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Technology And Environmental Care


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Technology and Environmental Care


The continuous technological discovery brings considerable advances for the good human being, also, to a lesser extent, but not least, all these advances and discoveries generate wear in the environment, changing both the way of exploiting raw materials, and our relationship withthe same. Although, the industry is one of the main relationship problems between technology and the environment, the best thing that could be done is to reach the closest of mutualism with the technologies that are created through these industries, thus reaching a futurechange for good in them.

Every day, lots of technological artifacts are created, which with the capitalist system that governs us induces us to spend and not spare on all the garbage generated in these artifacts, leaving aside that this is not a problem in itself with technology, it derives fromShe, since new and better updates of a certain product are created, feels as if the old one became obsolete, having a great impact on the environment by not having recycling or reuse culture.

It is easily verifiable that the progress in technologies also leads to a positive impact on the technology-medium-environment relationship, this, since the market seeks to reduce costs, all technology that consumes less energy will be spending less money, thus promoting a continuous careerIn search of lower consumption, thus benefiting a mistreatment environment.

Technologies such as LED lights (light-emitting diode), refrigerators, televisions, cars, methods of obtaining renewable energy, etc.

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All aim in the future being ecological, but not the point of view that will be expected (helping to lower environmental pollution), but rather from the commercial point of view.

However, not everything is directly to technology, we must also be self-critical and take this help that gives us or will give us technology:

Documentaries such as “Before The Flood” by Leonardo DiCaprio help us understand the impact we have had on our planet, being a call for attention to our actions. However, these facts are not the fault of science and technology per [by itself], but we are the ones who have given this use, that irresponsible consumption;Even so, these two (science and technology) can be in fact, our only allies when trying to correct the environmental impact we have committed. (Hernández F, Sandoval M. Science, Technology and Environment. Where are we going?, Morfolia

Unique or main allies to help the environmental impact, a strange, but certain contradiction, since technology has become everything that surrounds us, putting the environment in urban areas, therefore, the solution is to improve the impactof this in the environment.

The relationship between capitalism and global warming of the countries of large industries, such as the United States, a relationship that can be obviously seen with the arrival of the industrial revolution by increasing emissions and global temperature, evidence that today collide with thecorporate interests, this shows that if the technology with which all the products that capitalism wants to sell are made, it will be impossible to bring economic growth together with reduction of environmental pollution is not changed.

Multinationals and giant companies are an example of how technology can negatively intervene the environment, but there are also studies that demonstrate the commitment of some of the most recognized companies with the planet, giving a light of hope for a future that ifWell, it is uncertain, the more changes for good, the more the balance will be inclined for a future where technology and the environment can help each other.

As explained by the environmental consultant Green Globe, thanks to technological advances we can achieve the reduction in the generation of pollutants and we can also increase the energy efficiency that leads to reduce the amount of resources consumed. (Green Globe, Sustainability Practical Guide for SMEs.

The advantages that companies can obtain when establishing environmental technologies increase more and more and are much more applicable, than being increasingly profitable, they are able to position themselves in the view of companies that still did not have these technologies, advantages tale as;decrease in potential environmental risks, recognition by interest groups: administration, society, clients, suppliers, waste valuation, among others.

The relationship between capitalism and global warming of the countries of large industries, such as the United States, a relationship that can be obviously seen with the arrival of the industrial revolution by increasing emissions and global temperature, evidence that today collide with thecorporate interests, this shows that if the technology with which all the products that capitalism wants to sell are made, it will be impossible to bring economic growth together with reduction of environmental pollution is not changed.

The pollution of the environment because of technologies and mainly their manufacture, although it is high, companies committed to environmental preservation and care goes. When a company undertakes, both the product it sells, as the technology that manufactures will also be affected in a environmental, thus establishing a cycle in terms of environmental care and technologies created. The benefits that will leave companies establishing environmental technology policies graphics us a promising future when we see each new technology a greater care on the planet.   

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