in a good situation
How skilled are your employees?
I have very skilled employee and are they great in their job
Did you have any experience in this industry before?
-I have 36 years experiences in this industry
What are the advantages that you have over your rivals?
I have very skilled employees than what other rivals have.
What are the advantages that rivals have?
Exclusive medicines that they have the right to import
Are you making enough profit?
Yes, I make enough profit but we seek to increase it.
How do you communicate with your employees?
I communicate with my employees through regular meetings held weekly and monthly and through media after working hours.
How do you motivate your employees’ performance?
I motivate my employees by giving them more working space to act and consider them as responsible as me. I also give them a bonus reward.
Do you share the strategy plan with your employees?
Yes, I share our plan with the employees and I take some of their opinion and feedback in implantations.
Do you take views of your employees when doing your strategy?
Yes, as I mention I let my employees to share with me their opinion.
What are the important 5 strengths you have?
36 years which is a long experience
Very skilled employees
Accurate and trustable medicines
Development Blood Testing machines
Ultrasound for X-Ray
What are the important 5 weaknesses you have?
Financial support shortage, we cannot buy medicines until the customers pay us.
A tracks for the pharmacy
Don’t have website
Accounting department ( Income statement and balance sheet )
Small shop
What are the important 5 opportunities?
Pay the receivables by customers
Have an exclusive right for some medicines
Open another branch
Rent large shop for the pharmacy
Increase the number of races
What are the important 5 threats?
Other pharmacy take exclusive right on some medicines
Open more pharmacy in the same market
Decrease the number of races
Don’t receive the receivables
Our employees deal with another pharmacy
Appendix B: Employees interviewsWhat is your strategy planning?
The strategy was to cover the market with the medicines needed for the animals that keep them in good situations. We also provide experienced veterinarians to deal with sick animals by preventing and treating illnesses in them.
What is your job in this company?
Veterinarian pharmacist
What do you think that make you better than rivals?
We provide good services for the customers
We have our customers’ trust through good advice and rapid response
We have accurate and trustable diagnosis result and efficient treatment methods.
What is the most frequent service that you provide for costumers?
We provided to the customers that needed medicines and effective therapies
What makes you keep your effort up to date?
I enjoy in the working environment, and I want to have a good experience in this industry.
Do you any experience in this job?
I have a 6 years’ experience in this job
How do you communicate with the manager?
We communicate with the manager directly by weekly and monthly meetings and through media after working hours
Do you share your opinion with your manager?
Yes, I share my opinion with the manager and he listens to our advice.
What do you think that rivals have that gives them advantages over your company?
The financial support
What is the thing that encourages you to put your best effort?
I love my job and also the working environment with my colleague doctors
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