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Student’S Care And His School Uniform


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Student’s care and his school uniform


Attending classes continuously and permanently is one of the simplest factors of school life, however, it is one of the most important requirements that contributes to school success. The idea is that the authorities within their agenda of initiatives and programs can implement giving it enhancement and the importance to control and monitor the percentages of school absenteeism as well as carrying out and implementing communal policies that aim to successfully face chronic absenteeism and thus avoidThe withdrawals of the students of this level.


School attendance

There are different concepts of school attendance according to the measurement mode used. One of them considers the total percentage of assistance of an establishment, which corresponds to the average assistance rate of all students during a defined time unit. This is an added measure that allows to evaluate in broad strokes the level of assistance of students as a whole. Another considers the percentages reported at the individual level, which allow observing the student assistance patterns that are hidden under the total averages. A high percentage of establishment assistance can mask a significant number of students with repeated or serious absence.

The school assistance indicator refers to the second concept mentioned. The school assistance indicator evaluates the ability of an establishment to promote that its students regularly attend classes, based on the distribution of students in four categories based on the percentages of individual assistance.

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Number of people attending an educational level (initial/primary/secondary) that are in the age group established for said level, with respect to the total population of said age group.School dropout in rural areas of Peru, especially at the level of secondary basic education, constitutes a serious problem and urges it to solve it. According to the INEI, the gross school assistance rate for children and adolescents between 12 and16 years for 2013 was 92.3 % nationwide, reducing to 89.8 % for rural areas. (INEI)

Attending classes continuously and permanently is one of the simplest factors of school life, however, it is one of the most important requirements that contributes to school success. The idea is that the authorities within their agenda of initiatives and programs can implement giving it enhancement and the importance to control and monitor the percentages of school absenteeism as well as carrying out and implementing communal policies that aim to successfully face chronic absenteeism and thus avoidThe withdrawals of the students of this level.

School Assistance Categories

The outstanding assistance category brings together the students of the establishment who attend 97% or more of the total official school conference of the year. In practice, students with outstanding assistance are absent approximately 5 days or less per year1.

  • The normal assistance category includes students who attend more than 90% of the total official school days of one year and less than 97% of the total number of days, which corresponds approximately a range of 6 to 18 annual absences.
  • The repeated absence category brings together students who attend more than 85% of the total official school days of one year and 90% or less than the total number of days, which corresponds to absent between 19 and 26 days a year,about.
  • The severe absence category brings together students who attend only 85% or less of the total left -school schoolchildren. These students are absent more than 27 days a year, approximately. 

Importance of school attendance

School assistance, in addition to constituting a key condition for students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are expected to learn during school education, contributes to the socio -emotional development of students, and promotes the development of responsibility and other habitsand attitudes that facilitate the future life of children and young people.

Regarding the relationship between school attendance and socio -emotional development of students, research has shown that students who have better assistance rates achieve better communication and link with their classmates and teachers, which makes school life a periodMore pleasant and constructive. Likewise, students who attend class regularly have less chance of incurring risk behaviors, since the school constitutes a sheltered space that protects children and young people from laziness, alcohol and drug use, crime and dropoutschool.

 As for the latter, it should be borne in mind that repeated absenteeism is considered the greatest predictor for a student’s dropout.On the other hand, and as mentioned above, promoting assistance is essential to encourage students to develop responsibility and other habits and attitudes that have been shown to facilitate adult life. Responsibility, understood as the ability to respond to acquired duties and assume the consequences of the acts themselves, is a value that, once acquired, increases the chances of people, in general terms, achieve the goals proposed. 

Specifically, students who regularly attend classes are more likely to finish school education, find and stay in quality jobs and access better salaries, among others. Finally, it is key to consider the effect of school attendance and academic performance of students. 

Investigations reveal that the harmful effects of repeated absence extend throughout the school. Regularly absent during the first years of basic education significantly affects the acquisition of elementary mathematical and verbal knowledge and skills, which hinders the consolidation of the necessary base to acquire the complex skills that students are expected to learn during the following years. 

