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Street Sexual Harassment In Bucaramanga


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Street sexual harassment in Bucaramanga


Daily women like every human being are part of the social scenario in which they exercise their working, student and leisure life. Each woman is different and have different projects and goals, but also each of them lives the experience of facing some situations of street sexual harassment, this fact that daily in society observes it as something natural, a kiss, a whistle,A piropo, a caress in short. 


Next, the different concepts, reactions and actions regarding street harassment that are lived daily in the streets of Bucaramanga, Colombia will be addressed, seeking awareness of this phenomenon that arouses terror to all those women every time they walk through the streets of thecity. For this, it is first necessary to define what is street sexual harassment, the differences of the situations of the same and a compliment, to publicize the consequences that this type of problem both psychological and emotional and the different situations of vulnerability that the victims are located.

The different looks of all those people who have led to one or another street harassment and what position to take before that, by means of surveys aimed at the public. Likewise, to provide through this research that street sexual harass.


Given the research carried out above, the ignorance of the Colombian population regarding street sexual harassment and the importance of this, since it is seen naturally from our childhood, also excluding the trigger factors of these attitudes.

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The compliments, as well as other phrases and situations that seemed indisputable signs of the street, today is called: street sexual harassment (ASC). According to the specialist Hollu Kearl, they classify as ASC the unwanted words and actions carried out by strangers in public places, which are motivated by gender and invade a person’s physical and emotional space disrespectful, rare, surprising, frightening or insulting.

The population is accustomed to women being limited to private space and defined as passive, weak, objects of desire and sexual satisfaction;Conversely, man is characterized as active, strong, aggressor and conqueror, sovereign of the public.

Taking into account these contributions, street sexual harassment has been created throughout history, where the female gender has always been on a disadvantage plane, since they are warm of being the fragile and weak genre before the social world, however, in recent times studies have been carried out where multiple types of violence have been clear, which have been addressed by different researchers and various hypotheses of each have been known. However, street sexual harassment has been set aside and this factor of vital importance for society and new generations has not been emphasized.

In 2013, the United Nations recognized the harsh reality of street sexual harassment which is an impediment to gender equality (UN). Taking into account this contextualization we can verify the implications that it brings to our specific society to the female figure, since it receives happy compliments without having corner of this.

Having announced a little the issue of street sexual harassment and the implications it has in front of the female part and gender inequality, it is essential to deepen the studies already carried out and insert this issue in education to be distinguished and had incounts from primary training and thus change these attitudes and the way of seeing this harassment.

How do women in the city of Bucaramanga perceive street sexual harassment?


This research is carried out based on the day -to -day experience where women are more "flattered" by men who express such behavior.

It is taken into account that this behavior is developed, practiced and received by women from very early ages, where flirting or compliments become morbid and is attributed as street sexual harassment, since the "compliments" are directed and directed andinsinuated with high load of sexual content.

Street sexual harassment is a problem that afflicts society and mainly women, so investigations have been carried out where we find that the situation in Colombia is nothing encouraging, the Prosecutor’s Office has expressed that of 4 complaints that were presented in 2008,The figure has increased to 1.656 in 2017. On the other hand, this same entity has stated that on January 10, 2018, the number of cases per harassment is 11098, of which 6000 are inactive. Reviewing the statistics, it is evident that anywhere in the environment where the woman is found, she is prone to receive this type of sexual harassment and that this bad habit increases more and more.

Faced with this, a series of measures have been implemented to counteract this situation, such is the promulgation of Law 1257 of 2008, in its article 29, adds article 210a by which sexual harassment as autonomous crime within the Code within the CodeCriminal, where it is incurred in penalty of 1 to 3 years in prison for committing some kind of conduct where it is pursued, host or proven physically or verbally for sexual purposes not spoiled.

Another element that drives this investigation is that various investigations of violence against women have been carried out and yet street sexual harassment is little approached. You have to recognize what is necessary and important that it is for women to feel safe every time you move through public spaces.


  • Know the perception, valuation, involvement and types of harassment of Bucaramanga’s women in the face of street sexual harassment generating prevention against this phenomenon in the city.



  • Investigate about the perception and valuation given by the women of the city of Bucaramanga to street sexual harassment
  • Analyze the implications of the street sexual harassment of the women of the city of Bucaramanga
  • Recognize the types of street harassment perceived by women in the city of Bucaramanga
  • Generate awareness strategies against the prevention of street sexual harassment in the city of Bucaramanga  



At present, interest in studying other manifestations of gender violence, particularly in public spaces, is growing. Thus, the study of street sexual harass. This phenomenon that torments them daily has driven them to be strong and united when facing their stalker, this joint and individual reaction builds an important social fact of study to contribute to this big problem.

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