Studying The Concept Of Mental Health
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Mental health concept
Mental health concepts can vary according to the various opinions of different authors. The authors (Houtman and Kompier) define health as a state of emotional well -being of people in the social environment in which it develops. It also defines it as a process in which people struggle to achieve their authenticity within the social group to which it belongs and finally is the result of how we confront stress, exhaustion, the different problems faced by society and families in whichWe grew up.
Mental health is clearly related to the daily life of individuals, in how each person performs their individual and group activities. Perceive the way in which each individual fulfills their desires, goals, expresses their feelings, faces different problems, etc. Mental health depends on how one feels before other people and even more on how to solve problems without affecting their emotional status.
Mental health is understood as the ability of each person to build themselves and be able to interact in society. Mental health also serves to support or accompany a person who has mental illnesses in order to motivate their recovery seeking individual and collective well -being.
Adequate moment to form mental health
Mental health is a very important issue that should not be forgotten. Mental health must be promoted mainly by families since they strengthen and promote children’s raising.
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Programs such as School for parents promote adequate family coexistence, teach parents and children to get involved and carry out recreational, sports, cultural activities. etc.
Mental health should begin from the stage of pregnancy and breastfeedface and strengthen mental health in him baby. In the childhood stage, parents must develop activities that stimulate cultural development and self-care. Education has great weight on mental health at this stage because it has to prevent violence problems that exist at this stage such as (school violence, bullying). By not preventing them or a child from going through this type of violence would generate trauma, which affects their mental health in the future. In the adolescence stage, people face crisis by exploring the limits established by their family, therefore they go to different support programs so that adolescents do not overflow their limits and can make better decisions. It is more feasible to support a program to avoid problems between father and children. In the stage of the elderly, here his mental health is affected by the different physical changes of age. At this stage to prevent damage your mental health, it would be activities, having new friendships, family accompaniment.
Mental health works only with people who suffer.M
Previously mental health was a branch of psychiatry, it was used as medical terms and was understood as mental illness. Mental health was also known as the prevention and promotion that were aimed at avoiding mental illness problems rather than improving people’s quality of life. Mental health is the basis for the well -being and positive functioning of an individual and a community and not only of a person with mental disorder.
Mental health is a very important resource and seeks the well -being and functioning of individuals, families, communities and nations. It covers all people as it is generated in our daily lives, in houses, schools, workplaces and recreational activities and in society. Mental health not only tries to prevent mental disorders through the promotion of mental health, but is also effective for some diseases and risks such as antisocial behavior, AIDS, teenage pregnancies, among others that harm people’s health.
The authors indicate that mental health has three great conditions that have a great weight in mental health during the subject’s life cycle. Neurobiology there is evidence of neurobiological substrates (nerve cells) in some psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia, TOC and others have great neurobiological load that determines the mental health of the individual. Personality brings it closer or distance from a healthy profile. It contributes to mental health in a favorable sense of some aspects such as assertiveness, optimism, empathy, trust, patience, security, etc. These factors give stability in mental health. And finally the environment, environmental factors are broad with changes throughout the Vita cycle. Depending on the characteristics you have, they can be positive or negative for the individual’s mental health. The most important environment for mental health is that of the family, because when the environment has limits, rules, freedom, it teaches to face problems, it generates love in other words that is to say the family is a promoter of mental health.
The family fulfills a fundamental role when individuals are in treatment to improve their mental health. They support the person dare from educational programs or support group. In cases of mental disorders families can be primary caregivers or make administrative decisions of the mentally ill person. Mental health is not only promoted by mental health professionals, the family also contributes when correctly fulfilling their functions.
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