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Summer Night Dream: Work At Night


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Summer night dream: Work at night


There are many professionals who play their workday at night: health professionals, police, vigilantes or transporters, among others. But there are also many studies to confirm that working at night has negative health consequences, both physical and emotional, especially if this turn is maintained over time.

The truth is that in some jobs it is inevitable to work at these schedules, although many institutions and agencies insist on taking measures so that as far as possible the shifts are smaller. Now how does it affect working at night? Can the body get used to? Health effects: sleeping by day is not the same as sleeping at night.


In the first place, not sleeping at night implies that it is not resting normally, since you do not have a repair dream because the brain is genetically scheduled to rest in these schedules. In fact, people who play their workday during the night usually rest between one or two hours less.

There is also an alteration of the biological rhythm and a decrease in melatonin due to the artificial light of the workplace. This has serious consequences, since the production of this hormone usually increases as the sun falls, but in this context it decreases, which is why some drowsiness can be experienced, in addition to hormonal changes.

Thus, the main problem associated with nightly works is sleep alterations, specifically insomnia, since the organism is forced to sleep when you have to be awake and to be alert when it has a greater predisposition for sleep.

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So sleep patterns are quite affected.

On the side, states of tiredness and bad mood, depressive symptoms, chronic fatigue, work stress, the appearance of bad eating habits and negative repercussions on social and family life are usually frequent. And not only that, according to the International Labor Organization, if a person works for 15 years at night, he will age 5 years prematurely.

In addition, more serious consequences are also highlighted, such as those that were revealed from an investigation by the America Journal of Preventive Medicine in which the health status of a large group of nurses was observed for almost four years. The results indicated that deaths from cardiovascular diseases were more common in nurses who had worked permanently with a night shift or rotating for more than five years. Tips for working at night

As we see, working at night implies serious risks, so it is essential to follow some guidelines and recommendations to reduce its impact. Have a balanced diet. According to several studies, people who work at night usually feed worse, since they turn to fast food, stimulating or relaxing drinks to induce sleep. Thus, taking care of this aspect is essential to prevent health problems and keep the body with energy and vitality.

Take care of sleep schedules. Ideally, each of us sleeps between 7-8 hours in a row, regardless of the turn in which we work and that a kind of routine follows to relax both the body and the mind and be able to rest. Also, if it is possible that it is always on the same time. Sleep before working at night. It is advisable to sleep before starting to work a small nap, in this way the brain can enjoy a rest time and can be prepared to work, in addition to balance the sleep hours.

Isolate noise when. It’s about avoiding all kinds of noise when you sleep to rest better. From closing windows, putting caps on the ears or closing the room door. Do sport. Physical exercise is always recommended to improve the quality of life, since it produces numerous benefits both physically and mentally, it can also help us manage schedules.


Wear dark glasses when leaving work. It is a kind of trap for the brain, since it will believe that it is not daytime and it will be easier to reconcile the dream when you get home. Take care of relationships with others. Working at night can cause irritation and bad mood, so it is important that learning to manage these states so that they do not have a negative impact on relationships with others.

This aspect is very important and we should not forget it, since it is necessary to check the health status from time to time, but especially in special situations such as working at night. Finally, it is recommended not to work at night from 35 years, since this is the limit age in which our body has more ease to recover in this type of situation. As we see, it is clear that working at night is hard and has its consequences, so we should not neglect ourselves. Sleeping is a need in which not only the amount of sleep is important, but the quality of the same. Let’s not forget it. 

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