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Strategic Prospective For The Future Of Company


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Strategic prospective for the future of company

The strategic prospective, is established as an instrument with which they intend to plan the future of a company, based on scenarios that allow obtaining the goals raised, through technological platforms. We can say that this process has become a combined training and communication training between specialists who identify future contexts, scientific influences, economic effects and society.

It was in the 1940s when the first contributions of this discipline arise, but it is in the year of 1960 when the institutional development process and the formation of the academic community, government and non -governmental community that begins to be interested in being interested in forming to conformA professional activity dedicated and future -oriented.

In this way, the studies of the future or prospective studies have advanced along with the transformations of planning and the world environment, in a continuous process that in turn demands new approaches with a synougeous advance of Auges and Declives.

In this sense, the organization today has been facing a diversity of modern challenges characterized by the competitiveness and globalization of management this motivated that responses to new business models in their digital habitat have been promoting the satisfaction of needs for thethat it is to be understood that as technologies progress, they will respond to various paradigms;which requires more attention, to leverage the changes that are originated, ensuring the actions and measures that correspond to the company in a coherent way.

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From that perspective, management can provide a series of elements and strategies in an operational way with the objective of implementing organizational transformations, which certify its position and competitive capacity through the continuous progress of its performance as of the service.

According to the author David indicates that through management strategies you can show weaknesses and strengths since through them plans can be designed, guide resources, coordinate, produce and control the activities that are derived from the tasks, in addition to formulating and evaluating events.

In this sense, Martínez and Quintana demonstrate that the task of managing is admitted as a process that is based on the organization that properly guarantees ideas, turning the objectives that human resource seeks into a planning accompanied by order, control,and applied evaluation through strategies in any company.

It is for that reason that the managerial strategic prospect becomes substantial component within knowledge management, since according to Soleiro, it is essential to balance, specify, plan, exhibit and use effectively the discernment and business experience, depositedIn the organization.

New business models

The meaning of business models has been transforming substantially in recent times as a result of the arrival of the technological platforms that have changed the scheme of the goods and services offered by companies. Based on that context, the way of generating money, and capturing customers today goes much further adjusting to the needs and reach of users.

According to Osterwalder & Pigneur in his book "Generation of Business Models" says that business creation is based on establishing an amount for companies, their consumers and the community, which translates into the replacement of the archaic. In the same way the author adds the following:

"A business model is a conceptual tool that through a set of elements and its relationships, allows to express the logic in which a company tries to earn money generating and offering value to one or more segments".

In that same order of ideas, it can be said that the use of technological platforms by companies helps to boost productivity, especially to SMEs, which promotes the awareness of entrepreneurs creating competitiveness and survival of organizations, tothrough new market opportunities.

It can be noted that new business models are characterized as the new modality of buying and selling products and values through the Internet, in other words, it is a trade that manages the charges and payments electronically. It is valid to mention that each business has a type of customer to which it is addressed and depending on this, a classification is carried out as follows: B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C. According to the circumstances, how income is generated or the exchange, buyer/seller is carried out, they can be divided as follows: online stores with own resources, dropshipping, membership, marketplace, transactions, among others.

There are also other business modalities that are presented in the following table, which have evolved satisfactorily offering new methods in services for their clientele benefits.

Technological platforms

We can define technology as the Union of Sciences Proven between people, processes, instruments, techniques and methods, which are manipulated and intended for development to be implemented in services and goods, systems oriented to the benefit of humanity.

In this sense, digital platforms have become the catwalk that moves the economy through software and app applications. This modality was born in the early 2000s with the emergence of the Internet who, with the participation of the human being incorporated into the necessary work to execute the good exercise of online industries. This has allowed companies to establish their business strategies even from anywhere in the world with just having a reliable virtual connection.

At present, technological platforms are combined with the need to be more centralized in the customer and improve the quality of products through statistics and data, a strategy that has been generating a signifier in the industry, from a focused perspective towards consumption. Likewise, a progressive number of consumers no longer buy or have physical things, but prefer to pay for the provision of the service to which they access through a digital platform.


