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Test On The Electromagnetic Spectrum


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Test on the electromagnetic spectrum


The electromagnetic spectrum are various types of electromagnetic waves that contain a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths. These differ because each one has a certain wavelength, since some are smaller wavelength (for example, gamma rays), and others of greater wavelength, such as radio waves, and only a smallpart of him is visible to the human eye. Electromagnetic spectra have several applications and benefits in the area of medicine, research and even in our daily lives, in addition that they are great importance for the development of telecommunications, since this is presented on radios, on television, insatellites, cell phones, etc. As is knowledge., These are some of these examples, but it must be taken into account that all of these have a common element called electromagnetic spectrum. This essay is important because it will announce that in our daily living we are surrounded by various types of electromagnetic spectra and many of these are not visible to the human eye, but that we have greatly taken advantage, therefore, we have opened a broader panoramaFor technological and scientific development, and in some cases we have been able to know and recognize those that are visible to the human eye.


During most of our history, the visible light was the only known part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and over the years this was developed by several people, until in the 1860s it was discovered following the experiments andThe contributions of the British James Maxwell the presence of electromagnetic waves and formalized the equations of his study, known as Maxwell’s equations.

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By having knowledge about Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen electromagnetic waves, born on March 27, 1845, changed the world by producing electromagnetic radiation regarding X -rays and opened new opportunities and inspiration in the investigation of natural sciences, since for the firstonce a human body could be observed without the need to perform some surgical operation.

At that time the effects produced by X -rays were unknown, until the first radiologists experienced burns in their hands due to the lack of protection measures. When the properties of gamma rays were discovered (similar to X -rays) is just when radiological protection began to develop. 

This is how, when time, these electromagnetic spectra begin to have uses in society, especially in the area of medicine and telecommunications, realizing that we are increasingly living around different electromagnetic spectra where in some regions we cannot feel them, sinceWe do not have an own sensor appropriate to sensitivity, but if we have an instrument that would help us, which is called spectroscope, this is an instrument that serves to measure the properties of light in a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This instrument can also be prepared homemade.

As can be seen in Figure 1 the benefits, applications and uses of the electromagnetic spectrum vary depending on the region in which they are, we can also classify and order them according to their different wavelengths and frequencies. There is a type of radiation or electromagnetic spectrum that are visible to the human eye that constantly surrounds us, but they are not harmful to our health, since they have very low frequencies, but there are also radiation that are highly harmful to our human body because they have high frequencies.

Next, the main uses of each of the smaller wavelength spectrum regions will be detailed to a higher wavelength.

  • Radio frequency waves: These serve us to transmit information to radio, television, cell phones, etc.
  • Microwave: they transmit information through antennas, but it also helps us to heat food in it.
  • Ultraviolet Radiation: It is a type of radiation that is present but is not visible to the human eye, we can feel it when it is emitted by the sun and is evidenced at the time of tan.
  • Infrared radiation: it is transmitted by the sun towards our planet, but it is not visible to the human eye, however, it is used in night vision equipment with an already advanced equipment.
  • Visible light spectrum: it is the light most exploited by society is present in visual mechanisms such as cinema, television, cell phone flashlight.
  • X -rays: it is used more in the medicine area to visualize the interior of our bodies beyond the tissues such as bones, it is also used to perform radiotherapy or treatment for people with people with people with people with people with people with people. It is a highly harmful radiation to people’s health, you have to have a specialized team for this area.


The issue is related to the subject studied in the semester, especially focused on electromagnetic waves because as they are known, they are conveniently treated and modulated dependent on their frequency, length and period, since they can be used to transmit information giving place to thetelecommunication. Through these electromagnetic waves we can form a communication system, the communication is currently expanding throughout the world and every day new technological means of communication continue to be developed. Today electromagnetic waves of different frequencies are used for the transformation of guided media which are used by means of cables such as braided torque, coaxial cable and the optical fiber used in the earth’s atmosphere. On the other hand, unproven media are used for the spread of these electromagnetic waves. In this project it can be seen that all the issues learned contain, since electromagnetic waves serve us for many things and cover everything that is telecommunications.

The expected results of the project were met, since a model could be developed that explains in a better way as electromagnetic spectra are present in our daily lives and how we give them a use.


I concluded that the electromagnetic spectrum is a set of electromagnetic waves that are present in our environment, in a synthesized way I could understand the application and how electromagnetic waves act in the external environment and how these are reflected in domestic and general use devices and in general such as theTelevision, cell phones, radio waves and much more that can be part of our daily lives, although they are not visible to the human eye many of them cause us to harm us, but they have various medical and practical applications that are also part of whatthat today we take as a quality of life. That is why its manipulation is, without a doubt, one of the great discoveries of humanity. As this looks like over the years, it has evolved by giving us many benefits today, we can take advantage of them in a great way, it is not a secret that technological advance has facilitated life by making our daily lives a learning every day. This essay focused on the project that I have done during most of the semester brought me many learning, since when I did my research to be able to present my project I understood that these electromagnetic spectra will be present in my daily life, and as which of these radiation couldbe harmful to my health, so I should carry protection before these. I think it is important to know about this issue, since even when we communicate from one place to another we are generating several electromagnetic waves that with the help of several factors are modulated until the information reaches a receiver.


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