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Strategy Development And Project Management


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Strategy development and project management


The present research aims to publicize a relevant contribution for the elaboration and execution of projects, for this it is importantThey are related to risk management planning.

These risks are present in the projects, there are known risks and unknown risks. It should be noted that for the correct development of the projects, the objectives must be taken into account, which are fundamental within them, there is talk of general objectives, specific objectives and the quantified objectives, that is, the goals or indicators. Knowing the resources that influence when carrying out a end a project is indispensable, this covers supplies;the costs, which in turn are classified as operational costs, investment costs and repair costs;The product is another element to take into account.

Another fundamental tool that must be understood is the feasibility of projects, since this is of great importance in marketing, and allows the search for those who want to invest to start a business. There is financial feasibility and institutional feasibility. In addition to this this tool serves to reflect the resources available to the execution of a project.


Once the project is launched, the monitoring and evaluation of the same must be initiated, this will also allow corrections to deviations that are presented allows us to monitor the development of the plan.

The situation of the Disaster Administration Project

Project disaster management includes processes related to risk management planning.

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As well as risk identification and analysis and planning of responses to risks. Also including the monitoring and control of them.

These processes are updated during the project life cycle. The objectives of project risks management are, on the one hand, to increase the probability and impact of positive events. And, on the other hand, reduce the probability and impact of negative events. It also includes objectives such as adopting response strategies to possible contingencies that may arise during project execution. As well as evaluate the most effective.

The project risks have their origin in the uncertainty that is present in all projects.

  • Known risks are those that have been identified and analyzed. Therefore, it is possible to plan answers for them.
  • Specific unknown risks are those that cannot be managed proactively. Which suggests that the project team should create a contingency plan.

It is a systematic method. Dedicated to identifying, analyzing and responding to the risk of the event. To consider:

  1. Is different for each project.
  2. It is done throughout the project.
  3. It is an iterative process.
  4. It is not optional, it is mandatory.
  5. Project Risk Management Processes.

Objectives and goals

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The general objective expresses the global idea of the future state that is intended to be achieved at the end of the project duration. Consequently, point clearly, why do you want to solve the problem?

In the drafting, the purpose of the project should not only consider, but also the sector or group of people benefited and, in general terms how to be carried out. Also, describe the conditions of execution and "if possible" some evaluation criteria.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: The specific objective is the desirable situation or state to achieve as a result of the elimination of one of the factors that cause the main problem;That is, each specific objective points to the overcoming of each of the most important causes that determine the main problem, to the extent that the specific objectives are achieved, the general objective would be achieved. Advance, what are the expected results?

Like the general objective, normally the statement of the specific objective also indicates people included in the action and who will benefit, and the way in which said objective will be achieved.

The specific objectives are related to the emphasis of the curricular proposal, the areas that make up the study plan (what is sought with them) and the respective subjects.

Consequently, the objective must state an action, it must be observable, specific and concrete. The objective must express in terms of product or result of learning, not in terms of the learning process.

Goals or indicators (how much do you want to achieve?)

The goals of a project are its quantified objectives. Indicators are also called … sometimes the goal replaces the objective as it subsequently is understood in it. However, he argues that both components of the project should formulate for clarity.

To know if the general objective and the specific objectives were achieved, five stages and questions are proposed. 1. What? expected result;two. How many? determine the amount;3. How positive? establish quality;4. When? establish the period and 5. Where? delimit the place.

Beneficiary population

It is necessary to know, properly, the types of population associated with the central problem, identified in the participatory community diagnosis. Sanin (1992, P. 62) Consider three types of population associated with the project:

Reference population: Global population figure of the community, which is taken as a frame of reference for the calculation, comparison and analysis of the demand of the good or service that the project will satisfy. This population, also called indirect beneficiaries, must be equal to the population that was taken into account to constitute the communal council.

Target population: part of the affected population to which the project is in real conditions to address, once the criteria and restrictions of the project have been examined. They are the users of the project or direct beneficiaries, located in a specific town. This population is defined by their belonging to a socio-economic segment, age group (children under six, for example), geographic location (rural or urban zone) and specific lack.

For Sanin, the ideal would be for the target population to be equal to the affected population;that is, the project can effectively attend the whole population in need. However, restrictions of a technological, financial, cultural and institutional nature, generally that demand exceeds the ability to do, so in many cases it will be necessaryAvailable resources (for example, ask about the strata of the population that suffer the problem with greater rigor or risk).

When you want to know the population associated with the project, the results of the latest population census are normally used. This source, however, does not offer great utility, if one takes into account that the censuses are carried out every ten years, and the information they present does not reach the minimum level of communities, but of parishes. That is why the most reliable source is the population and socio-economic census, which is carried out when a communal council will be constituted, which should be updated periodically.

Resources to develop the project. Supplies, costs, products, schedule. Project organization

In order for a project plan to be comprehensive and effective, you must take into account all the resources that influence the company’s capacity to create and deliver its main values. The list of resources that include production, product storage, process development, engineering, purchases, staff and finance.

These are classified into five categories: physical resources, human resources;Intellectual property, software and financial methods and resources.

  • Physical resources are tangibles and include facilities, offices, wineries, land, machinery, equipment and tools.
  • Human resources, which is composed of employees.
  • Intellectual property are the resources based on the knowledge of the operations function. Collective knowledge resident in the organization.
  • Financial resources are the types of funds available, including cash, money generated by the operations and funds available for financial markets.

Having this vision the company will be able to create more efficient and effective project plans.

