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Study On School Desercion


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To better understand we can mention that the word dropout, is the action of desert School dropout is the word that is used to refer to students who have stopped attending classes and are being out of the educational system.

It is understood as departure from the education system, before obtaining its title, and can occur at all levels is not exclusive to one and if that is added the lack of motivation, the relations distant with its family environment, the Crisis of authority of the teacher, the damage or vandalism to the facilities, are issues that are present in the classroom. The changes suffered in the educational system, causes in the teachers an ambiguous sense about education. It is important to emphasize the need that every individual has to bring educational processes, which will allow them to obtain new knowledge, grow in values, develop cognitive and physical skills, adopt behaviors, culturally identify, among others.

It can be said that the family has an important role to avoid or induce, to school dropout since parents or guardians should see how their children study and attend classes. But in most cases due to economic difficulties, not to have their own residence, or with the sufficient support of the parents, they are usually barriers so that young people can finish their academic training. Since the first to promote the study and culmination of it are the parents, without forgetting that they must be accompanied by the values ​​instilled in the family environment such as responsibility, solidarity, respect, friendship that is what it does that are responsible for any situation.

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After the realization of various studies, the causes that can motivate school dropout have been determined, many are external to academics and that also affect the student and their performance, as well as their professional and work future. Education is a factor for economic growth, to reduce poverty, overcoming people and human development.

Likewise, to reduce the indices, it is necessary that both parents and teachers and other people close to the student stimulate and encourage them to continue in the study, it is necessary to establish policies that help reduce dropout cases. Since this limits in some way the number of jobs that will be developed at some point by a student. Many of the professions that provide greater income are those performed by people with university titles.

This problem poses to the educational system the search for alternatives to make a decrease and help to the economic, psychological, affective needs of which students lack. The lack of scholarships for books and for tuition and schools with sufficient number of classrooms and teachers to be able to meet demand is another problem they face. This problem is also shown in industrialized countries and also in Third World calls.

A population with education is an element for the democratization of society since they have tangible effects on society, the government, in politics, use natural resources properly, all are important factors for the fight against injustices, social inequality already that are necessary to improve the quality of life of a population.


It should be aware that unfortunately little or nothing institutions have done on this issue, since there is no economic and even human resources to attend it, when education is a social conflict and one of the consequences that the Lack of studies is unemployment, and the difficulty in achieving a well -paid one, the same economic problems increases intrafamily violence, without missing crime and it is highlighted that it is a consequence of the lack of studies, since they grow without values.

Education is the right that each individual must have and it is the way in which a country reaches to develop in a higher way and, lacking education, has a social cost that will be reflected, in the increase in crime In all areas, low growth in economics, poverty and income inequality.


It is school dropout at a higher level, and the most common reasons is the lack of vocation, the academic history, family difficulties, which is not only a failure in the student, but also of the family, of the educational institution that did not have The precaution of avoiding it, no country is free of this problem, even in places with a high schooling index such as Finland suffers, in addition there is no possible solution, it would have to be sought in each study house and with the help of relatives, educational authorities and educational authorities and of the student himself since most of these cases occur in the first year of the career.

Since they realize that it is not what they expected or presented a job opportunity and give priority to work.


The general objective, mediation is a technique to solve the problems that can occur between group of students.

The specific objective, determine and solve problems between the teacher who can motivate the student to cease to attend the classes, and find alternatives for the resolution of conflict and in turn generate conditions for the retention of the students and that they can continue and finish their studies.

Delimitation of the study in relation to the problem

For this research we can talk about demographic delimitation that is from 18 years to 21 years when the university is finished and it is in which this research will be focused, speaking only of the universities of the city of Nuevo Laredo.

And also the analytical delimitation, which is going to refer from its definition, background, but what most important is to know what are the causes and consequences of this phenomenon that affects society.


School dropout is a problem that affects the development of society. And it could be said that the situations that initiate it are the economic reasons as the first casusa, then the learning problems and the low school performance would be, also the social environment where the student develops, such as the influence of friendships, his attitude In the face of studies, addiction problems etc. 

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