Teams and organizations part 2
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Teams and Organizations
In my opinion, corporate culture can be managed even though it is a long-time process which might require an overall change in leadership. Corporate culture is a set of behaviors and norms, valued and recognized within a given organization (Mullakhmetov, Sadriev & Akhmetshin, 2018, 520). When a new business strategy evolves, most likely a part of a culture is likely to develop as well. A critical point in managing a cultural change is to identify where one is starting and the targeted destination (Davis & DSL, 2018, 46). New changes in an organization require employees to focus or prioritize the various type of task and therefore the source of managing a culture change.
By saying a nation culture exist in organizations, it means that national cultures are diverse in the local businesses and influence management or organization in various ways. The national culture includes things like values, shared beliefs, pervasiveness and norms. Nation culture can be transmitted through ritual and symbols. For instance, business management today is bound by several rules or regulations which must work following the national cultures to ensure corporation get mainstream attention. Nation culture exists in an organization in different facets such as communication or linguistics (Hallikainen & Laukkanen, 2018, 98). For example, due to geographical variance, there can be found linguistic barriers in that some languages may not easily be comprehended in some locations.
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Languages like jargons and slangs are considered regional and thus rendered inappropriate for other parts of the world. Therefore, for the management to reduce the use of regional language in the workplace a national culture of international language is employed primarily in multinational organizations. National culture varies with locations and for the transitional organizations seeking to expand their markets must take into account foreign cultures to explore the expectation of local workers they employ.
Reference list
Davis, M.W. & DSL, M., 2018. Managing Organizational Culture and Design During Succession. From the Editor Dr. Diane M. Wiater, 6(1), pp.45-54.
Hallikainen, H. & Laukkanen, T., 2018. National culture and consumer trust in e-commerce. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), pp.97-106.
Mullakhmetov, K.S., Sadriev, R.D.& Akhmetshin, E.M., 2018. Corporate culture in management systems. European Research Studies Journal, 21(1), pp.519-528.
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