From the exhaustive review of academic documents, electronic books and scientific articles a documentary investigation was carried out, which oriented us towards the detailed understanding and familiarization of each of the characteristics surrounding the object of study. In this regard, Bautista (2016), explains that to carry out this type of exploration it is essential to “detect, obtain and consult the bibliography and other materials that start from diverse knowledge and/ or information compiled soberly from any reality, selectively, ofsuch a way that they can be useful in the proposed dissertation ”.

It is indisputable that with the realization of a documentary investigation, it seeks to conceive a new contribution, based on previous conceptual constructs, for which the researcher uses the analysis, interpretation, reflection and other reading techniques in order to create knowledge.

Within any investigative scrutiny procedure, the presence of a documentary design based on theories and study documents is made essential, which gives the process meaning. In this case, the research was essentially accompanied, of specialized magazine articles, degree work, doctoral theses and texts, which served to obtain reflections that constitute the importance of the prospective strategy. In this way, it can be indicated that the discernment that is sought with the realization of said article is oriented to elaborate a mechanism that is articulated from the processes that arise from the analysis, the reflection and interpretation of these writings.

Depending on what is raised in the applied study process, the information acquired of the aforementioned authors and experts were certified. In relation to the sample conducted, it is of a non -probabilistic nature, since it was established that the specialists were chosen according to the characteristics and importance of relevant resulting a great benefit for the researcher. At the same time, discernment and personal verdict was used by identifying elements that corresponded to be included in the explorations, established in postgraduate research carried out in Latin America and associated with articles of scientific journals.

Initially, the work was done quantitatively to observe and analyze the dynamics corresponding to the processes of business models through a picture of possible scenarios within organizations based on a conceptual construct chart 

Consecutively the review and analysis of scientific articles and thesis was made in order to support the content of this action set. Likewise, the Method of Anticipation of Scenarios was used, which designs the strategic plan that will be implemented as an element of organization and structure of the information for decision making. Considering a general perspective, according to Rasmussen, the use of scenarios is recommended when the following conditions are presented: complexity, uncertainty, need to combine short and long -term perspectives, availability of resources, responsibility and commitment for the transformation of systems.

Therefore, once the stage anticipation method has been carried out through a variable table, the results were extracted to be used in a basic and simple way in decision making. This means through this tool you can consider the possible internal and external scenarios that occur in the organization.

Consequently, Table No. 2 presents the exemplification of a possible procedure where the schemes proposed through a sum of their values are recorded and the possible internal and external factors that may occur in the transaction can be visualized through the digital platforms and thenumerical data of their possible solution that can influence the performance of a transaction structure, which are taken into account to develop the strategies that lead to the necessary corrections that must be considered in the decision -making.


The application of prospective exercises in uncertainty scenarios and variable environments in the field of business, allows the management system to have a clear perspective of how to expand horizons through a vision of the future and feasible in their study.

Prospective should not be visualized as an influence of the present based on the trends of the past under the antecedent of an observable permanence in time, it requires an expanded vision of possible scenarios and the elaboration of an action plan focused on creationof futures.

With the arrival of Covid 19, companies have been traveling a path of uncertainty and great limitations, which has involved in the closure of many of them. However, we see in detail the emergence of new ideas and trends due to the use of digital platforms that have served as an instrument in the continuity of business models which translates into competitive advantages. Likewise, technological development facilitates the necessary processes to improve productive developments.

With the execution of prospective as strategies through technological platforms, the implementation of new research cultures can be achieved that will help to point out the possible, probable and desirable contexts, which will motivate companies to implement actions in the resolution of anticipationprospectivist, expanding the path of future arguments that lead to the well -being of commerce in general. To conclude, it can be said that nothing is disposable when you want to materialize a necessary future not only take into account the trends, but also the disruptive scenarios that occur in our globalized environment.

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