Inputs: Inputs are all goods that are used in the production of other goods, that is, it is the raw material or production factor. They are used for the creation of a product.

These are necessary elements for the development of a project, since they indicate what will be needed for the creation of a product?

Costs: All inputs, goods or resources are costs in which it is necessary to incur to implement and put into operation the proposed technological solution, in order to generate the expected benefits. These are classified as: direct costs, indirect costs, fixed costs, variable costs, capital costs, current costs.

Investment costs: are those that must be incurred to provide operational capacity to the project. Normally they are those that are caused in the first reimbursement and implementation, that is, when the project is in a position to initiate its operation, they are classified into four categories.

1. Physical Works: Civil Engineer works are included and for purposes. Buildings, infrastructure and land. All required materials are included.

two. Machinery and equipment: instrumental investment. Machinery and tools included vehicles and furniture.

3. Labor: The qualified and unqualified hand. The first refers to human talent, the second the human resource that does not have any special preparation.

4. Others: this covers, for example, in agricultural projects, or working capital, in projects that need to build certain inventories to complete their productive capacity.

Reinvestment or repair costs: necessary to replace the investment components to the extent that they are wearing or becoming obsolete.

OPERATION COSTS: These are the inputs and resources that must attend to the project production process. These are divided into inputs and materials and labor.

PRODUCTS: These are the objects produced or manufactured, something material that is made naturally or industrially through a process, for the consumption or utility of people, that is, they are all tangible and intangible goods, which seek the satisfaction of the satisfaction of thecustomers.

There are natural products, that is, raw material;textile products, chemicals, agricultural products, among others. Products are necessary for the development of our project.Schedule: It is a document that shows in orderly the different tasks and milestones that form the project, the relationships of precedence and antecence between them, their duration, the beginning and end of the project.

Previously a procedure must be carried out:

  1. List of resources.
  2. Specification of resource categories and their components.
  3. Identification and description of the associated requirements in each case.
  4. Elaboration of the schedule.

The schedule provides a basis for supervising and controlling the development that makes up the project. In addition to this, it helps determine the best way to assign resources, so that you can reach the project’s goal and serve as a basis for monitoring the project progress. These are fundamental since it allows us to have a vision and clarity.

The schedules are a work or activities plan, which shows the duration of the investigative process and these must be reviewed periodically, simultaneously to the course of the execution.

Project organization

The organization of a project is so important that there may be many projects technically and economically viable. The correct organization of a project has an impact on the different information flows and the correct distribution of responsibilities. For the organization of a project, the organization of the company must be taken into account and adapt to it.

There are three levels of project manager: technical authority, operative authority and disciplinary authority.The identification and analysis of the relevant factors for the organization of the project will correspond to five interrelated groups or categories, these are:

• Participation of managers and their team in the organization of the project in general.

• Relationship with the permanent organization of the company.

• Own characteristics of the project in question

• Strengths, weaknesses and third -party participation analysis

• Incremental costs.

The feasibility of projects

A feasibility study is one of the most valuable marketing tools when you are searching for investors to mark the start of a new business. This is why you should know how to carry out a feasibility study. This process consists of a study to know the availability of resources to carry out the objectives or goals, it means if it will be possible to meet these goals taking into account the resources available to its execution.

Financial feasibility

The economic-financial feasibility analysis is to assess the investment from quantitative and qualitative project evaluation criteria, using the most representative guidelines used to make investment decisions. The financial economic evaluation constitutes the culminating point of the feasibility study, since it measures in what magnitude the benefits obtained with the execution of the project exceed the costs and expenses for their materialization.

This evaluation shows if the business can be launched and maintained, showing evidence that it has been carefully planned, contemplated the problems involved and keep it in operation. In other words, identify and measure what are the real possibilities that a project to be afloat and generate, from the financial perspective, wealth, wealth.

There are a number of factors that must be taken into account when identifying and mediating these possibilities, among them:

• Sustainability: ability to stay and self-satisfy the project’s own requirements.

• Profitability: Ability to meet the expectations of shareholders

• Time: Time tolerance range to meet the business requirements and expectations of your shareholders.

This is because to the extent that entrepreneurship is sustainable, profitable and lace within a period of time that meets the needs of those who initiate and promote it, then the chances of this feasible to increase.

Institutional feasibility

Institutional feasibility is usually addressed as a series of aspects that could interfere with the development of the project, for example, obtaining financing, development of activities, monitoring, dissemination, among others, that allow identifying the functions and roles that the institutional authorities and thecommunity in general could exercise in favor or against them. However, in practice, institutional feasibility is indicated as the favorable legal political context for the viable execution of a project, without considering the future if that context will continue to exist or if the persons responsible for promoting an initiative will feel identified or committed toWith its functions to do the necessary actions to specify it.

Source of National and International Financing

The company’s source of financing is all that way that is used to obtain the necessary resources that cover its activity.

One of the great objectives of every company is its survival, and to guarantee its continuity, financial resources must be provided. Thus, the sources of financing will be the media used by the firm to get funds.

In order for the company to maintain an economic structure, that is, its goods and rights, financial resources will be necessary. This type of resources will be found in the net and liabilities. Another purpose of financing sources will be to achieve the necessary funds to achieve the most profitable investments for the company.

National Financing: They represent the set of institutions, media and markets, whose primary purpose is to channel the savings generated by lenders (or expenditure units with surplus) towards borrowers (or expenditure units with deficit), as well as facilitate and grant securityto the money movement and the payment system.

International financing: it is the set of public and private institutions of the State and individuals that provide the means of financing to the international economy for the development of its activities. 

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