Strategy Plan for an Informative Speech
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Strategy Plan for an Informative Speech.
Educational addresses are given to provide knowledge of a particular subject to the audience (Singh & Kumar, 2007). I will present an explanation speech introducing the concept of pensions. An explanation speech is an address that focuses on abstract ideas and involves dividing the subject matter into relatable parts. This will make it simpler for me to introduce the concept of pensions by first venturing into an already familiar subject, employment benefits.
To ensure the audience learn, I will focus on helping the listeners understand the relevance of a retirement account in their lives (Singh & Kumar, 2007). The knowledge will motivate them to pay attention during the talk. I will then incorporate facts about the amount of money one can earn from pensions into my address to intensify the impact of the data (Singh & Kumar, 2007). During my speech, I will continuously repeat the words pension, stable retirement, and savings to highlight the message.
I will also show the differences between a person enjoying pension benefits and one who is not. The contrasts will help the audience understand the significance of pensions. I will use visual aids, like charts to help the audience visualize the information. By emphasizing key words and defining new ways of saving money, I will enable the listeners to retain the knowledge they acquired during the talk.
In delivering my speech, I will employ the comparative speech design.
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I will first state the facts the audience already knows, that all employees receive certain benefits, and then move on to introduce new information, how to acquire pensions. By doing this, my listeners can associate the new data with what they already know and thus enhance their understanding.
Singh, P. L., & Kumar, S. (2007). Communicate or Collapse A Handbook of Effective Public Speaking, Group Discussions, and Interviews. New Dehli: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
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