“The 14 Points” Of Woodrow Wilson, Influences From The Nations Society
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The objective of this work is to analyze the influences of the "society of nations" in search of world peace, that is, the laws implemented by SDN will be considered after the First World War, laws that were based on the end ofWars, which will be taken perspectives of several historians who refer if the laws of the society of nations were successful in resolution within the war conflicts.
However, after the severe catastrophe caused by the First World War. In addition, the laws of the Nations Society after its completion brought great wars where alliances once again would be devastatingly overthrown with the passage of World War II.
Based on the aforementioned, the 14 points were promulgated, where: Woodrow Wilson proposed the 14 points for the peace and harmony of the world and say a stop to wars, so after the conference in Paris the SDN would emerge whose objective was to promote peaceguarantee and provide better living (Chamber, 2004).
As for the aforementioned, the Nations Society was a discussion advice to promote world peace. Therefore, this law is established as an assembly of arbitrary equality to punish the aggressors who wanted the cancellation of the pact. From this the question arises: to what extent the Nations Society allowed to conserve world peace during the period of 1918 until the beginning of World War II?
To answer the questioned question, the objective is to make known if the events of the laws of the Nations Society promoted world peace or worsened the situations of the countries before the catastrophic wars.
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However, the perspectives regarding the ideology provided by the Society of Nations arise, which will be analyzed under an approach, verifying whether they helped or affected countries devastated by wars and above all to ballistic protection.
Therefore, in order to answer the research question, the role of the Nations Society will be examined after the period of the First World War, the purposes and purposes of the creators of the Nations Society in Consonance will be taken into accountTo a war. Among the texts that will be evaluated, are: "The conflicts of the twentieth century, World War I" by the writer John Pimlott, a recognized historian of English nationality, so that an analysis of sources will be taken considering his book as a primary source for containing informationVery valuable to link problems from the First World War with the SDN, which will help a lot to answer the expressed question of the monograph, helping in its understanding of the influence of the Nations Society regarding its contribution to great changes orIf you are aggravated the situations of wars. "The era of the extremes the short century, 1914-1991", whose author is Eric Hobsbawm, the book considers very important points on the subject of the political system that was carrying. Uu at that time, in addition, he was a writer of Egypt nationality winner of the Wolf History Award, he wrote book as "History of the 20th century", "Globalization Democracy and Terrorism" among other books where his image stands out.
The issue is of great importance since there are criticisms regarding the society of nations and its promulgation of laws that could give protection to countries and, above all, that they end the wars. Therefore, it is essential to know the information of historians from several points of view about these wars within the economy and politics, in which we will identify the benefits and damages of the laws imposed by the Nations Society.
Chapter I: Origin of the Nations Society.
To know in depth how the causes for the creation and purposes of the laws of the Society of Nations were, the versions of the writer John Pimlott are taken into account, "the conflicts of the twentieth century First World War" The following:
“In the Battle of Dobropopolie located in Macedonia a set of military breaks the Bulgarian front preventing the lifting of the Bulgarian troops. Whereby the central powers are collapsed falling to the Anglo-French troops, completely destroying Germany with their allies ”(Pimlott, 1989).
According to historian John Pimlott, who created the book in order to explain the actions that the powers took to face the wars and how they end with these nations, the purpose of this book is to give support to the reader to reach conclusions ofThe good or bad things that the powers made to face the wars, therefore, the text has a very significant value of informing the primary causes of the First World War, so the source is limited to giving a version of how the future life wasof the nations affected by the wars.
It should be emphasized, that the aforementioned information from the First World War is very valuable. Whereby the source resembles pages of the website for the history of history Ana Portnoy, which states: “Regarding the fall of Germany and its allies in 1918 they necessarily sought treated or pacts to provide peace, after the passageThe First World War which left a balance millions of deaths, the primary insufficiency of world harmonious search ‘(Portnoy, 2010) was born
Consequently, the historian describes in her source to taste for the story that aims to explain that the powers after being destroyed by World War I would seek allies or treaties to provide peace. Therefore, at the source it can be seen that “after the imminence of the First World War several politicians proposed the pact called the SDN, a pact proposed by Wilson, within the 14 points for the promulgation of world tranquility” (Portnoy, 2010). Thus, the source contains a limitation by justifying why 14 points would be used, knowing that there could be other methods for the beginning of the SDN in search of harmony and a better future.
