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Swot Analysis In Companies


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Finally, a SWOT analysis, an important planning tool used to demonstrate the internal and external factors that naturally influence both positive and negative in their management.

After having properly accessed the declarations of the value added tax by meanspassed from 2014.


Therefore, the total monthly sales compiled from the company is presented during the last 4 years, with the purpose of analyzing how advantageous the demand for its products has been. In addition, an annual summary of the years already mentioned is indicated, clear2014, however, it is convenient to emphasize that in 2016 it recovered considerably, but not enough to stay, which is why its sales again decrease in 2017.

From this point you can see and reaffirm the problem that obstructs the step so that this company continues to grow locally;Do not have a strategic marketing planning tool, to anticipate certain non -controllable external factors that have an impact on demand and cause it to alternate or change daily. For this reason, a sales forecast is very useful in relation to the administration of resources, maintenance of operations and finance, becoming a key guide for the success and competitive advantage of the company.

In this way, a short -term quantitative sales forecast was first proceeded, emphasizing sales volume in 2018. Indeed, it began with the application of the forecast by means of simple mobile averages of 3 months and subsequently the forecast of weighted mobile averages was applied, all with the aim of setting the method that best suits the gradual movements that existIn past sales.

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Therefore, it could be deduced that the method of weighted mobile averages is the best successful and precise prognosis, unlike the simple mobile average method, it is more close to the real sales of the examined period, becoming an adequate method forthat the company under study implements.

However, the method of weighted mobile averages, although it emphasizes recent sales, has certain limitations because it does not take into account the trends found in sales, being necessary to apply another technique called as an exponential softening prognosis,which requires a previous or previous estimate of sales to be able to make.

A long -term sales forecast was also made by using the minimum tables with 16 periods grouped in quarters from 2015. With this, the equation of the optimal adjustment line was calculated that allowed to estimate that sales for the 17 or first quarter of 2019.

From the results analyzed on the company “VH communications” the following can be concluded:

  • The company has obtained irregular or random sales levels in the last 3 years because it has not been able to control the external factors that affect the demand of its products, but whose influence can be to a certain degree prevented through the application ofa sales forecast, and thus make due decisions and give them solution in advance.
  • Through the interview it was determined that the manager has a democratic leadership because before making certain decisions that affect the work environment, it takes into account the opinion of its workers


To solve the problems of the company "VH communications" it is recommended:

  • Apply a sales forecast every month or each quarter since short -term period sales forecasts are more precise
  • Do not implement long -term forecasts with the minimum tables, since the company’s sales do not remain at all stable, but are usually irregular, and can lead to a forecast with shortcomings
  • It is suggested that the manager hire a person to make the prognosis in case it is implemented, considering that in addition to generating a new source of employment will be ensuring the success of the company in the market that every day becomes morecompetitive
  • Combine the mobile averages forecast method with the exponential softening technique, since the latter requires prior estimate and thereby reduce the forecast error
  • Maintain your democratic leadership style because it stimulates participation among your employees and itself
  • Modify your advertising with more striking design to capture the attention of new consumers and introduce novelties.



The precision of the forecast offered by this technique depends essentially on the value assigned to the softening constant, in this case for the volumes of sales grouped in quarters of the year 2018, 3 different values were assigned to which it was finally verified that if itsValue is between 0.5 and 0.7 and more than 0.5 The prognosis will be more precise than if only the weighted mobile averages method is applied, and thus the average absolute deviation would be reduced at least, it isSay the forecast error that once already made, it is estimated that sales for the first quarter of the year 2019 will be 34998.46.

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