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Texas Government/Article Summary
Texas government offers different services to the people residing in various parts of the state. The services range from social to political issues of the American society. The examples of the aspects of the society that are taken into consideration in Texas are homelessness of the veterans and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) refers to a federal policy that assists the uninsured individuals in getting affordable health insurance (“Texas.Gov | The Official Website Of The State Of Texas” 1). It offers service to men and women equally in regards to the costs charged to individuals. One is free to enroll or not to enroll in the Affordable Care Act, but the health insurance companies have the obligations to meet the higher standards set by the health law for people who have been registered.
In sum, the education system is effective and efficient as it equips the students with the necessary skills and knowledge for the use in different industrial segments of the whole United States. The system consists of all stages of education, including the elementary and university institutions, and accommodates thousands of students living in and outside the state. The advanced education has promoted the economic development as the companies can obtain the skilled workers to accomplish their organizational goals (“Texas.Gov | The Official Website Of The State Of Texas” 1).

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Legal System
The legal system of Texas State consists of different types of courts. The appellate courts of its judicial system are the Supreme Court for juvenile and civil proceedings; the Court of Criminal Appeals for criminal cases; and the 14 courts of appeals for criminal and civil cases. The Texas state government officials are competent enough to ensure that all cases are concluded efficiently and within the shortest span possible (“Texas.Gov | The Official Website Of The State Of Texas” 1).
The Homeless Veteran
Veterans represent almost one-fourth of the homeless population in the U.S. The situation among this population is due to the impacts and stresses of the fights. The returning veterans who experience the pain from depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome, physical injuries, and traumatic brain injury, among other infections, frequently get it difficult to reunite with the community and, consequently, end up residing on the streets (“Texas.Gov | The Official Website Of The State Of Texas” 1). To curb the problem of homelessness among the veterans, the government has designed various programs with the view of improving the welfare of these people. The examples of such programs include the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Domiciliary Care of Homeless Veterans Program.
Affordable Care Act for Individuals-Fact Sheet
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) refers to a federal policy that assists the individuals in getting affordable health insurance. It influences the amount of money one will pay for insurance and the quality of health insurance that is provided by private insurance firms in the health insurance sector. The ACA specifies that the insurance firms must meet the higher standards, such as giving free preventable health care and insuring essential health services and benefits. Again, the ACA consists of different cost plans, depending on the income of the individual. These plans include the platinum, gold, silver, and bronze, with platinum the most expensive plan while bronze the lowest cost scheme (“Texas.Gov | The Official Website Of The State Of Texas” 1). An individual interested can enroll via the health insurance marketplace when there is an open registration session.
Affordable Care Act and Women
Women are no more charged more than men under the ACA for health insurance premiums. ACA offers women access to maternity advantages and preventive provisions. Accordingly, approximately 8.7 million American women with private insurance plans obtained insurance for maternity benefits due to the health care policy. Furthermore, nearly 48 million women with individual health insurance are gaining from endorsed preventive benefits with no cost pooling, including cervical cancer screenings, mammograms, pneumonia and flu shots, and prenatal care (“Texas.Gov | The Official Website Of The State Of Texas” 1).
Texas is an established state of the United States because its government officials have done is required to ensure that the social welfare of the people, such as healthcare and education, are provided. The state takes care of the veterans through various programs that ensure that they are accommodated. It has also been seen that the health care services are improved and made affordable via the execution of the ACA.

Works Cited
“Texas.Gov | The Official Website Of The State Of Texas”. Texas.gov. N.p., 2016. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

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