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Suicide And Phases Of Suicidal Behavior


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Suicide and phases of suicidal behavior


In the following writing, we will address the problem as different variables that leads to suicide or suicidal attempt. Suicide is not a current dilemma since it has been present since past centuries. In addition, we find that the Internet is one of the greatest causes of suicide for its diverse information that helps and leads to a person wanting to make this decision;But we also show that we can find support related to avoiding suicide, both virtual and face -to -face and that they provide aid and accompaniment to people in a moment of vulnerability.

Next, we will talk about suicide and causes of suicide and because a person can make this decision, since there are different variables that influence and lead a person to attempt against his life.

We will talk that suicide has different phases between them is: suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt and when suicide is carried out, we must take into account that suicide not only occurs for their thought, but its contextIt influences and somehow can also influence other people at a time due to the lack of solution of a problem.

The family can have many times in a person’s suicidal act, due to lack of support or because in young people it is believed that they are attracting attention. Suicide has different factors, such as its age, its sexual inclination, its ethnicity or its socioeconomic stratum.


Suicide is considered a public health problem;where the World Health Organization results in 800.

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000 people die every year in the world for suicide. We find that suicide is more frequent between 15 to 24 years, in addition to that it is established that there is a high level of suicide in men. In our country, Colombia was estimated that by 2015, 2068 suicides were recorded where more than half was between 10 and 19 years old. Looking for information from a closer city we found that Bogotá for 2018 had a suicide index of 302 cases and ages between 15 and 34 years. (Restrepo, 2018)

Colombia has a large suicide index and every year it is evidenced that it increases significantly also demonstrating that the most repetitive people in suicide are men. In our country for each woman 5 men commit suicidal acts.

Putumayo is the most incidence department with a high level of suicides, followed by Arauca, Quindío, Guainía, Caldas, Huila and Risaralda.

Risk factor’s 

Suicide in people is associated with domestic problems, anxiety, behavior, depression or psychiatric family history or suicidal tendency. And psychological factors that influence the tendency of suicide, may be associated with cognitive rigidity and the deficit of problem -solving skills, that is, they are not able to seek a solution to their problem and as they would ordinarily say they are drowned in aGlass of water, because they believe they cannot help them or can think that they are weak people in any situation.

Other factors associated with suicide are genetic such as: the decrease in homovalinic acid, which is a precursor of dopamine and is found in cerebrospinal fluid changes in serotonin metabolism are related to suicidal behavior. “Studies carried out in twins suggest that up to 45% of the differences found in the suicidal behavior of twins are explained by genetic factors. These estimates of heritability of suicidal behavior are similar to those found in other mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.”(Clinica, 2017)

It is common for parents to suffer from some mental illness, among which are cited by their frequency, paternal alcoholism and maternal depression.

Another suicidal risk factor in childhood is the presence of suicidal behavior in one of the parents. (Marietan, 2016)

Age also influences the ability to solve problems because in adolescence there is still immature where it cannot be seen beyond the problem by which a suicidal tendency is being had.

Detonators in adolescents:

Suicidal behavior is considered a chain that begins from cognitive aspects to its behavior. "The desire to die can be considered the portal of self-destructive behavior and represents the disable and dissatisfaction of the individual with his way of life at the present time". (Horacio b. Vargas, 2012)

"Risk factors can be classified as modifiable and immodifiable. The former are related to social, psychological and psychopathological factors and can be modified clinically. Immodifiable factors are associated with the subject itself or the social group to which they belong and are characterized by their maintenance over time and because their change is foreign to the clinician ”(Clinica, 2017)

Suicidal behavior is not inherited, but there is a genetic predisposition to suffer from certain mental illnesses;We must try to prevent this behavior by promoting a healthy way of life such as sports, responsible sexuality, non -toxic habits and developing other interests that allow proper use of free time.

