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Stress, Health and Lifestyle Behaviours

Stress, Health and Lifestyle Behaviours
Psychological stress can damage one’s self-control in a significant way. Stressed individuals can easily violate other people’s rights. Management of pressure is, therefore, necessary to avoid social wrongdoings such as fighting people as a way of relieving stress. Moreover, there are strategies already in place to decrease them through health or lifestyle behaviour management. As such, it is imperative to explore the psychological arousal interventions and strategies for reducing stressful behaviours.
Chapter 13 focuses on psychological arousal interventions. A person describes his mental stress that arose from the trauma of experiencing the illness that claimed his father’s life. The pressure was intense such that the affected individual had to seek counselling on stress management. According to Seaward (2017), exercise are vital to managing psychological stress. Actively teaching the body to handle stress is essential as the body is prepared to release the pressure by physical means. The physical fight gives a vital explanation on why people beat up their loved ones or cause chaos to strangers. However, violating other people’s right as a way or releasing the tension is not socially right ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {“citationID”:”2t34oQ94″,”properties”:{“formattedCitation”:”(Seaward, 2017)”,”plainCitation”:”(Seaward, 2017)”,”noteIndex”:0},”citationItems”:[{“id”:47,”uris”:[“http://zotero.

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org/users/4817398/items/R7CWATLP”],”uri”:[“http://zotero.org/users/4817398/items/R7CWATLP”],”itemData”:{“id”:47,”type”:”book”,”title”:”Managing stress”,”publisher”:”Jones & Bartlett Learning”,”ISBN”:”1-284-12626-9″,”author”:[{“family”:”Seaward”,”given”:”Brian Luke”}],”issued”:{“date-parts”:[[“2017″]]}}}],”schema”:”https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json”} (Seaward, 2017). People need to employ ethical principles to manage and relieve psychological pressure, especially through physical exercises.
In Chapter 14, strategies for decreasing stressful behaviours are explained further to provide insights of managing stress. Many instances people make decisions about changing their way of doing things, but it happens that the changes are usually short-lived since maintaining the new strategies becomes a challenge. The inability to change behaviour creates mental pressure and eventually stress. However, several practices can help one adopt the decisions made towards making a change one behaviour. Improving health behaviours enables an individual to better his or her physical and psychological health. For instance, a person can start working out and taking two litters of water a day as a progressive way of improving physical and mental health ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {“citationID”:”iyWBjd8u”,”properties”:{“formattedCitation”:”(Lovallo, 2015)”,”plainCitation”:”(Lovallo, 2015)”,”noteIndex”:0},”citationItems”:[{“id”:49,”uris”:[“http://zotero.org/users/4817398/items/T3RV4J4Z”],”uri”:[“http://zotero.org/users/4817398/items/T3RV4J4Z”],”itemData”:{“id”:49,”type”:”book”,”title”:”Stress and health: Biological and psychological interactions”,”publisher”:”Sage publications”,”ISBN”:”1-4833-4745-1″,”author”:[{“family”:”Lovallo”,”given”:”William R”}],”issued”:{“date-parts”:[[“2015″]]}}}],”schema”:”https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json”} (Lovallo, 2015). Lifestyle behaviours are behaviours that occur throughout a persons’ lifetime when performing daily examples. For example, taking a walk and performing various chores. It is essential to undergo health behavior assessment to achieve a positive behavioural change. The assessments help an individual identify the practices that need to be dropped or altered to enhance growth. Lastly, an individual should chose lifestyle behaviours that enable him or her to avoid stressful actions.In conclusion, considering psychological stress management is essential and taking action is necessary. Additionally, efforts made to manage stress should not violate the rights of other people. One can adopt physical exercises as an imperative method of reducing mental pressure. Lastly, health and lifestyle behaviours should also be given maximum attention since they can effectively lead to stress reduction.

ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {“uncited”:[],”omitted”:[],”custom”:[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Lovallo, W. R. (2015). Stress and health: Biological and psychological interactions. Sage publications.
Seaward, B. L. (2017). Managing stress. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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