The "New Diplomacy" was exposed by Wilson to Congress on January 8, 1918, in a famous message known as;"The 14 points" This speech meant the true entry of the United States to the international scene, while marking Europe as a hegemonic power in the world, Wilson spoke before the Congress of "a fair and durable peace, withoutAnnexes, no war compensation, without secret diploma or national oppression (Segura, 1993).
According to Jorge Henan, this book was written to explain the main causes for the origin of the SDN, whose author’s purpose is to publicize the main causes of President Wilson when he proposed the 14 points. In addition, the value that the source makes known is very important because it presents a direct explanation, stating that the book also has limitation by not demonstrating full media security what it expresses.
On the other hand, Lara affirms that as for fourteen points the fourteent. Which extended the establishment of the League of Nations that was the hope of Wilson because the proposed would offer the peaceful solutions and a stop to the tangles in the international future, therefore, it can be said that the stop was agreed to the fire of the fire ofproblems in 1918. The allies accepted Wilson’s ideas before a very compromising proposal by saying no more to wars.
Chapter II: The Nations Society.
As for one of the issues that marked the story was the Nations Society, where President Woodrow Wilson helped write the league agreement. Within the purpose, many countries were expected to adhere to the pact to end the military intentions, therefore, according to the Henan historian, he mentions that the Nations Society Agreement is to ensure peace (Segura, 1993).
"After the human, economic and political disaster provided by the First World War, the Treaty of Versailles I think of the SDN with the aim of avoiding tangles to futures and better collective cooperation" (Maria, 2008).
Taking into account the “diplomacy” book of Henry Kissinger, it is expressed that: “President Woodrow Wilson after several stumbling blocks such as the fraud of the isolation adopted by the United States, the idealism of expanding the policies of theSociety of Nations to conserve peace through collective security throughout the world ”(Kissinger, 1996).
Substantially, the source is intended to imply that the society of nations if it counteracted very destructive wars, so it would maintain its purpose of seeking peace in countries or alliances destroyed by World War I. However, the value that is located at the source is valuable and relevant to continue with the investigation carried in the monograph, so the source is limited not to explain certain terms.
According to David Gamboa’s version of the Andalusian International University, he mentions that: “The Society of Nations in Chapters 26 promulgates the compulsory decisions of a new world order for the maintenance of peace and international collective security, in addition this point is based on the fact thatEvery member within this article must be governed to follow the laws of the Security Assembly ”(Tello, 2011).
According to the author’s purpose David Gamboa, explaining, that despite President Wilson’s problems, the SDN space was still standing, so the value of the source is the strength of the proposal to seek its objective of peace. However, the source does not determine anything concrete, so it is shown as a source limitation.
It is emphasized that, at the time of giving rise to the society of nations, its only objectives were to lift the entire country that was defeated and devastated by World War I and that they adhere to the pact with the only condition of staying allied to the margin, to resolve any conflict that will affect the peace pact.
Regarding article 8 and 9, it is based on the need to establish military areas in line with article 10, which guarantees territorial integration and political freedom, therefore the articles from 11 to 17 delimited that in case of attack they proposed an assemblyInternational justice for neutrality in political and economic system, therefore, the other articles were handled in cooperation projects in colonial towns and treaties.
According to historian Jorge Henan, he mentions: “That the agreement of the Nations Society in its current form, favored to ensure peace. Finally, Wilson’s disease, and the hatred of his political adversaries, determined that the United States great promoter of the pact, not winning in the presidential elections Woodrow Wilson was not an obstacle or affectation to the League of Nations to promulgate world peace ”(Safe, 1993).
It can be argued that Jorge Henan’s book aims to imply that with Wilson’s fall the countries would seek to enter the peace treaty, consequentversion of the author through his book, which were the risks that countries would face at the time of seeking peace and a better living.
Substantially this organism in its principles was successful for solving war problems from small countries. Therefore, the intentions to paralyze totalitarian dictators was a failure in geographical ambitions of Italy and Japan, focusing on Germany in 1930.
Chapter III: Intervention of the Company Society in Conflicts.