Some suicide factors are:

  • Modifiable
  • Immodifiable
  • Affective disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Substance abuse
  • Personality disorder
  • Other mental disorders
  • Physical Health
  • Psychological dimensions
  • Inheritability
  • Sex
  • Age:
  • Teenagers and young adults
  • Geriatric age
  • Marital status
  • Occupational and economic situation
  • Religious beliefs
  • Social support
  • Previous suicidal behavior
  • Age: Before puberty the attempt at suicide and suicide have a greater range, but without leaving behind that adolescence has a greater increase that is associated with what lives in context and has a greater increase in late adolescence. The suicide plan and attempt in different groups including adults from 18 to 44 years old are analyzed.
  • Sexuality: The LGBTI community as: gays, lesbians and bisexuals is a community that is attacked both physical, verbal, emotional and through social networks for their sexual inclination.

Somehow this influences in a negative way and leads to these people have more reasons for thinking, devising, trying and committing suicide since these are most of the time they are predisposed to receive a given support.

The NGO also indicates that the young people of the LGBT population have almost five times more likely to have tried to commit suicide. (Patiño, 2018)

  • Internet: cyberbullying, a new form of violence, includes the use of electronic media with the intention of causing harm, humiliation, suffering, fear, despair and exclusion to the attacked individual. (Restrepo, 2018). Bullying is no longer a problem of classrooms, but has taken the step to the Internet and social networks. Children and young people under 25 who suffer from cyber harass. (Consultations, 2017)

Facebook also offers a bullying prevention center, which was created in collaboration with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, to provide information to parents, educators and adolescents with specific resources to face the cyberbullying.

Instagram, owned by Facebook, has a similar resource. In July of this year, the social network updated its algorithm and strengthened its offensive comments filters. In this way, comments that directly attack the appearance or character of a person or threats for their well -being are automatically blocked. In principle, this system works for accounts and comments in English.

  • Family: In childhood, as it is logical, suicidal risk factors must be detected mainly in the family environment. In general, the family emotional climate is chaotic, because there is no adequate functioning of its members and the roles or borders of their respective members are not respected. The parents, when they live together, are enrolled in constant complaints, reaching physical violence between them or directing them to the most vulnerable members, in this case the youngest, boys and girls and the oldest, oldest and old.

Durkheim and his 4 suicide theories: according to Durkheim it is called suicide at any case of death that is directly or indirectly a positive or negative act, executed by the victim herself, knowing that this result would produce this result. (Well, 2016)

Durkheim’s Suicide work (1982), which receives the influence of the predominant European thought of the time (Quatelet, 1842; Buckle, 1850). Durkheim considers that social facts must be studied as things, that is, as realities external to the individual.

That is, it is not the individuals who commit suicide, but the same society through certain individuals. Hypothesizes that all suicides result from disturbances in the relationship between the individual and society, and based on it, it establishes four forms of suicide: the selfish, the altruistic, the anomic and the fatalist.

  1. Altruistic suicide: occurs when the subject has exaggerated the social construct, and if he does not comply with the norms that society is affected since in one way or another it has to fit in that society.
  2. Selfish suicide: the subject does not achieve a link in society either because of his sexual condition, his ideology or even his ethnicity, this makes it feel isolated.
  3. Anomic suicide: the subject loses interest, to link to society, either because he does not agree with this in some social aspects. In addition, it loses interest in other people Example: a love disappointment.
  4. Fatalistic suicide: This is because the subject feels exposed and pressed by society, to the point that people are always in constant observation of what example does: if he already studies, if he is working, if he is doing something forhis life.

For Dra. Ana Montes All suicides suffer from a psychiatric disorder, or a healthy person can come to commit suicide if they face certain adverse vital events.

