The Abuse And Verbal Abuse
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Defining now the typology of abuse, abuse can be physical or emotional and according to these, it can be done actively or passively, in the physical-active is physical abuse and sexual abuse, in the physicist-peasive thePhysical abandonment, in the emotional-active emotional and emotional abuse is emotional abandonment.
- Physical abuse: It is defined as that abuse that is not accidental, but leads to consequences that compromise their health and general well -being, some indices to determine that the child is physically mistreated are: skin conditions, such as bruises anywhere in the body, fractures, burns, twisting, scratch, signs of bites, internal lesions, among others. To determine that there is physical abuse, at least one of the indicators mentioned above should be given, also that there are no indicators, but there is a accurate knowledge that if there has been any of the indicators or there may be no physical conditions, butThere is an accurate knowledge that parents or caregivers use severe punishments.
- Maltrate or emotional abandonment: it is defined as the lack of attention to responses that contemplate the tranquility of the child, which at that time is expressed as "cry or smiles", to the lack of interaction of parents or caregivers with infants, and inOnce from this, you can find insults, rudeness, contempt or abandonment threats, for this, four indicators are mentioned that enable the existence of emotional abandonment, as they are:
- The rejection: the frequent exclusion of the minor to family activities is presented from two to four years.
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- Terrorizing: the child is presented by threatening situations through the exaggerated proposition of punishments that cause great fear.
- Isolation: It occurs when there are deprivations of interaction of the child with the relations of the environment and of society, for example, at school, they would intend to move away the minor of all relations with their classmates.
- Ignore: It is presented when there is an absence of the availability of parents or caregivers with the child.
- Sexual abuse: It occurs when there is any sexual contact with a child under 18 by an adult who takes possession of the child, these can be presented in four types, they are:
- Incest: Refers to sexual abuse that is committed by an adult who presents the same consanguinity as uncle, nephew, brother etc. Abuse by caregivers who do not have consanguinity is also included, but they are in charge of the minor care.
- Violation: It occurs when there is no consanguinity, that is, he is an adult person, anyone.
- Sexual vexation: It is presented when there is an adult the touch of its intimate parts or in the event that it is done by the same child in the same areas of the adult.
- Sexual abuse without physical contact: It occurs when the adult produces verbal seduction towards the child, the exposure of the sexual intimate parts, attributing to the adult obtaining sexual gratification by the child.
It is based on the temporal or permanent carelessness of the infant by his parents or caregivers, denying the child the care referring to basic needs, such as food, education, dress, hygiene, health care among others among others, the most notorious evidence to determine that a child has physical abandonment is in chronicity.
Taking into account that there is a big difference between families living in impoverishment and parents or caregivers do not have the way to stay optimal or themselves, this possibility is not qualified as physical abandonment, rather it is taken into account as abandonmentPhysical any act of omission and negligence of responsibility for the basic needs of children.
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