Consequently, based on the information it is said that in the beginning the SDN proposed to end the conflicts of the case of Finland and Sweden in 1929 by which the sovereignty of Isla Alannd fought. Time later, situations would be aggravated in war resolution by the Nations Society in 1932, by participating forcing arbitration in the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay. However, in 1938 he created a border purpose between Colombia and Peru for an area would release. (Carlo, 2012)
According to the historian (Portnoy, 2010) he reports that the beginnings of the Nations Society was a success because the conflicts of Finland and Sweden could be resolved in 1921, guaranteeing the security of Albania. In that same year, the liberation of Australia in the middle. However, the Society of Nations could not avoid the Chaco war between Paraguay and Bolivia in 1932-1935, nor could the War of Ethiopia and Italy avoid. Therefore, the two sources have similarity because it shares a purpose of explaining that the society of nations in its first intervention in wars is successful thanks to its peace policy, that over time the laws failed and decayed. Therefore, it can be seen that the source is very clear and concise with the versions it recounts, resulting in a limitation, by leaving certain events imprecise and not determining the historical facts of these dates.
On the other hand, according to the historian José Luis Neila (1997) he refers in his book that the study of its origin and the birth of the Nations Society against the devastating World War and the 14 points in search of peace, maintained an transfer inThe Paris Conference, seeking to form and rationalize international life and build conditions of peace that would guarantee collective security. After a long period of international relationship and over time it has been determined that the Nations Society was a failure in the maintenance of peace.
As for what was mentioned by the historian, the purpose of his book is to make known that the Society of Nations, together with his laws, went to the failure within a war. Therefore, it has a very important value since it is explicit and clear giving its version that helps a better analysis in the monograph, although it is limited to explaining certain facts that are very important within the investigation leading to confusion by the reader.
As for the author Maria, the Organization of the Society of Nations if it fulfilled its objective very fainally during the wars period, determining that it was not effectively strong to prevent the arrival of World War II. Therefore, the economic and political means, for not demonstrating interest, for their lack of unanimity and the fiasco made to the Peace Pact signed in 1919, failed to stop the Europas wars, rather the failure of society is determinedof nations, resulting in countries like Germany and Japan, among others, were unprotected (Celia, 2008)
Regarding the investigation, if the Nations Society could maintain peace after 1918, it can be said that it began at a time where all the most powerful nations were exhausted and tired of wars, and they wanted peace over all things. Therefore, the peace that promulgated the society of nations focused on guaranteeing the affected countries to restore their tranquility and economy, with the passing of time the tiredness of the war was gradually disappearing and certain nations felt aggravated by the result ofThe war, so from the beginning there were main allies (whose presence had built precisely the creation of society) that did not want to be part of it. However, the Society of Nations had not clearly agreed any means to coerce the country to break peace, considering a failure by the Nations Society. Therefore, the most relevant source to study within the investigation was the version of the book The "Society of Nations" of José Luis Neila, since it is a source written by a historic professor, who carried out the investigative work of analyzingThe failure of the Nations Society. However, the other sources were of great help to write the information, it is necessary to mention that its limitation was the edition of their texts, in periods away from the investigation date.
To end the research work of the monograph, it can be argued that the laws of the Nations Society could carry out or create peace ties and, consequently, the term of a war after 1918. To cite examples, you have the War of Sweden with Finland, which according to historian Ana Portnoy mentions that it was the first successful war that could resolve the society of nations. After carrying a long analysis of facts that influenced the peace maintained by the Nations Society, it was determined that it had as its sole purpose the creation of the events caused in the United States by the fourteen points of Wilson. The sole purpose of seeking peace of alliances destroyed by the Catastrophic First WarHe could create peace ties and no more wars. However, the peace policies by the Nations Society were not totally positive, so the historian José Luis Neila pronounced with his version before the society of nations that as some of the wars were resolved, others arose morestrong and with the arrival of World War II the pact would weaken and become a failure. Therefore, some historians are pronounced in this regard and do not precisely agree with the change of the SDN. However, the SDN was a neutral character of coexistence in the way of maintaining peace and not being against or in favor of its allies. Therefore, the Congress of that time helped to live in society in peace, since he refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. However, the SDN if it fulfilled its objectives, but in a pessimistic area since it ended up being overthrown with the passage of World War II, which at the time ended up being replaced by the UN. To close the investigation of the monograph, the limit of the society of nations was not totally a success, but a failure, but it was a good ideology, therefore, its only objective was not to be in favor or against thirst for revengeby its allies and the government.
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