"Patients with a personality disorder are very impulsive, with low frustration tolerance, and have a high index, not so much of consummated suicides, such as suicide attempts" (Montero, 2015)

In more than 90% of suicides there is a base psychiatric disorder, but it is increasingly seen suicide is an event with multiple causes and one of it is social causes, so a person with a weak personality,With little tolerance to frustration, and in which a series of social, cultural, or other factors converge, can also be committed to commit suicide, but in reality more than 90% of suicides occur in people with psychiatric pathologies. (Salabert, 2015)

Freud only find scattered references (Freud, 1901; 1915; 1920; 1920).The most relevant contributions of Freud’s work are:

  1. The fundamental idea of suicide as part of the homicide,
  2. Ambivalence love and hate that is present in the dynamics of all suicide, and
  3. The Association of Aggression, and therefore of suicide, to the manifestation of an instinct or death drive that constantly seeking an eternal rest can find its expression in suicide.

Other authors (Hendinr 1951; Litman, 1965) consider that the theory of death instinct is more a philosophical point of view than a scientific hypothesis, since Freud formulated it because without it he could not properly explain the self-destructiveness of human beings.

Horney (1950) considers, unlike these Freudian doctrines, that the distorted forms of development are born from culturally caused disorders (religion, politics, paternal figures) in the child’s development, thus producing a neurotic development.

Suicide phases:

  1. Ideation: It is a high -risk indicator since in one way or another the subject is transmitting his desire to die;This is devising a suicide either through writing, drawings and thought, also an important feature is his behavior and way of acting before society.
  2. Threat: The subject threatens to commit suicide to get something, whether help or the need for someone to remain by his side example: at the end of a relationship threats to his partner if he does not stay by his side attempts against his life.
  3. Plan: It is the planning of how, when, where you will do it, also thinking that instruments will use in order to obtain the result you want.
  4. Suicide: It is the time where he has achieved the goal of ending his life which had structured.

Suicidal behavior covers the following manifestations:

Adolescence is defined as a stage of the life cycle between childhood and adulthood, which begins by pubertal changes and is characterized by deep biological, psychological and social transformations, many of them are generating crisis, conflicts and contradictions, but essentiallypositive.

  1. The desire to die. It represents the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction of the subject with his way of living in the present moment and that he can manifest in phrases such as: "Life is not worth living it", "what I would like is to die", "to live in this way the bestis to be dead ”and other similar expressions.
  2. The suicidal representation. Constituted by mental images of the suicide of the individual himself, who can also express himself stating that he has imagined hanged or that he has thought hanged.
  3. The suicide threat. It consists of the insinuation or verbal affirmation of the suicidal intentions, usually expressed before people closely linked to the subject and who will do their best to prevent it. It should be considered as a request for help.
  4. The suicide gesture. It is the gesture of performing a suicidal act. While the threat is verbal, the suicidal gesture includes the act, which usually does not entail relevance injuries for the subject, but that must be considered very seriously.
  5. The suicide attempt, also called para-subject, suicide attempt, attempted self-elimination or intention. It is that act without death in which an individual deliberately hurts himself.
  6. Frustrated suicide. It is that suicidal act that, of not mediating fortuitous situations, not expected, casual, would have ended in death.
  7. Accidental suicide. The one carried out with a method of which its true effect or with a known method was unknown, but that the outcome was not thought to be death, not desired by the subject when carrying out the act.
  8. Intentional suicide. It is any self-inflicted lesion made by the subject with the purpose of dying and whose result is death.

Of all the components of suicidal behavior, the most frequent are suicidal ideas, suicide attempts and consumed suicide, whether accidental or intentional.


  1. We wanted to do the work thinking of making a really valuable message known regarding suicide so that in one way or another, people who are thinking of doing so ask for help and can see exit to problems, for now suicide is one ofThe greatest mortality factors, suddenly we are doing something really bad for people to think about such an atrocious act that is like attempting against their own life and does not see a much more hopeful exit or so to speak motivating. You have to keep these factors in mind and verify if you are going through this situation to act faint.
  2. While we develop the work we could show and know different perspectives for its authors from different points of view such as the social, the familiar.
  3. Suicide is almost always given by society either by being exaggerated within it or by the exclusion of it for having different thoughts. All human beings are vulnerable on many occasions in a moment of weakness to a suicide thought only what some may only be a thought, but that for others there is no solution and do not find the exit to the situation or the problem that ishave.


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