Teacher, Teacher And Teacher Terms With The Same Meaning For Society
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DownloadTeacher, teacher and teacher terms with the same meaning for society
Teacher, teacher and teacher for many seems to be a word that refers to a single professional person "who teaches", however it is necessary to study deeply to know the specific meaning of each of these terms.
Comparing the etymological meanings of the three terms, according to the study of the Latin Language Dictionary of Alfred and Antonie Leillet. "TEACHER" is etymologically, the present participle of the Latin verb of the Documento that means "teach", that is;"Make someone learn". On the other hand, the meaning of the term "teacher" is the ancient patrimonial form of the Latin word magister, "magistrum" with the original meaning of "the best – boss", the magister form is built on the magis root "more",where "maximum" also derives, which demonstrates virtuous characteristics, on this root, which already has a meaning of superiority before all. And finally "professor", which is a noun of action derived from the verb "profiteor" that means talking in front of people, composed of the proverb "pro" which means "in front of" and the verb bond "speak", being easy being itssemantic meaning, being a teacher who speaks in front of the students.
According to the article, be or not to be a teacher, educator, professor? Written by Georgina Conteras Santos, confirms that in the daily teaching, teacher and teacher language it is usually used as an analogous, although for her it does not represent the same.
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On the one hand, he argues that the term "teacher" is polysemic are used as synonyms for the following words: pedagogue, instructor, trainer, educator, teacher, training, academic, guide, guru, mentor, others, where whose function is ofcharacter that implies the direct realization of the processes of teaching -learning systematics, which includes the diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation of the same processes and their results. On the other hand for his conception the "teacher" is the one who teaches and the teacher is the one who educates. And who only teaches, meets a pre -established program, is focused on his teaching, is a transmitter of knowledge, qualifies results. But who educates fulfills a service mission, stating that "teacher" is such a deep concept that it is great to all teachers and in its meaning it is "man who consecrates his life to the educational task", that in the popular understanding teacher iswho is distinguished in their activity or trade;Who under his knowledge, teaches others, not as a simple instructor, but as a tutor in life itself where they charge feeling theory and practice becomes a model and guide for their disciples.
Through the analysis regarding the three terms that seem to have the same meaning, we reach the following conclusion as;Teacher, teacher and teacher are terms that popularly within our context most of our society use in a similar way, I think the difference is in the meaning that each of us gives. In my five years of professional training in the "Higher School of Metro Formation", learning shared through experience allows me to affirm that the training of the teacher in this educational system tends to change, improve and innovate, to respond to the demandsthat demands, according to the vocations and potential of each region, in addition to having a training in life and for life, where the vocation of service that will be taught is the means that leads us to be called “teachers” of the modelProductive Community Educational.
- Alfred and Antonie Meillet. Dictionnaire ethymologique of the Latin Langue. HISITORIE MOTS. Paris: Klincksieck. 1951. Printed.
- Santos Conteras. Scientific dissemination. Mexico.www.OEI.is/scientific dissemination/?Ser-o-not-doccent-educational.
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