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“Success In Education And Entrepreneurship, Strategic Partners”


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"Success in education and entrepreneurship, strategic partners"

Education as a tool for entrepreneurship training

Entrepreneurship is a term widely used today. Given the need to overcome the constant and growing economic problems, entrepreneurship has become a very important concept. It refers to a person’s ability to make an additional effort to achieve a goal or objective.

At present and after the situation we are facing, the question arises. Why train or educate the entrepreneur? Education is an instrument for the improvement of society which means that man acquires greater learning by putting education in context towards the community and society, that is, living it as a culture.

For many people, the only option to obtain a decent income is through the development of its own project. The unemployment rate today is relatively high, therefore, it seeks to generate employment generation, which allow improving the quality of life of society.

Entrepreneurship today has gained great importance for the need for many people to achieve their independence and economic stability. High levels of unemployment, and the low quality of existing jobs, have created in people, the need to generate their own resources, to start their own businesses, and go from being employed to be employers.

All this is only possible, if you have an entrepreneurial spirit. A great determination is required to give up the economic ‘stability’ that offers a job and venture as an entrepreneur.

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Important points can be identified, the university is the center and assumes a primary role as an education tool. Through which a better vision develops and different situations are expressed such as: material progress, economic development and the human dimension that can have entrepreneurship.

Education favors the dynamic relationship with society and characterizes the human being as open, detached, liberalized in time and remains in constant learning.

"Education and action" are linked to a strategy of social change with active participation and in solving the problems of the environment, and construction of a new reality and a better quality of life.

Education is one of the most powerful branches to model the future, to change the world, to create a new reality, and develop new skills.

Higher education is one of the most important papers that must be taken into consideration, it is at this point where people must acquire real commitment and active participation that leads to the transformation from the point of view of society that is changing andIt constitutes an important role which is oriented to learning from being, making and undertaking.

Each human being has different potential skills that not only make it unique and can undertake but also share their knowledge with other people creating relationships in which economic character and interest to transmit success from generation to generation and making improvements are involved and making improvementsto existing products making innovations, implementing new ideas that seek the effectiveness of the product and that satisfy the need of the consumer.

The added value, the key to entrepreneurship

What is the added value?

The added value, when we talk about that added value, in a nutshell is that extra that is granted to customers when they buy a product or acquire a service. This concept is widely used in marketing and administration since it acts as an incentive to get customers to consume a product or subscribe to a service, is to make them valuable without putting them expensive, necessarily.

This is usually a special characteristic, which in the business world makes a difference to achieve consumer preference.

What is it for?

It is important to know, how to compete in such a globalized and competitive world, commercially every day it becomes more difficult to create or invent a product. It seems that everything is already created, that there is nothing else to offer again, it seems that companies are already complete in the global market. Although it has a bit of truth, it is not entirely true. Many of the products that people consume today are needs that have been created in advance. That is, not everything today is consumed, necessarily at the request of consumers.

This means that people find the functionality and importance of what they consume, in other words, consumers are creating the needs to acquire certain products or services dependent on the value they find in them, which goes beyond onlymonetary. In order to be competitive, it is important.

How to add value to our products and services

Now that we know what is added value, and what is its importance, will surely assault us how to add value to my product or service? Do I have to give something? Under my prices? Below we share some tips or tips of the most common added value strategies, without much investment and very practical, which will surely add value to your business or to the service you provide.

Storytelling: "Tell the story" this is a relatively recent marketing trend, which allows you to connect more with your customers and does not require almost any investment. Storytelling is that you interview one of your customers, who tells their experience when trying your product or when supported by your services, the story must be brief, but inspiring. In other words, others say how good you are. This makes your product or service perceived as something that really works, which is good, reliable and safe. You can record it with a cell phone and edit slightly in some free software. Finally, publish it on your social networks and this will become a low cost but very effective recommendation between your target audience.

Sell the experience: how you say things is very important, and selling experience is a way to add value to your very effective product or service. Instead of saying "I am selling Chinese food" you can communicate "Enjoy the millenary oriental flavor in each bite" or imagine publishing in your networks "arrange vehicles", when you could say "sure your car is fine? Your security is the most important, I can review it for you ". In this strategy creativity is very important. The added value is that by telling your potential customers what they will feel when trying your product or being supported by your service, a genuine interest will awaken in wanting to verify what you promise, just make sure to fulfill what you say so that this is notcounterproductive. "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.".

Validate the quality: if you have a page on social networks, this is something that you will already know, validating the quality is that you look for your page followers to leave you a good qualification and a good comment. When quality is proven by third parties, we usually trust more. This is an added value that can serve you a lot when you are starting to grow. You can search that your Facebook page has a 5 -star rating, although you can also think of an ISO certification or associate a group of professionals, that your quality is validated will undoubtedly cause great impacts on how your brand is perceived.

Dedicating life to a profession should always be by vocation. Since childhood we think we want to be older, and we always want to find personal satisfaction and a good salary.

When the decision is made about what to study, there are several factors that have to be taken into account. One of these factors, without a doubt, is the economic. Although there are many people who want to dedicate themselves to something they like and do not care so much to earn money in abundance, there are also many young people who see studies as an investment for a prosperous future.

Unfortunately, no career gives the guarantee of a high income to their graduates. And the final result will depend a lot on the effort and attitude of the person.

What is money?

Money is all active or which is accepted as a means of payment by economic agents for their exchanges and also fulfills the functions of being a unit of value account and deposit. Some examples of money are: coins, currencies and tickets, debit cards, and electronic transfers, among others

What is wealth?

Wealth is the abundance of material and immaterial resources, also the possession of financial goods and assets, is usually represented in movable and immovable property.

But, you have ever wondered what leads you to get money or wealth?

The life of a student in his maturity stage makes you reflect on this question;However, drawing specific objectives and goals in your professional life will help determine the response time to this question. Next, we detail some tips that will support you to be closer to success in your professional life, which will make you obtain favorable economic income in the short term if you use them properly.

  1. It raises realistic objectives: the adequate realization of objectives with solid but attainable foundations will even help your self – esteem, because reaching them will help you consider new and better plans. If your goals are ambitious, they will surely be more difficult to achieve, but the fear of failure could be present and make you feel disappointed for not reaching your goal.
  2. You must focus on going little by little so that nothing interferes in your day to day and accepting errors as something natural within the process, remember that without fall there would be no room for learning.
  3. Face your challenges: already established your realistic goals it will be easierThe first, what prevents me from continuing with others? If you still feel fail, start a detailed series of steps one by one however small they are, this will help you to have a better perspective and organize the information that will help you achieve it in a better way.
  4. Detects growth opportunities: you must pay attention to the possible bad experiences that you face, these will be the engine that will promote you to seek continuous improvement and create indicators of new opportunities.
  5. It is important that you observe carefully and generate innovative ideas through which you reach benefits in your professional life.
  6. Continuous improvement: it is important to evaluate before, during and after each objective you carry out, this step will give you a better perspective of what you want to seek. Evaluate each result is important to know if you need to improve any process, change even its content, sequence or methodology used.


The work context becomes increasingly complex, and as professionals who need to achieve success through a job or their own entrepreneursbut as a place where success can be achieved and overcome day by day, feel the satisfaction even of independence and develop in what you like most, achieving step by step reach your previously established goals and goals and goals.

All this will allow you to locate yourself in a professional field, improve your conditions and allow you to generate economic stability and over time the accumulation of personal wealth.


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