Likewise, it has been observed that the number of absences of a student is directly related to their results in the census tests, which reflects the need for students to attend classes to learn what is expected for their age. In addition, it has been found that, in establishments with high rates of repeated absence, not only the students who are absent present worse performance, but also those who attend regularly, since everyone must assume the cost of the constant program settingsthat teachers do with the end of leveling those students who lost classes.

The School Assistance Indicator is evaluated on the basis of the information collected in the Registration of Final Grades and School Promotion of the General Student Information System (SIGE) or other registration system set by the Ministry of Education. The score of this indicator is estimated independently for basic education and secondary education. For this, the following steps are carried out:

1. Calculation of the annual assistance rate per student: the reason is calculated between the number of days that each student who pays the SIMCE test and the amount of total days of the school year assists.

two. Assignment of the score per student: From the assistance rate, each student is classified in one of the four assistance categories (outstanding assistance, normal assistance, repeated absence or serious absence) and the score associated with said category is assigned. The higher the assistance rate, it will better be the category in which the student will be classified and, therefore, will get a higher score.

3. Calculation of the grade score: The scores of all students of a certain degree that pay the SIMCE test are averaged.

4. Cycle score calculation (basic education or secondary education): the results of the indicator of all grades corresponding to the evaluated cycle are added, for which the scores by grade are averaged, pondering them by the number of students that the SIMCE test paideach one of them. 

How to achieve high school attendance rates

Educational institutions that promote school attendance and achieve high assistance rates, generally implement some of the following measures:

They form aware among students of the importance of attending classes.

Educational institutions care that students understand the importance of attending classes, in terms of learning and the training of will, responsibility and perseverance. For this, they make them see that their performance decreases when classes are missing;They show them that each class is necessary and highlight what they have learned;And they explain how to be responsible will help them in their academic, work and personal life in the future.

They involve parents and guardians.

Educational institutions communicate to the proxies, in meetings, workshops, talks and through circular, the importance of students regularly attending classes, both for learning and for the development of important values and habits for life. This measure seeks to prevent parents from covering their children and allowing them to be missing for reasons such as study.

 In addition, they ask parents to avoid as much as possible that students are missing classes to accompany them to do paper.Establish an incentive system to reward good assistance and constancy.Educational institutions institute individual and year -level recognition to encourage students’ assistance, as an award at the end of the year for students with outstanding assistance to the course with better level or cycle assistance. 

Classroom assistance

It is a key condition for the progress of students in their learning, since the presence of students in the classroom allows the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes. Therefore, assistance is an element that reflects the efficiency and quality of the education system included by the institutions, families and educational establishments of our country, corresponding to both a school result, as to a factor with multiple social implications that are associated with performanceand academic and non -academic development of students.


To analyze school attendance, what happens in some Latin American countries will be observed during the first half of the 2000s. It will begin by marking the objective of maximum that is intended to be achieved: that all children and adolescents, regardless of their social origin, comply with the expected educational trajectory.

This means that they enter the school at the scheduled age, that the school years transit without repeating or abandoning and that they graduate from high school to the indicated age. In addition, it is sought that this route have made significant learning.However, this ideal trajectory is not what occurs in all cases. It may happen that students enter the age at which they should do so, take the first years of schooling without delaying or deserting, but arriving a certain age (for example, in adolescence) begin to abandon.

When analyzing such different contexts, it is asked what are the challenges and obstacles to guarantee the education of all children and adolescents, regardless of the social sector from which they come and the place where they live. A huge difference between countries was observed. With the exception of Costa Rica, the rest shows great internal diversity. This means that different educational profiles travel to each territory and according to the area in which you live will attend a different reality.

 Situations of extreme precariousness coexist with other good educational levels and are also next to extensive areas where school abandonment prevails. It is pending, then, the question about how to develop policies that contemplate the challenge of educating in such different contexts.

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